- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from datetime import datetime
- import logging
- import re
- from os.path import expanduser
- from threading import Lock
- import oursql
- from classes import BaseTask
- import config
- import wiki
- # Chart status number constants:
- class Task(BaseTask):
- """A task to generate statistics for WikiProject Articles for Creation.
- Statistics are stored in a MySQL database ("u_earwig_afc_statistics")
- accessed with oursql. Statistics are synchronied with the live database
- every four minutes and saved once an hour, on the hour, to self.pagename.
- In the live bot, this is "Template:AFC statistics".
- """
- name = "afc_statistics"
- number = 2
- def __init__(self):
- self.cfg = cfg = config.tasks.get(self.name, {})
- # Set some wiki-related attributes:
- self.pagename = cfg.get("page", "Template:AFC statistics")
- self.pending_cat = cfg.get("pending", "Pending AfC submissions")
- self.ignore_list = cfg.get("ignore_list", [])
- default_summary = "Updating statistics for [[WP:WPAFC|WikiProject Articles for creation]]."
- self.summary = self.make_summary(cfg.get("summary", default_summary))
- # Templates used in chart generation:
- templates = cfg.get("templates", {})
- self.tl_header = templates.get("header", "AFC statistics/header")
- self.tl_row = templates.get("row", "AFC statistics/row")
- self.tl_footer = templates.get("footer", "AFC statistics/footer")
- # Connection data for our SQL database:
- kwargs = cfg.get("sql", {})
- kwargs["read_default_file"] = expanduser("~/.my.cnf")
- self.conn_data = kwargs
- self.db_access_lock = Lock()
- def run(self, **kwargs):
- """Entry point for a task event.
- Depending on the kwargs passed, we will either synchronize our local
- statistics database with the site (self.sync()) or save it to the wiki
- (self.save()). We will additionally create an SQL connection with our
- local database.
- """
- self.site = wiki.get_site()
- self.conn = oursql.connect(**self.conn_data)
- action = kwargs.get("action")
- try:
- if action == "save":
- self.save(**kwargs)
- elif action == "sync":
- self.sync(**kwargs)
- finally:
- self.conn.close()
- def save(self, **kwargs):
- """Save our local statistics to the wiki.
- After checking for emergency shutoff, the statistics chart is compiled,
- and then saved to self.pagename using self.summary iff it has changed
- since last save.
- """
- self.logger.info("Saving chart")
- if kwargs.get("fromIRC"):
- summary = " ".join((self.summary, "(!earwigbot)"))
- else:
- if self.shutoff_enabled():
- return
- summary = self.summary
- statistics = self.compile_charts()
- page = self.site.get_page(self.pagename)
- text = page.get()
- newtext = re.sub("(<!-- stat begin -->)(.*?)(<!-- stat end -->)",
- statistics.join(("\\1\n", "\n\\3")), text,
- flags=re.DOTALL)
- if newtext == text:
- self.logger.info("Chart unchanged; not saving")
- return # Don't edit the page if we're not adding anything
- newtext = re.sub("(<!-- sig begin -->)(.*?)(<!-- sig end -->)",
- "\\1~~~ at ~~~~~\\3", newtext)
- page.edit(newtext, summary, minor=True, bot=True)
- self.logger.info("Chart saved to [[{0}]]".format(page.title()))
- def compile_charts(self):
- """Compile and return all statistics information from our local db."""
- stats = ""
- with self.conn.cursor() as cursor, self.db_access_lock:
- cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM chart")
- for chart in cursor:
- stats += self.compile_chart(chart) + "\n"
- return stats[:-1] # Drop the last newline
- def compile_chart(self, chart_info):
- """Compile and return a single statistics chart."""
- chart_id, chart_title, special_title = chart_info
- chart = "|".join((self.tl_header, chart_title))
- if special_title:
- chart += "".join(("|", special_title))
- chart = "".join(("{{", chart, "}}"))
- query = "SELECT * FROM page JOIN row ON page_id = row_id WHERE row_chart = ?"
- with self.conn.cursor(oursql.DictCursor) as cursor:
- cursor.execute(query, (chart_id,))
- for page in cursor:
- chart += "\n" + self.compile_chart_row(page)
- chart += "".join(("\n{{", self.tl_footer, "}}"))
- return chart
- def compile_chart_row(self, page):
- """Compile and return a single chart row.
- 'page' is a dict of page information, taken as a row from the page
- table, where keys are column names and values are their cell contents.
- """
- row = "{0}|s={page_status}|t={page_title}|h={page_short}|z={page_size}|"
- row += "cr={page_create_user}|cd={page_create_time}|ci={page_create_oldid}|"
- row += "mr={page_modify_user}|md={page_modify_time}|mi={page_modify_oldid}|"
- page["page_create_time"] = self.format_time(page["page_create_time"])
- page["page_modify_time"] = self.format_time(page["page_modify_time"])
- if page["page_special_user"]:
- row += "sr={page_special_user}|sd={page_special_time}|si={page_special_oldid}|"
- page["page_special_time"] = self.format_time(page["page_special_time"])
- if page["page_notes"]:
- row += "n=1{page_notes}"
- return "".join(("{{", row.format(self.tl_row, **page), "}}"))
- def format_time(self, timestamp):
- """Format a datetime into the standard MediaWiki timestamp format."""
- return timestamp.strftime("%H:%M, %d %B %Y")
- def sync(self, **kwargs):
- """Synchronize our local statistics database with the site.
- Syncing involves, in order, updating tracked submissions that have
- been changed since last sync (self.update_tracked()), adding pending
- submissions that are not tracked (self.add_untracked()), and removing
- old submissions from the database (self.delete_old()).
- The sync will be canceled if SQL replication lag is greater than 600
- seconds, because this will lead to potential problems and outdated
- data, not to mention putting demand on an already overloaded server.
- Giving sync the kwarg "ignore_replag" will go around this restriction.
- """
- self.logger.info("Starting sync")
- replag = self.site.get_replag()
- self.logger.debug("Server replag is {0}".format(replag))
- if replag > 600 and not kwargs.get("ignore_replag"):
- msg = "Sync canceled as replag ({0} secs) is greater than ten minutes."
- self.logger.warn(msg.format(replag))
- with self.conn.cursor() as cursor, self.db_access_lock:
- self.update_tracked(cursor)
- self.add_untracked(cursor)
- self.delete_old(cursor)
- self.logger.info("Sync completed")
- def update_tracked(self, cursor):
- """Update tracked submissions that have been changed since last sync.
- This is done by iterating through every page in our database and
- comparing our stored latest revision ID with the actual latest revision
- ID from an SQL query. If they differ, we will update our information
- about the page (self.update_page()).
- If the page does not exist, we will remove it from our database with
- self.untrack_page().
- """
- self.logger.debug("Updating tracked submissions")
- query1 = "SELECT page_id, page_title, page_modify_oldid FROM page"
- query2 = """SELECT page_latest, page_title, page_namespace FROM page
- WHERE page_id = ?"""
- cursor.execute(query1)
- for pageid, title, oldid in cursor:
- msg = "Updating page [[{0}]] (id: {1}) @ {2}"
- self.logger.debug(msg.format(pageid, title, oldid))
- result = list(self.site.sql_query(query2, (pageid,)))
- if not result:
- self.untrack_page(cursor, pageid)
- continue
- real_oldid = result[0][0]
- if oldid != real_oldid:
- self.logger.debug(" {0} -> {1}".format(oldid, real_oldid))
- body = result[0][1].replace("_", " ")
- ns = self.site.namespace_id_to_name(result[0][2])
- real_title = ":".join(ns, body)
- self.update_page(cursor, pageid, real_title)
- def add_untracked(self, cursor):
- """Add pending submissions that are not yet tracked.
- This is done by compiling a list of all currently tracked submissions
- and iterating through all members of self.pending_cat via SQL. If a
- page in the pending category is not tracked and is not in
- self.ignore_list, we will track it with self.track_page().
- """
- self.logger.debug("Adding untracked pending submissions")
- cursor.execute("SELECT page_id FROM page")
- tracked = [i[0] for i in cursor.fetchall()]
- category = self.site.get_category(self.pending_cat)
- pending = category.members(use_sql=True)
- for title, pageid in pending:
- if title in self.ignore_list:
- continue
- if pageid not in tracked:
- msg = "Tracking page [[{0}]] (id: {1})".format(title, pageid)
- self.logger.debug(msg)
- self.track_page(cursor, pageid, title)
- def delete_old(self, cursor):
- """Remove old submissions from the database.
- "Old" is defined as a submission that has been declined or accepted
- more than 36 hours ago. Pending submissions cannot be "old".
- """
- self.logger.debug("Removing old submissions from chart")
- query = """DELETE FROM page, row USING page JOIN row
- ON page_id = row_id WHERE row_chart IN ?
- AND ADDTIME(page_special_time, '36:00:00') < NOW()"""
- cursor.execute(query, (old_charts,))
- def untrack_page(self, cursor, pageid):
- """Remove a page, given by ID, from our database."""
- self.logger.debug("Untracking page (id: {0})".format(pageid))
- query = """DELETE FROM page, row USING page JOIN row
- ON page_id = row_id WHERE page_id = ?"""
- cursor.execute(query, (pageid,))
- def track_page(self, cursor, pageid, title):
- """Update hook for when page is not in our database.
- A variety of SQL queries are used to gather information about the page,
- which are then saved to our database.
- """
- content = self.get_content(title)
- status, chart = self.get_status_and_chart(content)
- if not status:
- msg = "Could not find a status for [[{0}]]".format(title)
- self.logger.error(msg)
- return
- short = self.get_short_title(title)
- size = len(content)
- notes = self.get_notes(pageid)
- c_user, c_time, c_id = self.get_create(pageid)
- m_user, m_time, m_id = self.get_modify(pageid)
- s_user, s_time, s_id = self.get_special(pageid, chart)
- query1 = "INSERT INTO row VALUES ?"
- query2 = "INSERT INTO page VALUES ?"
- cursor.execute(query1, ((pageid, chart),))
- cursor.execute(query2, ((pageid, status, title, short, size, notes,
- c_user, c_time, c_id, m_user, m_time, m_id,
- s_user, s_time, s_id),))
- def update_page(self, cursor, pageid, title):
- """Update hook for when page is already in our database.
- A variety of SQL queries are used to gather information about the page,
- which is compared against our stored information. Differing information
- is then updated.
- If our page is now a redirect, we will determine the namespace it was
- moved to. If it was moved to the mainspace or template space, we will
- set the sub's status as accepted. If it was to the Project: or Project
- talk: namespaces, we'll merely update our stored title (this is likely
- to occur if a submission was moved from the userspace to the project
- space). If it was moved to another namespace, something unusual has
- happened, and we'll untrack the submission.
- """
- content = self.get_content(title)
- try:
- redirect_regex = wiki.Page.re_redirect
- target_title = re.findall(redirect_regex, content, flags=re.I)[0]
- except IndexError:
- status, chart = self.get_status_and_chart(content)
- if not status:
- self.untrack_page(cursor, pageid)
- return
- else:
- target_ns = self.site.get_page(target_title).namespace()
- if target_ns in [wiki.NS_MAIN, wiki.NS_TEMPLATE]:
- status, chart = "accept", CHART_ACCEPT
- elif target_ns in [wiki.NS_PROJECT, wiki.NS_PROJECT_TALK]:
- title = target_title
- content = self.get_content(title)
- status, chart = self.get_status_and_chart(content)
- if not status:
- self.untrack_page(cursor, pageid)
- return
- else:
- msg = " Page has moved to namespace {0}".format(target_ns)
- self.logger.debug(msg)
- self.untrack_page(cursor, pageid)
- return
- size = len(content)
- notes = self.get_notes(pageid)
- m_user, m_time, m_id = self.get_modify(pageid)
- query = "SELECT * FROM page JOIN row ON page_id = row_id WHERE page_id = ?"
