# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import string, re, subprocess from config.irc_config import * s, send, say, action, notice, join = None, None, None, None, None, None def check_triggers(cmds, act, nick, ident, host, chan, msg = None): global s, send, say, action, notice, join # set commands as globals so we can use them in other functions s, send, say, action, notice, join = cmds # unpack commands if act == "join": pass if act == "msg_private": pass if act == "msg_public": pass if act == "msg": if msg == "!test": cmd_test(nick, chan) if msg.startswith("!git"): cmd_git(nick, host, chan, msg) def get_args(msg): # get command arguments args = msg.strip().split(' ') # strip out extra whitespace and split the message into a list while '' in args: # remove any empty arguments args.remove('') return args[1:] # remove the command itself def cmd_test(nick, chan): # bot test say(chan, "Hey \x02%s\x0F!" % nick) def cmd_git(nick, host, chan, msg): # commands to interface with the bot's git repository if host not in ADMINS: say(chan, "\x02%s\x0F: you must be a bot admin to use this command." % nick) return args = get_args(msg) if not args: say(chan, "\x02%s\x0F: no arguments provided." % nick) return if args[0] == "help": # display all commands cmds = ["\x0303branch\x0301 (show current branch)", "\x0303branches\x0301 (show all branches)", "\x0303checkout\x0301 (switch branches)", "\x0303pull\x0301 (update current branch)"] cmds = ', '.join(cmds) say(chan, "\x02%s\x0F: sub-commands are: %s" % (nick, cmds)) elif args[0] == "branch": # get our current branch branch = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'name-rev', '--name-only', 'HEAD'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # git name-rev --name-only HEAD branch = branch[:-1] # strip newline say(chan, "\x02%s\x0F: currently on branch \x0302%s\x0301." % (nick, branch)) elif args[0] == "branches": # get list of branches branches = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'branch'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # git branch branches = branches[:-1] # strip newline branches = branches.replace('\n* ', ', ') # cleanup extraneous characters branches = branches.replace('* ', ' ') branches = branches.replace('\n ', ', ') branches = branches.strip() say(chan, "\x02%s\x0F: branches: \x0302%s\x0301." % (nick, branches)) elif args[0] == "checkout": # switch branches try: branch = args[1] except IndexError: # no branch name provided say(chan, "\x02%s\x0F: switch to which branch?" % nick) return try: result = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'checkout', branch], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # git checkout our_branch if "Already on" in result: say(chan, "\x02%s\x0F: already on \x0302%s\x0301!" % (nick, branch)) else: say(chan, "\x02%s\x0F: switched to branch \x0302%s\x0301." % (nick, branch)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # git couldn't switch branches say(chan, "\x02%s\x0F: branch \x0302%s\x0301 does not exist!" % (nick, branch)) elif args[0] == "pull": # pull from remote repository branch = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'name-rev', '--name-only', 'HEAD'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # git name-rev --name-only HEAD branch = branch[:-1] # strip newline say(chan, "\x02%s\x0F: pulling from remote (currently on \x0302%s\x0301)..." % (nick, branch)) result = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'pull']) # pull from remote if "Already up-to-date." in result: say(chan, "\x02%s\x0F: done; no new changes." % nick) else: say(chan, "\x02%s\x0F: done; new changes merged." % nick) else: say(chan, "\x02%s\x0F: unknown argument: \x0303%s\x0301." % (nick, args[0]))