# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Ben Kurtovic # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import threading import re from earwigbot.commands import Command class Threads(Command): """Manage wiki tasks from IRC, and check on thread status.""" name = "threads" commands = ["tasks", "task", "threads", "tasklist"] def process(self, data): self.data = data if data.host not in self.config.irc["permissions"]["owners"]: msg = "you must be a bot owner to use this command." self.reply(data, msg) return if not data.args: if data.command == "tasklist": self.do_list() else: msg = "no arguments provided. Maybe you wanted '!{0} list', '!{0} start', or '!{0} listall'?" self.reply(data, msg.format(data.command)) return if data.args[0] == "list": self.do_list() elif data.args[0] == "start": self.do_start() elif data.args[0] in ["listall", "all"]: self.do_listall() else: # They asked us to do something we don't know msg = "unknown argument: \x0303{0}\x0F.".format(data.args[0]) self.reply(data, msg) def do_list(self): """With !tasks list (or abbreviation !tasklist), list all running threads. This includes the main threads, like the irc frontend and the watcher, and task threads.""" threads = threading.enumerate() normal_threads = [] daemon_threads = [] for thread in threads: tname = thread.name if tname == "MainThread": t = "\x0302MainThread\x0F (id {0})" normal_threads.append(t.format(thread.ident)) elif tname in self.config.components: t = "\x0302{0}\x0F (id {1})" normal_threads.append(t.format(tname, thread.ident)) elif tname.startswith("reminder"): tname = tname.replace("reminder ", "") t = "\x0302reminder\x0F (until {0})" normal_threads.append(t.format(tname)) else: tname, start_time = re.findall("^(.*?) \((.*?)\)$", tname)[0] t = "\x0302{0}\x0F (id {1}, since {2})" daemon_threads.append(t.format(tname, thread.ident, start_time)) if daemon_threads: if len(daemon_threads) > 1: msg = "\x02{0}\x0F threads active: {1}, and \x02{2}\x0F command/task threads: {3}." else: msg = "\x02{0}\x0F threads active: {1}, and \x02{2}\x0F command/task thread: {3}." msg = msg.format(len(threads), ', '.join(normal_threads), len(daemon_threads), ', '.join(daemon_threads)) else: msg = "\x02{0}\x0F threads active: {1}, and \x020\x0F command/task threads." msg = msg.format(len(threads), ', '.join(normal_threads)) self.reply(self.data, msg) def do_listall(self): """With !tasks listall or !tasks all, list all loaded tasks, and report whether they are currently running or idle.""" threads = threading.enumerate() tasklist = [] for task in sorted([task.name for task in self.bot.tasks]): threadlist = [t for t in threads if t.name.startswith(task)] ids = [str(t.ident) for t in threadlist] if not ids: tasklist.append("\x0302{0}\x0F (idle)".format(task)) elif len(ids) == 1: t = "\x0302{0}\x0F (\x02active\x0F as id {1})" tasklist.append(t.format(task, ids[0])) else: t = "\x0302{0}\x0F (\x02active\x0F as ids {1})" tasklist.append(t.format(task, ', '.join(ids))) tasks = ", ".join(tasklist) msg = "\x02{0}\x0F tasks loaded: {1}.".format(len(tasklist), tasks) self.reply(self.data, msg) def do_start(self): """With !tasks start, start any loaded task by name with or without kwargs.""" data = self.data try: task_name = data.args[1] except IndexError: # No task name given self.reply(data, "what task do you want me to start?") return if task_name not in [task.name for task in self.bot.tasks]: # This task does not exist or hasn't been loaded: msg = "task could not be found; either it doesn't exist, or it wasn't loaded correctly." self.reply(data, msg.format(task_name)) return data.kwargs["fromIRC"] = True self.bot.tasks.start(task_name, **data.kwargs) msg = "task \x0302{0}\x0F started.".format(task_name) self.reply(data, msg)