# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Ben Kurtovic # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import re import sqlite3 as sqlite from threading import Lock from time import time from urlparse import urlparse from earwigbot import exceptions __all__ = ["ExclusionsDB"] DEFAULT_SOURCES = { "all": [ # Applies to all, but located on enwiki "User:EarwigBot/Copyvios/Exclusions", "User:EranBot/Copyright/Blacklist" ], "enwiki": [ "Wikipedia:Mirrors and forks/Abc", "Wikipedia:Mirrors and forks/Def", "Wikipedia:Mirrors and forks/Ghi", "Wikipedia:Mirrors and forks/Jkl", "Wikipedia:Mirrors and forks/Mno", "Wikipedia:Mirrors and forks/Pqr", "Wikipedia:Mirrors and forks/Stu", "Wikipedia:Mirrors and forks/Vwxyz" ] } class ExclusionsDB(object): """ **EarwigBot: Wiki Toolset: Exclusions Database Manager** Controls the :file:`exclusions.db` file, which stores URLs excluded from copyright violation checks on account of being known mirrors, for example. """ def __init__(self, sitesdb, dbfile, logger): self._sitesdb = sitesdb self._dbfile = dbfile self._logger = logger self._db_access_lock = Lock() def __repr__(self): """Return the canonical string representation of the ExclusionsDB.""" res = "ExclusionsDB(sitesdb={0!r}, dbfile={1!r}, logger={2!r})" return res.format(self._sitesdb, self._dbfile, self._logger) def __str__(self): """Return a nice string representation of the ExclusionsDB.""" return "".format(self._dbfile) def _create(self): """Initialize the exclusions database with its necessary tables.""" script = """ CREATE TABLE sources (source_sitename, source_page); CREATE TABLE updates (update_sitename, update_time); CREATE TABLE exclusions (exclusion_sitename, exclusion_url); """ query = "INSERT INTO sources VALUES (?, ?);" sources = [] for sitename, pages in DEFAULT_SOURCES.iteritems(): for page in pages: sources.append((sitename, page)) with sqlite.connect(self._dbfile) as conn: conn.executescript(script) conn.executemany(query, sources) def _load_source(self, site, source): """Load from a specific source and return a set of URLs.""" urls = set() try: data = site.get_page(source).get() except exceptions.PageNotFoundError: return urls if source == "User:EranBot/Copyright/Blacklist": for line in data.splitlines()[1:]: line = re.sub(r"(#|==).*$", "", line).strip() if line: urls.add("re:" + line) return urls regexes = [ r"url\s*=\s*(?:\)?(?:https?:)?(?://)?(.*?)(?:\.*?)?\s*$", r"\*\s*Site:\s*(?:\[|\)?(?:https?:)?(?://)?(.*?)(?:\].*?|\.*?)?\s*$" ] for regex in regexes: for url in re.findall(regex, data, re.I|re.M): if url.strip(): urls.add(url.lower().strip()) return urls def _update(self, sitename): """Update the database from listed sources in the index.""" query1 = "SELECT source_page FROM sources WHERE source_sitename = ?" query2 = "SELECT exclusion_url FROM exclusions WHERE exclusion_sitename = ?" query3 = "DELETE FROM exclusions WHERE exclusion_sitename = ? AND exclusion_url = ?" query4 = "INSERT INTO exclusions VALUES (?, ?)" query5 = "SELECT 1 FROM updates WHERE update_sitename = ?" query6 = "UPDATE updates SET update_time = ? WHERE update_sitename = ?" query7 = "INSERT INTO updates VALUES (?, ?)" if sitename == "all": site = self._sitesdb.get_site("enwiki") else: site = self._sitesdb.get_site(sitename) with self._db_access_lock, sqlite.connect(self._dbfile) as conn: urls = set() for (source,) in conn.execute(query1, (sitename,)): urls |= self._load_source(site, source) for (url,) in conn.execute(query2, (sitename,)): if url in urls: urls.remove(url) else: conn.execute(query3, (sitename, url)) conn.executemany(query4, [(sitename, url) for url in urls]) if conn.execute(query5, (sitename,)).fetchone(): conn.execute(query6, (int(time()), sitename)) else: conn.execute(query7, (sitename, int(time()))) def _get_last_update(self, sitename): """Return the UNIX timestamp of the last time the db was updated.""" query = "SELECT update_time FROM updates WHERE update_sitename = ?" with self._db_access_lock, sqlite.connect(self._dbfile) as conn: try: result = conn.execute(query, (sitename,)).fetchone() except sqlite.OperationalError: self._create() return 0 return result[0] if result else 0 def sync(self, sitename, force=False): """Update the database if it hasn't been updated recently. This updates the exclusions database for the site *sitename* and "all". Site-specific lists are considered stale after 48 hours; global lists after 12 hours. """ max_staleness = 60 * 60 * (12 if sitename == "all" else 48) time_since_update = int(time() - self._get_last_update(sitename)) if force or time_since_update > max_staleness: log = u"Updating stale database: {0} (last updated {1} seconds ago)" self._logger.info(log.format(sitename, time_since_update)) self._update(sitename) else: log = u"Database for {0} is still fresh (last updated {1} seconds ago)" self._logger.debug(log.format(sitename, time_since_update)) if sitename != "all": self.sync("all", force=force) def check(self, sitename, url): """Check whether a given URL is in the exclusions database. Return ``True`` if the URL is in the database, or ``False`` otherwise. """ normalized = re.sub(r"^https?://(www\.)?", "", url.lower()) query = """SELECT exclusion_url FROM exclusions WHERE exclusion_sitename = ? OR exclusion_sitename = ?""" with self._db_access_lock, sqlite.connect(self._dbfile) as conn: for (excl,) in conn.execute(query, (sitename, "all")): if excl.startswith("*."): parsed = urlparse(url.lower()) matches = excl[2:] in parsed.netloc if matches and "/" in excl: excl_path = excl[excl.index("/") + 1] matches = excl_path.startswith(parsed.path) elif excl.startswith("re:"): try: matches = re.match(excl[3:], normalized) except re.error: continue else: matches = normalized.startswith(excl) if matches: log = u"Exclusion detected in {0} for {1}" self._logger.debug(log.format(sitename, url)) return True log = u"No exclusions in {0} for {1}".format(sitename, url) self._logger.debug(log) return False def get_mirror_hints(self, page, try_mobile=True): """Return a list of strings that indicate the existence of a mirror. The source parser checks for the presence of these strings inside of certain HTML tag attributes (``"href"`` and ``"src"``). """ site = page.site path = urlparse(page.url).path roots = [site.domain] scripts = ["index.php", "load.php", "api.php"] if try_mobile: fragments = re.search(r"^([\w]+)\.([\w]+).([\w]+)$", site.domain) if fragments: roots.append("{0}.m.{1}.{2}".format(*fragments.groups())) general = [root + site._script_path + "/" + script for root in roots for script in scripts] specific = [root + path for root in roots] return general + specific