Installation ============ This package contains the core :py:mod:`earwigbot`, abstracted enough that it should be usable and customizable by anyone running a bot on a MediaWiki site. Since it is component-based, the IRC components can be disabled if desired. IRC commands and bot tasks specific to `my instance of EarwigBot`_ that I don't feel the average user will need are available from the repository `earwigbot-plugins`_. It's recommended to run the bot's unit tests before installing. Run :command:`python test` from the project's root directory. Note that some tests require an internet connection, and others may take a while to run. Coverage is currently rather incomplete. Latest release (v0.1) --------------------- EarwigBot is available from the `Python Package Index`_, so you can install the latest release with :command:`pip install earwigbot` (`get pip`_). If you get an error while pip is installing dependencies, you may be missing some header files. For example, on Ubuntu, see `this StackOverflow post`_. You can also install it from source [1]_ directly:: curl -Lo earwigbot.tgz tar -xf earwigbot.tgz cd earwig-earwigbot-* python install cd .. rm -r earwigbot.tgz earwig-earwigbot-* Development version ------------------- You can install the development version of the bot from :command:`git` by using setuptools's :command:`develop` command [1]_, probably on the ``develop`` branch which contains (usually) working code. ``master`` contains the latest release. EarwigBot uses `git flow`_, so you're free to browse by tags or by new features (``feature/*`` branches):: git clone git:// earwigbot cd earwigbot python develop .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [1] :command:`python install`/:command:`develop` may require root, or use the :command:`--user` switch to install for the current user only. .. _my instance of EarwigBot: .. _earwigbot-plugins: .. _Python Package Index: .. _get pip: .. _this StackOverflow post: .. _git flow: