- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from wiki.page import Page
- class Category(Page):
- """
- EarwigBot's Wiki Toolset: Category Class
- Represents a Category on a given Site, a subclass of Page. Provides
- additional methods, but Page's own methods should work fine on Category
- objects. Site.get_page() will return a Category instead of a Page if the
- given title is in the category namespace; get_category() is shorthand,
- because it accepts category names without the namespace prefix.
- Public methods:
- members -- returns a list of page titles in the category
- """
- def __repr__(self):
- """Returns the canonical string representation of the Category."""
- res = "Category(title={0!r}, follow_redirects={1!r}, site={2!r})"
- return res.format(self._title, self._follow_redirects, self._site)
- def __str__(self):
- """Returns a nice string representation of the Category."""
- return '<Category "{0}" of {1}>'.format(self.title(), str(self._site))
- def members(self, limit=50, use_sql=False):
- """Returns a list of page titles in the category.
- If `limit` is provided, we will provide this many titles, or less if
- the category is too small. `limit` defaults to 50; normal users can go
- up to 500, and bots can go up to 5,000 on a single API query.
- If `use_sql` is True, we will use a SQL query instead of the API. The
- limit argument will be ignored, and pages will be returned as tuples
- of (title, pageid) instead of just titles.
- """
- if use_sql:
- query = """SELECT page_title, page_namespace, page_id FROM page
- JOIN categorylinks ON page_id = cl_from
- WHERE cl_to = ?"""
- title = self.title().replace(" ", "_").split(":", 1)[1]
- result = self._site.sql_query(query, (title,))
- members = []
- for row in result:
- body = row[0].replace("_", " ")
- namespace = self._site.namespace_id_to_name(row[1])
- title = ":".join((str(namespace), body))
- members.append((title, row[2]))
- return members
- else:
- params = {"action": "query", "list": "categorymembers",
- "cmlimit": limit, "cmtitle": self._title}
- result = self._site._api_query(params)
- members = result['query']['categorymembers']
- return [member["title"] for member in members]