# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Ben Kurtovic # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from time import sleep, time from urllib2 import build_opener from earwigbot import exceptions from earwigbot.wiki.copyvios.markov import MarkovChain from earwigbot.wiki.copyvios.parsers import ArticleTextParser from earwigbot.wiki.copyvios.search import SEARCH_ENGINES from earwigbot.wiki.copyvios.workers import ( globalize, localize, CopyvioWorkspace) __all__ = ["CopyvioMixIn", "globalize", "localize"] class CopyvioMixIn(object): """ **EarwigBot: Wiki Toolset: Copyright Violation MixIn** This is a mixin that provides two public methods, :py:meth:`copyvio_check` and :py:meth:`copyvio_compare`. The former checks the page for copyright violations using a search engine API, and the latter compares the page against a given URL. Credentials for the search engine API are stored in the :py:class:`~earwigbot.wiki.site.Site`'s config. """ def __init__(self, site): self._search_config = site._search_config self._exclusions_db = self._search_config.get("exclusions_db") self._addheaders = [("User-Agent", site.user_agent), ("Accept-Encoding", "gzip")] def _get_search_engine(self): """Return a function that can be called to do web searches. The function takes one argument, a search query, and returns a list of URLs, ranked by importance. The underlying logic depends on the *engine* argument within our config; for example, if *engine* is "Yahoo! BOSS", we'll use YahooBOSSSearchEngine for querying. Raises UnknownSearchEngineError if the 'engine' listed in our config is unknown to us, and UnsupportedSearchEngineError if we are missing a required package or module, like oauth2 for "Yahoo! BOSS". """ engine = self._search_config["engine"] if engine not in SEARCH_ENGINES: raise exceptions.UnknownSearchEngineError(engine) klass = SEARCH_ENGINES[engine] credentials = self._search_config["credentials"] opener = build_opener() opener.addheaders = self._addheaders for dep in klass.requirements(): try: __import__(dep).__name__ except (ImportError, AttributeError): e = "Missing a required dependency ({}) for the {} engine" e = e.format(dep, engine) raise exceptions.UnsupportedSearchEngineError(e) return klass(credentials, opener) def copyvio_check(self, min_confidence=0.75, max_queries=15, max_time=-1, no_searches=False, no_links=False, short_circuit=True): """Check the page for copyright violations. Returns a :class:`.CopyvioCheckResult` object with information on the results of the check. *min_confidence* is the minimum amount of confidence we must have in the similarity between a source text and the article in order for us to consider it a suspected violation. This is a number between 0 and 1. *max_queries* is self-explanatory; we will never make more than this number of queries in a given check. *max_time* can be set to prevent copyvio checks from taking longer than a set amount of time (generally around a minute), which can be useful if checks are called through a web server with timeouts. We will stop checking new URLs as soon as this limit is reached. Setting *no_searches* to ``True`` will cause only URLs in the wikitext of the page to be checked; no search engine queries will be made. Setting *no_links* to ``True`` will cause the opposite to happen: URLs in the wikitext will be ignored; search engine queries will be made only. Setting both of these to ``True`` is pointless. Normally, the checker will short-circuit if it finds a URL that meets *min_confidence*. This behavior normally causes it to skip any remaining URLs and web queries, but setting *short_circuit* to ``False`` will prevent this. Raises :exc:`.CopyvioCheckError` or subclasses (:exc:`.UnknownSearchEngineError`, :exc:`.SearchQueryError`, ...) on errors. """ log = u"Starting copyvio check for [[{0}]]" self._logger.info(log.format(self.title)) searcher = self._get_search_engine() parser = ArticleTextParser(self.get(), args={ "nltk_dir": self._search_config["nltk_dir"], "lang": self._site.lang }) article = MarkovChain(parser.strip()) parser_args = {} if self._exclusions_db: self._exclusions_db.sync(self.site.name) exclude = lambda u: self._exclusions_db.check(self.site.name, u) parser_args["mirror_hints"] = \ self._exclusions_db.get_mirror_hints(self) else: exclude = None workspace = CopyvioWorkspace( article, min_confidence, max_time, self._logger, self._addheaders, short_circuit=short_circuit, parser_args=parser_args, exclude_check=exclude) if article.size < 20: # Auto-fail very small articles result = workspace.get_result() self._logger.info(result.get_log_message(self.title)) return result if not no_links: workspace.enqueue(parser.get_links()) num_queries = 0 if not no_searches: chunks = parser.chunk(max_queries) for chunk in chunks: if short_circuit and workspace.finished: workspace.possible_miss = True break log = u"[[{0}]] -> querying {1} for {2!r}" self._logger.debug(log.format(self.title, searcher.name, chunk)) workspace.enqueue(searcher.search(chunk)) num_queries += 1 sleep(1) workspace.wait() result = workspace.get_result(num_queries) self._logger.info(result.get_log_message(self.title)) return result def copyvio_compare(self, url, min_confidence=0.75, max_time=30): """Check the page like :py:meth:`copyvio_check` against a specific URL. This is essentially a reduced version of :meth:`copyvio_check` - a copyivo comparison is made using Markov chains and the result is returned in a :class:`.CopyvioCheckResult` object - but without using a search engine, since the suspected "violated" URL is supplied from the start. Its primary use is to generate a result when the URL is retrieved from a cache, like the one used in EarwigBot's Tool Labs site. After a search is done, the resulting URL is stored in a cache for 72 hours so future checks against that page will not require another set of time-and-money-consuming search engine queries. However, the comparison itself (which includes the article's and the source's content) cannot be stored for data retention reasons, so a fresh comparison is made using this function. Since no searching is done, neither :exc:`.UnknownSearchEngineError` nor :exc:`.SearchQueryError` will be raised. """ log = u"Starting copyvio compare for [[{0}]] against {1}" self._logger.info(log.format(self.title, url)) article = MarkovChain(ArticleTextParser(self.get()).strip()) workspace = CopyvioWorkspace( article, min_confidence, max_time, self._logger, self._addheaders, max_time, num_workers=1) workspace.enqueue([url]) workspace.wait() result = workspace.get_result() self._logger.info(result.get_log_message(self.title)) return result