# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ EarwigBot's Wiki Toolset: Misc Functions This module, a component of the wiki.tools package, contains miscellaneous functions that are not methods of any class, like get_site(). There's no need to import this module explicitly. All functions here are automatically available from wiki.tools. """ from getpass import getpass from core import config from wiki.tools.exceptions import SiteNotFoundError from wiki.tools.site import Site __all__ = ["get_site"] def _load_config(): """Called by a config-requiring function, such as get_site(), when config has not been loaded. This will usually happen only if we're running code directly from Python's interpreter and not the bot itself, because earwigbot.py or core/main.py will already call these functions. """ is_encrypted = config.verify_config() if is_encrypted: # passwords in the config file are encrypted key = getpass("Enter key to unencrypt bot passwords: ") config.parse_config(key) else: config.parse_config(None) def _get_site_object_from_dict(name, d): """Return a Site object based on the contents of a dict, probably acquired through our config file, and a separate name. """ project = d["project"] lang = d["lang"] try: api = d["apiURL"] except KeyError: api = None try: sql_server = d["sqlServer"] except KeyError: sql_server = None try: sql_db = d["sqlDB"] except KeyError: sql_db = None return Site(name, project, lang, api, (sql_server, sql_db)) def get_site(name=None, project=None, lang=None): """Returns a Site instance based on information from our config file. With no arguments, returns the default site as specified by our config file. This is default = config.wiki["defaultSite"]; config.wiki["sites"][default]. With `name` specified, returns the site specified by config.wiki["sites"][name]. With `project` and `lang` specified, returns the site specified by the member of config.wiki["sites"], `s`, for which s["project"] == project and s["lang"] == lang. Specifying a project without a lang or a lang without a project will raise TypeError. If all three args are specified, `name` will be first tried, then `project` and `lang`. If, with any number of args, a site cannot be found in the config, SiteNotFoundError is raised. """ # check if config has been loaded, and load it if it hasn't if not config.is_config_loaded(): _load_config() # someone specified a project without a lang (or a lang without a project)! if (project is None and lang is not None) or (project is not None and lang is None): e = "Keyword arguments 'lang' and 'project' must be specified together." raise TypeError(e) # no args given, so return our default site (project is None implies lang # is None, so we don't need to add that in) if name is None and project is None: try: # ...so use the default site default = config.wiki["defaultSite"] except KeyError: e = "Default site is not specified in config." raise SiteNotFoundError(e) try: site = config.wiki["sites"][default] except KeyError: e = "Default site specified by config is not in the config's sites list." raise SiteNotFoundError(e) return _get_site_object_from_dict(default, site) # name arg given, but don't look at others unless `name` isn't found if name is not None: try: site = config.wiki["sites"][name] except KeyError: if project is None: # implies lang is None, i.e., only name was given e = "Site '{0}' not found in config.".format(name) raise SiteNotFoundError(e) for sitename, site in config.wiki["sites"].items(): if site["project"] == project and site["lang"] == lang: return _get_site_object_from_dict(sitename, site) e = "Neither site '{0}' nor site '{1}:{2}' found in config.".format(name, project, lang) raise SiteNotFoundError(e) else: return _get_site_object_from_dict(name, site) # if we end up here, then project and lang are both not None for sitename, site in config.wiki["sites"].items(): if site["project"] == project and site["lang"] == lang: return _get_site_object_from_dict(sitename, site) e = "Site '{0}:{1}' not found in config.".format(project, lang) raise SiteNotFoundError(e)