# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Ben Kurtovic # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import re from earwigbot import exceptions from earwigbot.commands import Command class Dictionary(Command): """Define words and stuff.""" name = "dictionary" commands = ["dict", "dictionary", "define"] def process(self, data): if not data.args: self.reply(data, "what do you want me to define?") return term = " ".join(data.args) lang = self.bot.wiki.get_site().lang try: defined = self.define(term, lang) except exceptions.APIError: msg = "cannot find a {0}-language Wiktionary." self.reply(data, msg.format(lang)) else: self.reply(data, defined.encode("utf8")) def define(self, term, lang, tries=2): try: site = self.bot.wiki.get_site(project="wiktionary", lang=lang) except exceptions.SiteNotFoundError: site = self.bot.wiki.add_site(project="wiktionary", lang=lang) page = site.get_page(term) try: entry = page.get() except (exceptions.PageNotFoundError, exceptions.InvalidPageError): if term.lower() != term and tries: return self.define(term.lower(), lang, tries - 1) if term.capitalize() != term and tries: return self.define(term.capitalize(), lang, tries - 1) return "no definition found." level, languages = self.get_languages(entry) if not languages: return u"couldn't parse {0}!".format(page.url) result = [] for lang, section in sorted(languages.items()): definition = self.get_definition(section, level) result.append(u"({0}) {1}".format(lang, definition)) return u"; ".join(result) def get_languages(self, entry, level=2): regex = r"(?:\A|\n)==\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_ ]*?)\s*==(?:\Z|\n)" split = re.split(regex, entry) if len(split) % 2 == 0: if level == 2: return self.get_languages(entry, level=3) else: return 3, None return 2, None split.pop(0) languages = {} for i in xrange(0, len(split), 2): languages[split[i]] = split[i + 1] return level, languages def get_definition(self, section, level): parts_of_speech = { "v.": "Verb", "n.": "Noun", "pron.": "Pronoun", "adj.": "Adjective", "adv.": "Adverb", "prep.": "Preposition", "conj.": "Conjunction", "inter.": "Interjection", "symbol": "Symbol", "suffix": "Suffix", "initialism": "Initialism", "phrase": "Phrase", "proverb": "Proverb", "prop. n.": "Proper noun", "abbr.": "Abbreviation", } blocks = "=" * (level + 1) defs = [] for part, basename in parts_of_speech.iteritems(): fullnames = [basename, "\{\{" + basename + "\}\}", "\{\{" + basename.lower() + "\}\}"] for fullname in fullnames: regex = blocks + "\s*" + fullname + "\s*" + blocks if re.search(regex, section): regex = blocks + "\s*" + fullname regex += "\s*{0}(.*?)(?:(?:{0})|\Z)".format(blocks) bodies = re.findall(regex, section, re.DOTALL) if bodies: for body in bodies: definition = self.parse_body(body) if definition: msg = u"\x02{0}\x0F {1}" defs.append(msg.format(part, definition)) return "; ".join(defs) def parse_body(self, body): substitutions = [ ("", ""), ("\[\[[^\]|]*?\|([^\]|]*?)\]\]", r"\1"), ("\{\{(.*?) of\|(.*?)\}\}", r"\1 of \2."), ("\{\{w\|(.*?)\}\}", r"\1"), ("\{\{surname(.*?)\}\}", r"A surname."), ("\{\{given name\|(.*?)(\||\}\})", r"A \1 given name."), ] senses = [] for line in body.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if re.match("#\s*[^:*]", line): for regex, repl in substitutions: line = re.sub(regex, repl, line) line = self.strip_templates(line) line = line[1:].replace("'''", "").replace("''", "") line = line.replace("[[", "").replace("]]", "") if line.strip(): senses.append(line.strip()[0].upper() + line.strip()[1:]) if not senses: return None if len(senses) == 1: return senses[0] result = [] # Number the senses incrementally for i, sense in enumerate(senses): result.append(u"{0}. {1}".format(i + 1, sense)) return " ".join(result) def strip_templates(self, line): line = list(line) stripped = "" depth = 0 while line: this = line.pop(0) if line: next = line[0] else: next = "" if this == "{" and next == "{": line.pop(0) depth += 1 elif this == "}" and next == "}": line.pop(0) depth -= 1 elif depth == 0: stripped += this return stripped