
Miscellaneous tweaks and fixes.

Ben Kurtovic 11 年前
共有 3 个文件被更改,包括 58 次插入33 次删除
  1. +3
  2. +1
  3. +54

+ 3
- 0
earwigbot/commands/crypt.py 查看文件

@@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ class Crypt(Command):
cipher = Blowfish.new(hashlib.sha256(key).digest())
if data.command == "encrypt":
if len(text) % 8:
pad = 8 - len(text) % 8
text = text.ljust(len(text) + pad, "\x00")
self.reply(data, cipher.encrypt(text).encode("hex"))
self.reply(data, cipher.decrypt(text.decode("hex")))

+ 1
- 1
earwigbot/config/ordered_yaml.py 查看文件

@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class OrderedLoader(yaml.Loader):

class OrderedDumper(yaml.Dumper):
"""A YAML dumper that dumps mappings into ordered dictionaries."""
"""A YAML dumper that dumps ordered dictionaries into mappings."""

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(OrderedDumper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

+ 54
- 32
earwigbot/config/script.py 查看文件

@@ -22,12 +22,18 @@

from collections import OrderedDict
from getpass import getpass
from hashlib import sha256
from os import chmod, mkdir, path
import re
import stat
from textwrap import fill, wrap

from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish
except ImportError:
Blowfish = None

import bcrypt
except ImportError:
bcrypt = None
@@ -42,7 +48,7 @@ from earwigbot.config.ordered_yaml import OrderedDumper

__all__ = ["ConfigScript"]

RULES_TEMPLATE = """"# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
RULES_TEMPLATE = """# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def process(bot, rc):
\"\"\"Given a Bot() object and an RC() object, return a list of channels
@@ -58,7 +64,7 @@ class ConfigScript(object):

def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.data = OrderedDict(
self.data = OrderedDict([
("metadata", OrderedDict()),
("components", OrderedDict()),
("wiki", OrderedDict()),
@@ -66,11 +72,12 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
("commands", OrderedDict()),
("tasks", OrderedDict()),
("schedule", [])

self.wmf = False
self.proj = None
self.lang = None
self._cipher = None
self._wmf = False
self._proj = None
self._lang = None

def _print(self, text):
print fill(re.sub("\s\s+", " ", text), self.WIDTH)
@@ -105,6 +112,16 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
if answer.startswith("n"):
return False

def _ask_pass(self, text):
password = getpass("> " + text + " ")
if self._cipher:
mod = len(password) % 8
if mod:
password = password.ljust(len(password) + (8 - mod), "\x00")
return self._cipher.encrypt(password).encode("hex")
return password

def _ask_list(self, text):
print fill(re.sub("\s\s+", " ", "> " + text), self.WIDTH)
print "[one item per line; blank line to end]:"
@@ -118,7 +135,7 @@ class ConfigScript(object):

def _set_metadata(self):
self.data["metadata"] = OrderedDict(("version", 1))
self.data["metadata"] = OrderedDict([("version", 1)])
self._print("""I can encrypt passwords stored in your config file in
addition to preventing other users on your system from
reading the file. Encryption is recommended is the bot
@@ -128,9 +145,10 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
if self._ask_bool("Encrypt stored passwords?"):
self.data["metadata"]["encryptPasswords"] = True
key = getpass("> Enter an encryption key: ")
print "Running {0} rounds of bcrypt...".format(self.BCRYPT_ROUNDS),
print "Running {0} rounds of bcrypt...".format(self.BCRYPT_ROUNDS), # STDOUT
signature = bcrypt.hashpw(key, bcrypt.gensalt(self.BCRYPT_ROUNDS))
self.data["metadata"]["signature"] = signature
self._cipher = Blowfish.new(sha256(key).digest())
print " done."
self.data["metadata"]["encryptPasswords"] = False
@@ -185,7 +203,7 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
question = "Would you like to re-enter your login information?"
if self._ask_bool(question):
self.data["wiki"]["username"] = self._ask("Bot username:")
self.data["wiki"]["password"] = getpass("> Bot password: ")
self.data["wiki"]["password"] = self._ask_pass("Bot password:")
return self._login(kwargs)
question = "Would you like to re-enter the site information?"
if self._ask_bool(question):
@@ -198,13 +216,13 @@ class ConfigScript(object):