- with self.conn.cursor(oursql.DictCursor) as dict_cursor:
- dict_cursor.execute(query, (pageid,))
- result = dict_cursor.fetchall()[0]
- if title != result["page_title"]:
- self.update_page_title(cursor, result, pageid, title)
- if m_id != result["page_modify_oldid"]:
- self.update_page_modify(cursor, result, pageid, size, m_user, m_time, m_id)
- if status != result["page_status"]:
- self.update_page_status(cursor, result, pageid, status, chart, page)
- if notes != result["page_notes"]:
- self.update_page_notes(cursor, result, pageid, notes)
- def update_page_title(self, cursor, result, pageid, title):
- """Update the title and short_title of a page in our database."""
- query = "UPDATE page SET page_title = ?, page_short = ? WHERE page_id = ?"
- short = self.get_short_title(title)
- cursor.execute(query, (title, short, pageid))
- msg = " {0}: title: {1} -> {2}"
- self.logger.debug(msg.format(pageid, result["page_title"], title))
- def update_page_modify(self, cursor, result, pageid, size, m_user, m_time, m_id):
- """Update the last modified information of a page in our database."""
- query = """UPDATE page SET page_size = ?, page_modify_user = ?,
- page_modify_time = ?, page_modify_oldid = ?
- WHERE page_id = ?"""
- cursor.execute(query, (size, m_user, m_time, m_id, pageid))
- msg = " {0}: modify: {1} / {2} / {3} -> {4} / {5} / {6}"
- msg = msg.format(pageid, result["page_modify_user"],
- result["page_modify_time"],
- result["page_modify_oldid"], m_user, m_time, m_id)
- self.logger.debug(msg)
- def update_page_status(self, cursor, result, pageid, status, chart, page):
- """Update the status and "specialed" information of a page."""
- query1 = """UPDATE page JOIN row ON page_id = row_id
- SET page_status = ?, row_chart = ? WHERE page_id = ?"""
- query2 = """UPDATE page SET page_special_user = ?,
- page_special_time = ?, page_special_oldid = ?
- WHERE page_id = ?"""
- cursor.execute(query1, (status, chart, pageid))
- msg = " {0}: status: {1} ({2}) -> {3} ({4})"
- self.logger.debug(msg.format(pageid, result["page_status"],
- result["row_chart"], status, chart))
- s_user, s_time, s_id = self.get_special(pageid, chart)
- if s_id != result["page_special_oldid"]:
- cursor.execute(query2, (s_user, s_time, s_id, pageid))
- msg = "{0}: special: {1} / {2} / {3} -> {4} / {5} / {6}"
- msg = msg.format(pageid, result["page_special_user"],
- result["page_special_time"],
- result["page_special_oldid"], m_user, m_time, m_id)
- self.logger.debug(msg)
- def update_page_notes(self, cursor, result, pageid, notes):
- """Update the notes (or warnings) of a page in our database."""
- query = "UPDATE page SET page_notes = ? WHERE page_id = ?"
- cursor.execute(query, (notes, pageid))
- msg = " {0}: notes: {1} -> {2}"
- self.logger.debug(msg.format(pageid, result["page_notes"], notes))
- def get_content(self, title):
- """Get the current content of a page by title from SQL.
- The page's current revision ID is retrieved from SQL, and then
- site.get_revid_content() is called.
- The reason a more conventional method (i.e. site.get_page.get()) is
- avoided is that due to replication lag, a discrepancy between the live
- database (which the API uses) and the replicated database (which SQL
- uses) can lead to incorrect and very confusing data, such as missing
- pages that are supposed to exist, if both are used interchangeably.
- """
- query = "SELECT page_latest FROM page WHERE page_title = ? AND page_namespace = ?"
- namespace, base = title.split(":", 1)
- try:
- ns = self.site.namespace_name_to_id(namespace)
- except wiki.NamespaceNotFoundError:
- base = title
- ns = wiki.NS_MAIN
- result = self.site.sql_query(query, (base, ns))
- revid = list(result)[0]
- return self.site.get_revid_content(revid)
- def get_status_and_chart(self, content):
- """Determine the status and chart number of an AFC submission.
- The methodology used here is the same one I've been using for years
- (see also commands.afc_report), but with the new draft system taken
- into account. The order here is important: if there is more than one
- {{AFC submission}} template on a page, we need to know which one to
- use (revision history search to find the most recent isn't a viable
- idea :P).
