소스 검색

More fixes and tweaks; cleanup; etc.

Ben Kurtovic 12 년 전
3개의 변경된 파일43개의 추가작업 그리고 24개의 파일을 삭제
  1. +1
  2. +36
  3. +6

+ 1
- 1
earwigbot/config/ordered_yaml.py 파일 보기

@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class OrderedLoader(yaml.Loader):
return mapping

class OrderedDumper(yaml.Dumper):
class OrderedDumper(yaml.SafeDumper):
"""A YAML dumper that dumps ordered dictionaries into mappings."""

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

+ 36
- 19
earwigbot/config/script.py 파일 보기

@@ -118,8 +118,13 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
if answer.startswith("n"):
return False

def _ask_pass(self, text):
def _ask_pass(self, text, encrypt=True):
password = getpass(self.PROMPT + text + " ")
if encrypt:
return self._encrypt(password)
return password

def _encrypt(self, password):
if self._cipher:
mod = len(password) % 8
if mod:
@@ -213,14 +218,17 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
question = "Would you like to re-enter your login information?"
if self._ask_bool(question):
self.data["wiki"]["username"] = self._ask("Bot username:")
self.data["wiki"]["password"] = self._ask_pass("Bot password:")
password = self._ask_pass("Bot password:", encrypt=False)
self.data["wiki"]["password"] = password
return self._login(kwargs)
password = self.data["wiki"]["password"]
question = "Would you like to re-enter the site information?"
if self._ask_bool(question):
return self._set_wiki()
self._print("""Moving on. You can modify the login information
stored in the bot's config in the future.""")
password = self.data["wiki"]["password"]
self.data["wiki"]["password"] = None # Clear so we don't login
self._print_no_nl("Trying to connect to the site...")
@@ -229,6 +237,10 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
self.data["wiki"]["password"] = password # Reset original value
print " success."

# Remember to store the encrypted password:
password = self._encrypt(self.data["wiki"]["password"])
self.data["wiki"]["password"] = password
return site

def _set_wiki(self):
@@ -249,7 +261,8 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
kwargs = {"base_url": url, "script_path": script}

self.data["wiki"]["username"] = self._ask("Bot username:")
self.data["wiki"]["password"] = self._ask_pass("Bot password:")
password = self._ask_pass("Bot password:", encrypt=False)
self.data["wiki"]["password"] = password
self.data["wiki"]["userAgent"] = "EarwigBot/$1 (Python/$2; https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot)"
self.data["wiki"]["summary"] = "([[WP:BOT|Bot]]): $2"
self.data["wiki"]["useHTTPS"] = True
@@ -275,7 +288,8 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
current task number. This can be used to implement a
separate shutoff page for each task.""")
page = self._ask("Page title:", default="User:$1/Shutoff")
disabled = self._ask("Page content when *not* shut off:", "run")
msg = "Page content to indicate the bot is *not* shut off:"
disabled = self._ask(msg, "run")
args = [("page", page), ("disabled", disabled)]
self.data["wiki"]["shutoff"] = OrderedDict(args)

@@ -305,9 +319,9 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
can use certain sensitive commands) and owners
(users who can quit the bot and modify its access
list), identified by nick, ident, and/or hostname.
Hostname is most secure since it cannot be easily
spoofed. If you have a cloak, it will probably look
like 'wikipedia/Username' or
Hostname is the most secure option since it cannot
be easily spoofed. If you have a cloak, this will
probably look like 'wikipedia/Username' or
host = self._ask("Your hostname on the IRC frontend:")
if host:
@@ -329,7 +343,7 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
watcher["host"] = self._ask(msg)
watcher["port"] = self._ask("Watcher port:", 6667)
nick = self._ask("Watcher bot's nickname:", frontend.get("nick"))
ident = self._ask("Watcher bot's ident:", watcher["nick"].lower())
ident = self._ask("Watcher bot's ident:", nick.lower())
watcher["nick"] = nick
watcher["ident"] = ident
question = "Watcher bot's real name (gecos):"
@@ -350,9 +364,9 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
self._print("""I am now creating a blank 'rules.py' file, which
will determine how the bot handles messages received
from the IRC watcher. It contains a process()
function that takes a Bot object allowing you to
start tasks and an RC object that holds the message
from the watcher. See the documentation for
function that takes a Bot object (allowing you to
start tasks) and an RC object (storing the message
from the watcher). See the documentation for
with open(path.join(self.config.root_dir, "rules.py"), "w") as fp:
@@ -367,6 +381,7 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
if (not self.data["components"]["irc_frontend"] or
self._ask_bool(msg, default=False)):
self.data["commands"]["disable"] = True
self._print("""I am now creating the 'commands/' directory, where you
can place custom IRC commands and plugins. Creating your
own commands is described in the documentation.""")
@@ -382,29 +397,31 @@ class ConfigScript(object):

def _set_schedule(self):
self._print("""The final section of your config file, 'schedule', is a
list of bot tasks to be started by the wiki scheduler.
Each entry contains cron-like time quantifiers and a
list of tasks. For example, the following starts the
'foobot' task every hour on the half-hour:""")
print "schedule:"
print "\x1b[33mschedule:"
print " - minute: 30"
print " tasks:"
print " - foobot"
print " - foobot\x1b[0m"
self._print("""The following starts the 'barbot' task with the keyword
arguments 'action="baz"' every Monday at 05:00 UTC:""")
print " - week_day: 1"
print "\x1b[33m - week_day: 1"
print " hour: 5"
print " tasks:"
print ' - ["barbot", {"action": "baz"}]'
print ' - ["barbot", {"action": "baz"}]\x1b[0m'
self._print("""The full list of quantifiers is minute, hour, month_day,
month, and week_day. See the documentation for more

def _save(self):
with open(self.config.path, "w") as strm:
yaml.dump(self.data, strm, OrderedDumper, default_flow_style=False)
with open(self.config.path, "w") as stream:
yaml.dump(self.data, stream, OrderedDumper, indent=4,
allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False)

def make_new(self):
"""Make a new config file based on the user's input."""

+ 6
- 4
earwigbot/wiki/copyvios/__init__.py 파일 보기

@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class CopyvioMixIn(object):

def __init__(self, site):
self._search_config = site._search_config
self._exclusions_db = self._search_config["exclusions_db"]
self._exclusions_db = self._search_config.get("exclusions_db")
self._opener = build_opener()
self._opener.addheaders = site._opener.addheaders

@@ -137,7 +137,8 @@ class CopyvioMixIn(object):
:py:exc:`~earwigbot.exceptions.SearchQueryError`, ...) on errors.
searcher = self._select_search_engine()
if self._exclusions_db:
handled_urls = []
best_confidence = 0
best_match = None
@@ -163,8 +164,9 @@ class CopyvioMixIn(object):
urls = [url for url in urls if url not in handled_urls]
for url in urls:
if self._exclusions_db.check(self.site.name, url):
if self._exclusions_db:
if self._exclusions_db.check(self.site.name, url):
conf, chains = self._copyvio_compare_content(article_chain, url)
if conf > best_confidence:
best_confidence = conf

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