def _set_wiki(self):
self.wmf = self._ask_bool("""Will this bot run on Wikimedia Foundation
wikis, like Wikipedia?""")
if self.wmf:
self._wmf = self._ask_bool("""Will this bot run on Wikimedia Foundation
wikis, like Wikipedia?""")
if self._wmf:
msg = "Site project (e.g. 'wikipedia', 'wiktionary', 'wikimedia'):"
self.proj = project = self._ask(msg, default="wikipedia").lower()
self._proj = project = self._ask(msg, default="wikipedia").lower()
msg = "Site language code (e.g. 'en', 'fr', 'commons'):"
self.lang = lang = self._ask(msg, default="en").lower()
self._lang = lang = self._ask(msg, default="en").lower()
kwargs = {"project": project, "lang": lang}
msg = "Site base URL, without the script path and trailing slash;"
@@ -214,7 +232,7 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
kwargs = {"base_url": url, "script_path": script}

self.data["wiki"]["username"] = self._ask("Bot username:")
self.data["wiki"]["password"] = getpass("> Bot password: ")
self.data["wiki"]["password"] = self._ask_pass("Bot password:")
self.data["wiki"]["userAgent"] = "EarwigBot/$1 (Python/$2; https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot)"
self.data["wiki"]["summary"] = "([[WP:BOT|Bot]]): $2"
self.data["wiki"]["useHTTPS"] = True
@@ -224,11 +242,11 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
self.data["wiki"]["defaultSite"] = self._login(kwargs).name
self.data["wiki"]["sql"] = {}

if self.wmf:
if self._wmf:
msg = "Will this bot run from the Wikimedia Toolserver?"
toolserver = self._ask_bool(msg, default=False)
if toolserver:
args = (("host", "$1-p.rrdb.toolserver.org"), ("db", "$1_p"))
args = [("host", "$1-p.rrdb.toolserver.org"), ("db", "$1_p")]
self.data["wiki"]["sql"] = OrderedDict(args)

self.data["wiki"]["shutoff"] = {}
@@ -240,7 +258,7 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
separate shutoff page for each task.""")
page = self._ask("Page title:", default="User:$1/Shutoff")
disabled = self._ask("Page content when *not* shut off:", "run")
args = (("page", page), ("disabled", disabled))
args = [("page", page), ("disabled", disabled)]
self.data["wiki"]["shutoff"] = OrderedDict(args)

self.data["wiki"]["search"] = {}
@@ -258,9 +276,10 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
question = "Frontend bot's real name (gecos):"
frontend["realname"] = self._ask(question)
if self._ask_bool("Should the bot identify to NickServ?"):
frontend["nickservUsername"] = self._ask("NickServ username:",
frontend["nickservPassword"] = getpass("> Nickserv password: ")
ns_user = self._ask("NickServ username:", frontend["nick"])
ns_pass = self._ask_pass("Nickserv password:")
frontend["nickservUsername"] = ns_user
frontend["nickservPassword"] = ns_pass
chan_question = "Frontend channels to join by default:"
frontend["channels"] = self._ask_list(chan_question)
self._print("""The bot keeps a database of its admins (users who
@@ -283,26 +302,28 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
if self.data["components"]["irc_watcher"]:
watcher = self.data["irc"]["watcher"] = OrderedDict()
if self.wmf:
if self._wmf:
watcher["host"] = "irc.wikimedia.org"
watcher["port"] = 6667
msg = "Hostname of the watcher's IRC server, without 'irc://':"
watcher["host"] = self._ask(msg)
watcher["port"] = self._ask("Watcher port:", 6667)
watcher["nick"] = self._ask("Watcher bot's nickname:",
watcher["ident"] = self._ask("Watcher bot's ident:",
nick = self._ask("Watcher bot's nickname:", frontend.get("nick"))
ident = self._ask("Watcher bot's ident:", watcher["nick"].lower())
watcher["nick"] = nick
watcher["ident"] = ident
question = "Watcher bot's real name (gecos):"
watcher["realname"] = self._ask(question, frontend.get("realname"))
watcher_ns = "Should the bot identify to NickServ?"
if not self.wmf and self._ask_bool(watcher_ns):
watcher["nickservUsername"] = self._ask("NickServ username:",
watcher["nickservPassword"] = getpass("> Nickserv password: ")
if self.wmf:
watcher["channels"] = ["#{0}.{1}".format(self.lang, self.proj)]
if not self._wmf and self._ask_bool(watcher_ns):
ns_user = self._ask("NickServ username:", watcher["nick"])
ns_pass = self._ask_pass("Nickserv password:")
watcher["nickservUsername"] = ns_user
watcher["nickservPassword"] = ns_pass
if self._wmf:
chan = "#{0}.{1}".format(self._lang, self._proj)
watcher["channels"] = [chan]
chan_question = "Watcher channels to join by default:"
watcher["channels"] = self._ask_list(chan_question)
@@ -383,6 +404,7 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
if components["wiki_scheduler"]:
self._print("""I am now saving config.yml with your settings. YAML is a
relatively straightforward format and you should be able
to update these settings in the future when necessary.
