# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2009-2019 Ben Kurtovic # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from os import path import re from StringIO import StringIO import urlparse import mwparserfromhell from earwigbot import importer from earwigbot.exceptions import ParserExclusionError, ParserRedirectError bs4 = importer.new("bs4") nltk = importer.new("nltk") converter = importer.new("pdfminer.converter") pdfinterp = importer.new("pdfminer.pdfinterp") pdfpage = importer.new("pdfminer.pdfpage") __all__ = ["ArticleTextParser", "get_parser"] class _BaseTextParser(object): """Base class for a parser that handles text.""" TYPE = None def __init__(self, text, url=None, args=None): self.text = text self.url = url self._args = args or {} def __repr__(self): """Return the canonical string representation of the text parser.""" return "{0}(text={1!r})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.text) def __str__(self): """Return a nice string representation of the text parser.""" name = self.__class__.__name__ return "<{0} of text with size {1}>".format(name, len(self.text)) class ArticleTextParser(_BaseTextParser): """A parser that can strip and chunk wikicode article text.""" TYPE = "Article" TEMPLATE_MERGE_THRESHOLD = 35 NLTK_DEFAULT = "english" NLTK_LANGS = { "cs": "czech", "da": "danish", "de": "german", "el": "greek", "en": "english", "es": "spanish", "et": "estonian", "fi": "finnish", "fr": "french", "it": "italian", "nl": "dutch", "no": "norwegian", "pl": "polish", "pt": "portuguese", "sl": "slovene", "sv": "swedish", "tr": "turkish" } def _merge_templates(self, code): """Merge template contents in to wikicode when the values are long.""" for template in code.filter_templates(recursive=code.RECURSE_OTHERS): chunks = [] for param in template.params: if len(param.value) >= self.TEMPLATE_MERGE_THRESHOLD: self._merge_templates(param.value) chunks.append(param.value) if chunks: subst = u" ".join(map(unicode, chunks)) code.replace(template, u" " + subst + u" ") else: code.remove(template) def _get_tokenizer(self): """Return a NLTK punctuation tokenizer for the article's language.""" datafile = lambda lang: "file:" + path.join( self._args["nltk_dir"], "tokenizers", "punkt", lang + ".pickle") lang = self.NLTK_LANGS.get(self._args.get("lang"), self.NLTK_DEFAULT) try: nltk.data.load(datafile(self.NLTK_DEFAULT)) except LookupError: nltk.download("punkt", self._args["nltk_dir"]) return nltk.data.load(datafile(lang)) def _get_sentences(self, min_query, max_query, split_thresh): """Split the article text into sentences of a certain length.""" def cut_sentence(words): div = len(words) if div == 0: return [] length = len(" ".join(words)) while length > max_query: div -= 1 length -= len(words[div]) + 1 result = [] if length >= split_thresh: result.append(" ".join(words[:div])) return result + cut_sentence(words[div + 1:]) tokenizer = self._get_tokenizer() sentences = [] if not hasattr(self, "clean"): self.strip() for sentence in tokenizer.tokenize(self.clean): if len(sentence) <= max_query: sentences.append(sentence) else: sentences.extend(cut_sentence(sentence.split())) return [sen for sen in sentences if len(sen) >= min_query] def strip(self): """Clean the page's raw text by removing templates and formatting. Return the page's text with all HTML and wikicode formatting removed, including templates, tables, and references. It retains punctuation (spacing, paragraphs, periods, commas, (semi)-colons, parentheses, quotes), original capitalization, and so forth. HTML entities are replaced by their unicode equivalents. The actual stripping is handled by :py:mod:`mwparserfromhell`. """ def remove(code, node): """Remove a node from a code object, ignoring ValueError. Sometimes we will remove a node that contains another node we wish to remove, and we fail when we try to remove the inner one. Easiest solution is to just ignore the exception. """ try: code.remove(node) except ValueError: pass wikicode = mwparserfromhell.parse(self.text) # Preemtively strip some links mwparser doesn't know about: bad_prefixes = ("file:", "image:", "category:") for link in wikicode.filter_wikilinks(): if link.title.strip().lower().startswith(bad_prefixes): remove(wikicode, link) # Also strip references: for tag in wikicode.filter_tags(matches=lambda tag: tag.tag == "ref"): remove(wikicode, tag) # Merge in template contents when the values are long: self._merge_templates(wikicode) clean = wikicode.strip_code(normalize=True, collapse=True) self.clean = re.sub("\n\n+", "\n", clean).strip() return self.clean def chunk(self, max_chunks, min_query=8, max_query=128, split_thresh=32): """Convert the clean article text into a list of web-searchable chunks. No greater than *max_chunks* will be returned. Each chunk will only be a sentence or two long at most (no more than *max_query*). The idea is to return a sample of the article text rather than the whole, so we'll pick and choose from parts of it, especially if the article is large and *max_chunks* is low, so we don't end up just searching for just the first paragraph. This is implemented using :py:mod:`nltk` (http://nltk.org/). A base directory (*nltk_dir*) is required to store nltk's punctuation database, and should be passed as an argument to the constructor. It is typically located in the bot's working directory. """ sentences = self._get_sentences(min_query, max_query, split_thresh) if len(sentences) <= max_chunks: return sentences chunks = [] while len(chunks) < max_chunks: if len(chunks) % 5 == 0: chunk = sentences.pop(0) # Pop from beginning elif len(chunks) % 5 == 1: chunk = sentences.pop() # Pop from end elif len(chunks) % 5 == 2: chunk = sentences.pop(len(sentences) / 2) # Pop from Q2 elif len(chunks) % 5 == 3: chunk = sentences.pop(len(sentences) / 4) # Pop from Q1 else: chunk = sentences.pop(3 * len(sentences) / 4) # Pop from Q3 chunks.append(chunk) return chunks def get_links(self): """Return a list of all external links in the article. The list is restricted to things that we suspect we can parse: i.e., those with schemes of ``http`` and ``https``. """ schemes = ("http://", "https://") links = mwparserfromhell.parse(self.text).ifilter_external_links() return [unicode(link.url) for link in links if link.url.startswith(schemes)] class _HTMLParser(_BaseTextParser): """A parser that can extract the text from an HTML document.""" TYPE = "HTML" hidden_tags = [ "script", "style" ] def _fail_if_mirror(self, soup): """Look for obvious signs that the given soup is a wiki mirror. If so, raise ParserExclusionError, which is caught in the workers and causes this source to excluded. """ if "mirror_hints" not in self._args: return func = lambda attr: attr and any( hint in attr for hint in self._args["mirror_hints"]) if soup.find_all(href=func) or soup.find_all(src=func): raise ParserExclusionError() def parse(self): """Return the actual text contained within an HTML document. Implemented using :py:mod:`BeautifulSoup ` (http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/). """ try: soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(self.text, "lxml") except ValueError: soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(self.text) if not soup.body: # No tag present in HTML -> # no scrapable content (possibly JS or