- """
- if re.search("\{\{afc submission\|r\|(.*?)\}\}", content, re.I):
- return "review", CHART_REVIEW
- elif re.search("\{\{afc submission\|h\|(.*?)\}\}", content, re.I):
- return "pend", CHART_DRAFT
- elif re.search("\{\{afc submission\|\|(.*?)\}\}", content, re.I):
- return "pend", CHART_PEND
- elif re.search("\{\{afc submission\|t\|(.*?)\}\}", content, re.I):
- return None, CHART_NONE
- elif re.search("\{\{afc submission\|d\|(.*?)\}\}", content, re.I):
- return "decline", CHART_DECLINE
- return None, CHART_NONE
- def get_short_title(self, title):
- """Shorten a title so we can display it in a chart using less space.
- Basically, this just means removing the "Wikipedia talk:Articles for
- creation" part from the beginning. If it is longer than 50 characters,
- we'll shorten it down to 47 and add an poor-man's ellipsis at the end.
- """
- short = re.sub("Wikipedia(\s*talk)?\:Articles\sfor\screation\/", "", title)
- if len(short) > 50:
- short = "".join((short[:47], "..."))
- return short
- def get_create(self, pageid):
- """Return information about a page's first edit ("creation").
- This consists of the page creator, creation time, and the earliest
- revision ID.
- """
- query = """SELECT rev_user_text, rev_timestamp, rev_id
- FROM revision WHERE rev_id =
- (SELECT MIN(rev_id) FROM revision WHERE rev_page = ?)"""
- result = self.site.sql_query(query, (pageid,))
- c_user, c_time, c_id = list(result)[0]
- return c_user, datetime.strptime(c_time, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), c_id
- def get_modify(self, pageid):
- """Return information about a page's last edit ("modification").
- This consists of the most recent editor, modification time, and the
- lastest revision ID.
- """
- query = """SELECT rev_user_text, rev_timestamp, rev_id FROM revision
- JOIN page ON rev_id = page_latest WHERE page_id = ?"""
- result = self.site.sql_query(query, (pageid,))
- m_user, m_time, m_id = list(result)[0]
- return m_user, datetime.strptime(m_time, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), m_id
- def get_special(self, pageid, chart):
- """Return information about a page's "special" edit.
- I tend to use the term "special" as a verb a lot, which is bound to
- cause confusion. It is merely a short way of saying "the edit in which
- a declined submission was declined, an accepted submission was
- accepted, a submission in review was set as such, and a pending draft
- was submitted."
- This "information" consists of the special edit's editor, its time, and
- its revision ID. If the page's status is not something that involves
- "special"-ing, we will return None for all three. The same will be
- returned if we cannot determine when the page was "special"-ed, or if
- it was "special"-ed more than 250 edits ago.
- """
- if chart in [CHART_NONE, CHART_PEND]:
- return None, None, None
- elif chart == CHART_ACCEPT:
- return self.get_create(pageid)
- elif chart == CHART_DRAFT:
- search = "(?!\{\{afc submission\|h\|(.*?)\}\})"
- elif chart == CHART_REVIEW:
- search = "(?!\{\{afc submission\|r\|(.*?)\}\})"
- elif chart == CHART_DECLINE:
- search = "(?!\{\{afc submission\|d\|(.*?)\}\})"
- query = """SELECT rev_user_text, rev_timestamp, rev_id
- FROM revision WHERE rev_page = ? ORDER BY rev_id DESC"""
- result = self.site.sql_query(query, (pageid,))
- counter = 0
- for user, ts, revid in result:
- counter += 1
- if counter > 250:
- msg = "Exceeded 250 content lookups while determining special for page (id: {0}, chart: {1})"
- self.logger.warn(msg.format(pageid, chart))
- break
- content = self.site.get_revid_content(revid)
- if re.search(search, content, re.I):
- return user, datetime.strptime(ts, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), revid
- return None, None, None
- def get_notes(self, pageid):
- """Return any special notes or warnings about this page.
- Currently unimplemented, so always returns None.
- """
- return None