A Python robot that edits Wikipedia and interacts with people over IRC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:EarwigBot
25'ten fazla konu seçemezsiniz Konular bir harf veya rakamla başlamalı, kısa çizgiler ('-') içerebilir ve en fazla 35 karakter uzunluğunda olabilir.

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20 KiB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. #
  3. # Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Ben Kurtovic <ben.kurtovic@verizon.net>
  4. #
  5. # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  6. # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
  7. # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
  8. # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  9. # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  10. # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
  11. #
  12. # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
  13. # all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  14. #
  21. # SOFTWARE.
  22. from collections import OrderedDict
  23. from getpass import getpass
  24. from hashlib import sha256
  25. from os import chmod, mkdir, path
  26. import re
  27. import stat
  28. import sys
  29. from textwrap import fill, wrap
  30. try:
  31. from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish
  32. except ImportError:
  33. Blowfish = None
  34. try:
  35. import bcrypt
  36. except ImportError:
  37. bcrypt = None
  38. try:
  39. import yaml
  40. except ImportError:
  41. yaml = None
  42. from earwigbot import exceptions
  43. from earwigbot.config.ordered_yaml import OrderedDumper
  44. __all__ = ["ConfigScript"]
  45. RULES_TEMPLATE = """# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  46. def process(bot, rc):
  47. \"\"\"Given a Bot() object and an RC() object, return a list of channels
  48. to report this event to. Also, start any wiki bot tasks within this
  49. function if necessary.\"\"\"
  50. pass
  51. """
  52. class ConfigScript(object):
  53. """A script to guide a user through the creation of a new config file."""
  54. WIDTH = 79
  55. PROMPT = "\x1b[32m> \x1b[0m"
  56. BCRYPT_ROUNDS = 12
  57. def __init__(self, config):
  58. self.config = config
  59. self.data = OrderedDict([
  60. ("metadata", OrderedDict()),
  61. ("components", OrderedDict()),
  62. ("wiki", OrderedDict()),
  63. ("irc", OrderedDict()),
  64. ("commands", OrderedDict()),
  65. ("tasks", OrderedDict()),
  66. ("schedule", [])
  67. ])
  68. self._cipher = None
  69. self._wmf = False
  70. self._proj = None
  71. self._lang = None
  72. def _print(self, text):
  73. print fill(re.sub("\s\s+", " ", text), self.WIDTH)
  74. def _print_no_nl(self, text):
  75. sys.stdout.write(fill(re.sub("\s\s+", " ", text), self.WIDTH))
  76. sys.stdout.flush()
  77. def _pause(self):
  78. raw_input(self.PROMPT + "Press enter to continue: ")
  79. def _ask(self, text, default=None, require=True):
  80. text = self.PROMPT + text
  81. if default:
  82. text += " \x1b[33m[{0}]\x1b[0m".format(default)
  83. lines = wrap(re.sub("\s\s+", " ", text), self.WIDTH)
  84. if len(lines) > 1:
  85. print "\n".join(lines[:-1])
  86. while True:
  87. answer = raw_input(lines[-1] + " ") or default
  88. if answer or not require:
  89. return answer
  90. def _ask_bool(self, text, default=True):
  91. text = self.PROMPT + text
  92. if default:
  93. text += " \x1b[33m[Y/n]\x1b[0m"
  94. else:
  95. text += " \x1b[33m[y/N]\x1b[0m"
  96. lines = wrap(re.sub("\s\s+", " ", text), self.WIDTH)
  97. if len(lines) > 1:
  98. print "\n".join(lines[:-1])
  99. while True:
  100. answer = raw_input(lines[-1] + " ").lower()
  101. if not answer:
  102. return default
  103. if answer.startswith("y"):
  104. return True
  105. if answer.startswith("n"):
  106. return False
  107. def _ask_pass(self, text, encrypt=True):
  108. password = getpass(self.PROMPT + text + " ")
  109. if encrypt:
  110. return self._encrypt(password)
  111. return password
  112. def _encrypt(self, password):
  113. if self._cipher:
  114. mod = len(password) % 8
  115. if mod:
  116. password = password.ljust(len(password) + (8 - mod), "\x00")
  117. return self._cipher.encrypt(password).encode("hex")
  118. else:
  119. return password
  120. def _ask_list(self, text):
  121. print fill(re.sub("\s\s+", " ", self.PROMPT + text), self.WIDTH)
  122. print "[one item per line; blank line to end]:"
  123. result = []
  124. while True:
  125. line = raw_input(self.PROMPT)
  126. if line:
  127. result.append(line)
  128. else:
  129. return result
  130. def _set_metadata(self):
  131. print
  132. self.data["metadata"] = OrderedDict([("version", 1)])
  133. self._print("""I can encrypt passwords stored in your config file in
  134. addition to preventing other users on your system from
  135. reading the file. Encryption is recommended if the bot
  136. is to run on a public computer like the Toolserver, but
  137. otherwise the need to enter a key everytime you start
  138. the bot may be annoying.""")
