Quellcode durchsuchen

'ignore_maxlag' in Site.get_maxlag().

Ben Kurtovic vor 12 Jahren
1 geänderte Dateien mit 14 neuen und 10 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. +14

+ 14
- 10
earwigbot/wiki/site.py Datei anzeigen

@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ class Site(object):
args.append(key + "=" + val)
return "&".join(args)

def _api_query(self, params, tries=0, wait=5):
def _api_query(self, params, tries=0, wait=5, ignore_maxlag=False):
"""Do an API query with *params* as a dict of parameters.

See the documentation for :py:meth:`api_query` for full implementation
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ class Site(object):
self._last_query_time = time()

url, data = self._build_api_query(params)
url, data = self._build_api_query(params, ignore_maxlag)
self._logger.debug("{0} -> {1}".format(url, data))

@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class Site(object):

return self._handle_api_query_result(result, params, tries, wait)

def _build_api_query(self, params):
def _build_api_query(self, params, ignore_maxlag):
"""Given API query params, return the URL to query and POST data."""
if not self._base_url or self._script_path is None:
e = "Tried to do an API query, but no API URL is known."
@@ -253,7 +253,8 @@ class Site(object):
params["format"] = "json" # This is the only format we understand
if self._assert_edit: # If requested, ensure that we're logged in
params["assert"] = self._assert_edit
if self._maxlag: # If requested, don't overload the servers
if self._maxlag and not ignore_maxlag:
# If requested, don't overload the servers:
params["maxlag"] = self._maxlag

data = self._urlencode_utf8(params)
@@ -678,15 +679,18 @@ class Site(object):
combined with the ``maxlag`` API query param (added by config), in
which queries will be halted and retried if the lag is too high,
usually above five seconds.

With *showall*, will return a list of the lag for all servers in the
cluster, not just the one with the highest lag.
params = {"action": "query", "meta": "siteinfo", "siprop": "dbrepllag"}
if showall:
params["sishowalldb"] = 1
with self._api_lock:
result = self._api_query(params, ignore_maxlag=True)
if showall:
result = self.api_query(action="query", meta="siteinfo",
siprop="dbrepllag", sishowalldb=1)
return [server["lag"] for server in result["query"]["dbrepllag"]]
result = self.api_query(action="query", meta="siteinfo",
return result["query"]["dbrepllag"][0]["lag"]
return result["query"]["dbrepllag"][0]["lag"]

def get_replag(self):
"""Return the estimated external database replication lag in seconds.
