# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Ben Kurtovic # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from datetime import datetime from os import path import re import sqlite3 as sqlite from threading import Lock from earwigbot.commands import Command class Notes(Command): """A mini IRC-based wiki for storing notes, tips, and reminders.""" name = "notes" commands = ["notes", "note", "about"] version = "2.1" aliases = { "all": "list", "show": "read", "get": "read", "add": "edit", "write": "edit", "change": "edit", "modify": "edit", "move": "rename", "remove": "delete" } def setup(self): self._dbfile = path.join(self.config.root_dir, "notes.db") self._db_access_lock = Lock() def process(self, data): commands = { "help": self.do_help, "list": self.do_list, "read": self.do_read, "edit": self.do_edit, "info": self.do_info, "rename": self.do_rename, "delete": self.do_delete, } if not data.args: self.do_help(data) return command = data.args[0].lower() if command in commands: commands[command](data) elif command in self.aliases: commands[self.aliases[command]](data) else: msg = "Unknown subcommand: \x0303{0}\x0F.".format(command) self.reply(data, msg) def do_help(self, data): """Get help on a subcommand.""" info = { "help": "Get help on other subcommands.", "list": "List existing entries.", "read": "Read an existing entry ('!notes read [name]').", "edit": """Modify or create a new entry ('!notes edit name [entry content]...'). If modifying, you must be the entry author or a bot admin.""", "info": """Get information on an existing entry ('!notes info [name]').""", "rename": """Rename an existing entry ('!notes rename [old_name] [new_name]'). You must be the entry author or a bot admin.""", "delete": """Delete an existing entry ('!notes delete [name]'). You must be the entry author or a bot admin.""", } try: command = data.args[1] except IndexError: msg = ("\x0302The Earwig Mini-Wiki\x0F: running v{0}. Subcommands " "are: {1}. You can get help on any with '!{2} help subcommand'.") cmnds = ", ".join((info.keys())) self.reply(data, msg.format(self.version, cmnds, data.command)) return if command in self.aliases: command = self.aliases[command] try: help_ = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", info[command].replace("\n", "")) self.reply(data, "\x0303{0}\x0F: ".format(command) + help_) except KeyError: msg = "Unknown subcommand: \x0303{0}\x0F.".format(command) self.reply(data, msg) def do_list(self, data): """Show a list of entries in the notes database.""" query = "SELECT entry_title FROM entries" with sqlite.connect(self._dbfile) as conn, self._db_access_lock: try: entries = conn.execute(query).fetchall() except sqlite.OperationalError: entries = [] if entries: entries = [entry[0].encode("utf8") for entry in entries] self.reply(data, "Entries: {0}".format(", ".join(entries))) else: self.reply(data, "No entries in the database.") def do_read(self, data): """Read an entry from the notes database.""" query = """SELECT entry_title, rev_content FROM entries INNER JOIN revisions ON entry_revision = rev_id WHERE entry_slug = ?""" try: slug = self._slugify(data.args[1]) except IndexError: self.reply(data, "Please specify an entry to read from.") return with sqlite.connect(self._dbfile) as conn, self._db_access_lock: try: title, content = conn.execute(query, (slug,)).fetchone() except (sqlite.OperationalError, TypeError): title, content = slug, None title = title.encode("utf8") if content: msg = "\x0302{0}\x0F: {1}" self.reply(data, msg.format(title, content.encode("utf8"))) else: self.reply(data, "Entry \x0302{0}\x0F not found.".format(title)) def do_edit(self, data): """Edit an entry in the notes database.""" query1 = """SELECT entry_id, entry_title, user_host FROM entries INNER JOIN revisions ON entry_revision = rev_id INNER JOIN users ON rev_user = user_id WHERE entry_slug = ?""" query2 = "INSERT INTO revisions VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" query3 = "INSERT INTO entries VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)" query4 = "UPDATE entries SET entry_revision = ? WHERE entry_id = ?" try: slug = self._slugify(data.args[1]) except IndexError: self.reply(data, "Please specify an entry to edit.") return content = " ".join(data.args[2:]).strip().decode("utf8") if not content: self.reply(data, "Please give some content to put in the entry.") return with sqlite.connect(self._dbfile) as conn, self._db_access_lock: create = True try: id_, title, author = conn.execute(query1, (slug,)).fetchone() create = False except sqlite.OperationalError: id_, title, author = 1, data.args[1].decode("utf8"), data.host self._create_db(conn) except TypeError: id_ = self._get_next_entry(conn) title, author = data.args[1].decode("utf8"), data.host permdb = self.config.irc["permissions"] if author != data.host and not permdb.is_admin(data): msg = "You must be an author or a bot admin to edit this entry." self.reply(data, msg) return revid = self._get_next_revision(conn) userid = self._get_user(conn, data.host) now = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S") conn.execute(query2, (revid, id_, userid, now, content)) if create: conn.execute(query3, (id_, slug, title, revid)) else: conn.execute(query4, (revid, id_)) msg = "Entry \x0302{0}\x0F updated." self.reply(data, msg.format(title.encode("utf8"))) def do_info(self, data): """Get info on an entry in the notes database.""" query = """SELECT entry_title, rev_timestamp, user_host FROM entries INNER JOIN revisions ON entry_id = rev_entry INNER JOIN users ON rev_user = user_id WHERE entry_slug = ?""" try: slug = self._slugify(data.args[1]) except IndexError: self.reply(data, "Please specify an entry to get info on.") return with sqlite.connect(self._dbfile) as conn, self._db_access_lock: try: info = conn.execute(query, (slug,)).fetchall() except sqlite.OperationalError: info = [] if info: title = info[0][0] times = [datum[1] for datum in info] earliest = min(times) msg = "\x0302{0}\x0F: {1} edits since {2}" msg = msg.format(title.encode("utf8"), len(info), earliest) if len(times) > 1: latest = max(times) msg += "; last edit on {0}".format(latest) names = [datum[2] for datum in info] msg += "; authors: {0}.".format(", ".join(list(set(names)))) self.reply(data, msg) else: title = data.args[1] self.reply(data, "Entry \x0302{0}\x0F not found.".format(title)) def do_rename(self, data): """Rename an entry in the notes database.""" query1 = """SELECT entry_id, user_host FROM entries INNER JOIN revisions ON entry_revision = rev_id INNER JOIN users ON rev_user = user_id WHERE entry_slug = ?""" query2 = """UPDATE entries SET entry_slug = ?, entry_title = ? WHERE entry_id = ?""" try: slug = self._slugify(data.args[1]) except IndexError: self.reply(data, "Please specify an entry to rename.") return try: newtitle = data.args[2] except IndexError: self.reply(data, "Please specify a new name for the entry.") return if newtitle == data.args[1]: self.reply(data, "The old and new names are identical.") return with sqlite.connect(self._dbfile) as conn, self._db_access_lock: try: id_, author = conn.execute(query1, (slug,)).fetchone() except (sqlite.OperationalError, TypeError): msg = "Entry \x0302{0}\x0F not found.".format(data.args[1]) self.reply(data, msg) return permdb = self.config.irc["permissions"] if author != data.host and not permdb.is_admin(data): msg = "You must be an author or a bot admin to rename this entry." self.reply(data, msg) return args = (self._slugify(newtitle), newtitle.decode("utf8"), id_) conn.execute(query2, args) msg = "Entry \x0302{0}\x0F renamed to \x0302{1}\x0F." self.reply(data, msg.format(data.args[1], newtitle)) def do_delete(self, data): """Delete an entry from the notes database.""" query1 = """SELECT entry_id, user_host FROM entries INNER JOIN revisions ON entry_revision = rev_id INNER JOIN users ON rev_user = user_id WHERE entry_slug = ?""" query2 = "DELETE FROM entries WHERE entry_id = ?" query3 = "DELETE FROM revisions WHERE rev_entry = ?" try: slug = self._slugify(data.args[1]) except IndexError: self.reply(data, "Please specify an entry to delete.") return with sqlite.connect(self._dbfile) as conn, self._db_access_lock: try: id_, author = conn.execute(query1, (slug,)).fetchone() except (sqlite.OperationalError, TypeError): msg = "Entry \x0302{0}\x0F not found.".format(data.args[1]) self.reply(data, msg) return permdb = self.config.irc["permissions"] if author != data.host and not permdb.is_admin(data): msg = "You must be an author or a bot admin to delete this entry." self.reply(data, msg) return conn.execute(query2, (id_,)) conn.execute(query3, (id_,)) self.reply(data, "Entry \x0302{0}\x0F deleted.".format(data.args[1])) def _slugify(self, name): """Convert *name* into an identifier for storing in the database.""" return name.lower().replace("_", "").replace("-", "").decode("utf8") def _create_db(self, conn): """Initialize the notes database with its necessary tables.""" script = """ CREATE TABLE entries (entry_id, entry_slug, entry_title, entry_revision); CREATE TABLE users (user_id, user_host); CREATE TABLE revisions (rev_id, rev_entry, rev_user, rev_timestamp, rev_content); """ conn.executescript(script) def _get_next_entry(self, conn): """Get the next entry ID.""" query = "SELECT MAX(entry_id) FROM entries" later = conn.execute(query).fetchone()[0] return later + 1 if later else 1 def _get_next_revision(self, conn): """Get the next revision ID.""" query = "SELECT MAX(rev_id) FROM revisions" later = conn.execute(query).fetchone()[0] return later + 1 if later else 1 def _get_user(self, conn, host): """Get the user ID corresponding to a hostname, or make one.""" query1 = "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE user_host = ?" query2 = "SELECT MAX(user_id) FROM users" query3 = "INSERT INTO users VALUES (?, ?)" user = conn.execute(query1, (host,)).fetchone() if user: return user[0] last = conn.execute(query2).fetchone()[0] later = last + 1 if last else 1 conn.execute(query3, (later, host)) return later