  139. if self._ask_bool("Encrypt stored passwords?"):
  140. self.data["metadata"]["encryptPasswords"] = True
  141. key = getpass(self.PROMPT + "Enter an encryption key: ")
  142. msg = "Running {0} rounds of bcrypt...".format(self.BCRYPT_ROUNDS)
  143. self._print_no_nl(msg)
  144. signature = bcrypt.hashpw(key, bcrypt.gensalt(self.BCRYPT_ROUNDS))
  145. self.data["metadata"]["signature"] = signature
  146. self._cipher = Blowfish.new(sha256(key).digest())
  147. print " done."
  148. else:
  149. self.data["metadata"]["encryptPasswords"] = False
  150. print
  151. self._print("""The bot can temporarily store its logs in the logs/
  152. subdirectory. Error logs are kept for a month whereas
  153. normal logs are kept for a week. If you disable this,
  154. the bot will still print logs to stdout.""")
  155. logging = self._ask_bool("Enable logging?")
  156. self.data["metadata"]["enableLogging"] = logging
  157. def _set_components(self):
  158. print
  159. self._print("""The bot contains three separate components that can run
  160. independently of each other.""")
  161. self._print("""- The IRC front-end runs on a normal IRC server, like
  162. freenode, and expects users to interact with it through
  163. commands.""")
  164. self._print("""- The IRC watcher runs on a wiki recent-changes server,
  165. like irc.wikimedia.org, and listens for edits. Users
  166. cannot interact with this component. It can detect
  167. specific events and report them to "feed" channels on
  168. the front-end or start bot tasks.""")
  169. self._print("""- The wiki task scheduler runs wiki-editing bot tasks in
  170. separate threads at user-defined times through a
  171. cron-like interface. Tasks which are not scheduled can
  172. be started by the IRC watcher manually through the IRC
  173. front-end.""")
  174. frontend = self._ask_bool("Enable the IRC front-end?")
  175. watcher = self._ask_bool("Enable the IRC watcher?")
  176. scheduler = self._ask_bool("Enable the wiki task scheduler?")
  177. self.data["components"]["irc_frontend"] = frontend
  178. self.data["components"]["irc_watcher"] = watcher
  179. self.data["components"]["wiki_scheduler"] = scheduler
  180. def _login(self, kwargs):
  181. self.config.wiki._load(self.data["wiki"])
  182. self._print_no_nl("Trying to connect to the site...")
  183. try:
  184. site = self.config.bot.wiki.add_site(**kwargs)
  185. except exceptions.APIError as exc:
  186. print " API error!"
  187. print "\x1b[31m" + exc.message + "\x1b[0m"
  188. question = "Would you like to re-enter the site information?"
  189. if self._ask_bool(question):
  190. return self._set_wiki()
  191. question = "This will cancel the setup process. Are you sure?"
  192. if self._ask_bool(question, default=False):
  193. raise exceptions.NoConfigError()
  194. return self._set_wiki()
  195. except exceptions.LoginError as exc:
  196. print " login error!"
  197. print "\x1b[31m" + exc.message + "\x1b[0m"
  198. question = "Would you like to re-enter your login information?"
  199. if self._ask_bool(question):
  200. self.data["wiki"]["username"] = self._ask("Bot username:")
  201. password = self._ask_pass("Bot password:", encrypt=False)
  202. self.data["wiki"]["password"] = password
  203. return self._login(kwargs)
  204. else:
  205. password = self.data["wiki"]["password"]
  206. question = "Would you like to re-enter the site information?"
  207. if self._ask_bool(question):
  208. return self._set_wiki()
  209. print
  210. self._print("""Moving on. You can modify the login information
  211. stored in the bot's config in the future.""")
  212. self.data["wiki"]["password"] = None # Clear so we don't login
  213. self.config.wiki._load(self.data["wiki"])
  214. self._print_no_nl("Trying to connect to the site...")
  215. site = self.config.bot.wiki.add_site(**kwargs)
  216. print " success."
  217. self.data["wiki"]["password"] = password # Reset original value
  218. else:
  219. print " success."
  220. # Remember to store the encrypted password:
  221. password = self._encrypt(self.data["wiki"]["password"])
  222. self.data["wiki"]["password"] = password
  223. return site
  224. def _set_wiki(self):
  225. print
  226. self._wmf = self._ask_bool("""Will this bot run on Wikimedia Foundation
  227. wikis, like Wikipedia?""")
  228. if self._wmf:
  229. msg = "Site project (e.g. 'wikipedia', 'wiktionary', 'wikimedia'):"
  230. self._proj = project = self._ask(msg, "wikipedia").lower()
  231. msg = "Site language code (e.g. 'en', 'fr', 'commons'):"
  232. self._lang = lang = self._ask(msg, "en").lower()
  233. kwargs = {"project": project, "lang": lang}
  234. else:
  235. msg = "Site base URL, without the script path and trailing slash;"
  236. msg += " can be protocol-insensitive (e.g. '//en.wikipedia.org'):"
  237. url = self._ask(msg)
  238. script = self._ask("Site script path:", "/w")
  239. kwargs = {"base_url": url, "script_path": script}
  240. self.data["wiki"]["username"] = self._ask("Bot username:")
  241. password = self._ask_pass("Bot password:", encrypt=False)
  242. self.data["wiki"]["password"] = password
  243. self.data["wiki"]["userAgent"] = "EarwigBot/$1 (Python/$2; https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot)"
  244. self.data["wiki"]["summary"] = "([[WP:BOT|Bot]]): $2"
  245. self.data["wiki"]["useHTTPS"] = True
  246. self.data["wiki"]["assert"] = "user"
  247. self.data["wiki"]["maxlag"] = 10
  248. self.data["wiki"]["waitTime"] = 3
  249. self.data["wiki"]["defaultSite"] = self._login(kwargs).name
  250. self.data["wiki"]["sql"] = {}
  251. if self._wmf:
  252. msg = "Will this bot run from the Wikimedia Toolserver?"
  253. toolserver = self._ask_bool(msg, default=False)
  254. if toolserver:
  255. args = [("host", "$1-p.rrdb.toolserver.org"), ("db", "$1_p")]
  256. self.data["wiki"]["sql"] = OrderedDict(args)
  257. self.data["wiki"]["shutoff"] = {}
  258. msg = "Would you like to enable an automatic shutoff page for the bot?"
  259. if self._ask_bool(msg):
  260. print
  261. self._print("""The page title can contain two wildcards: $1 will be
  262. substituted with the bot's username, and $2 with the
  263. current task number. This can be used to implement a
  264. separate shutoff page for each task.""")
  265. page = self._ask("Page title:", "User:$1/Shutoff")
  266. msg = "Page content to indicate the bot is *not* shut off:"
  267. disabled = self._ask(msg, "run")
  268. args = [("page", page), ("disabled", disabled)]
  269. self.data["wiki"]["shutoff"] = OrderedDict(args)
  270. self.data["wiki"]["search"] = {}
  271. def _set_irc(self):
  272. if self.data["components"]["irc_frontend"]:
  273. print
  274. frontend = self.data["irc"]["frontend"] = OrderedDict()
  275. msg = "Hostname of the frontend's IRC server, without 'irc://':"
  276. frontend["host"] = self._ask(msg, "irc.freenode.net")
  277. frontend["port"] = self._ask("Frontend port:", 6667)
  278. frontend["nick"] = self._ask("Frontend bot's nickname:")
  279. frontend["ident"] = self._ask("Frontend bot's ident:",
  280. frontend["nick"].lower())
  281. question = "Frontend bot's real name (gecos):"
  282. frontend["realname"] = self._ask(question, "EarwigBot")
  283. if self._ask_bool("Should the bot identify to NickServ?"):
  284. ns_user = self._ask("NickServ username:", frontend["nick"])
  285. ns_pass = self._ask_pass("Nickserv password:")
  286. frontend["nickservUsername"] = ns_user
  287. frontend["nickservPassword"] = ns_pass
  288. chan_question = "Frontend channels to join by default:"
  289. frontend["channels"] = self._ask_list(chan_question)
  290. print
  291. self._print("""The bot keeps a database of its admins (users who
  292. can use certain sensitive commands) and owners
  293. (users who can quit the bot and modify its access
  294. list), identified by nick, ident, and/or hostname.
  295. Hostname is the most secure option since it cannot
  296. be easily spoofed. If you have a cloak, this will
  297. probably look like 'wikipedia/Username' or
  298. 'unaffiliated/nickname'.""")
  299. host = self._ask("Your hostname on the frontend:", require=False)
  300. if host:
  301. permdb = self.config._permissions
  302. permdb.load()
  303. permdb.add_owner(host=host)
  304. permdb.add_admin(host=host)
  305. else:
  306. frontend = {}
  307. if self.data["components"]["irc_watcher"]:
  308. print
  309. watcher = self.data["irc"]["watcher"] = OrderedDict()
  310. if self._wmf:
  311. watcher["host"] = "irc.wikimedia.org"
  312. watcher["port"] = 6667
  313. else:
  314. msg = "Hostname of the watcher's IRC server, without 'irc://':"
  315. watcher["host"] = self._ask(msg)
  316. watcher["port"] = self._ask("Watcher port:", 6667)
  317. nick = self._ask("Watcher bot's nickname:", frontend.get("nick"))
  318. ident = self._ask("Watcher bot's ident:", nick.lower())
  319. watcher["nick"] = nick
  320. watcher["ident"] = ident
  321. question = "Watcher bot's real name (gecos):"
  322. default = frontend.get("realname", "EarwigBot")
  323. watcher["realname"] = self._ask(question, default)
  324. watcher_ns = "Should the bot identify to NickServ?"
  325. if not self._wmf and self._ask_bool(watcher_ns):
  326. ns_user = self._ask("NickServ username:", watcher["nick"])
  327. ns_pass = self._ask_pass("Nickserv password:")
  328. watcher["nickservUsername"] = ns_user
  329. watcher["nickservPassword"] = ns_pass
  330. if self._wmf:
  331. chan = "#{0}.{1}".format(self._lang, self._proj)
  332. watcher["channels"] = [chan]
  333. else:
  334. chan_question = "Watcher channels to join by default:"
  335. watcher["channels"] = self._ask_list(chan_question)
  336. print
  337. self._print("""I am now creating a blank 'rules.py' file, which
  338. will determine how the bot handles messages received
  339. from the IRC watcher. It contains a process()
  340. function that takes a Bot object (allowing you to
  341. start tasks) and an RC object (storing the message
  342. from the watcher). See the documentation for
  343. details.""")
  344. with open(path.join(self.config.root_dir, "rules.py"), "w") as fp:
  345. fp.write(RULES_TEMPLATE)
  346. self._pause()
  347. self.data["irc"]["version"] = "EarwigBot - $1 - Python/$2 https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot"
  348. def _set_commands(self):
  349. print
  350. msg = """Would you like to disable the default IRC commands? You can
  351. fine-tune which commands are disabled later on."""
  352. if (not self.data["components"]["irc_frontend"] or
  353. self._ask_bool(msg, default=False)):
  354. self.data["commands"]["disable"] = True
  355. print
  356. self._print("""I am now creating the 'commands/' directory, where you
  357. can place custom IRC commands and plugins. Creating your
  358. own commands is described in the documentation.""")
  359. mkdir(path.join(self.config.root_dir, "commands"))
  360. self._pause()
  361. def _set_tasks(self):
  362. print
  363. self._print("""I am now creating the 'tasks/' directory, where you can
  364. place custom bot tasks and plugins. Creating your own
  365. tasks is described in the documentation.""")
  366. mkdir(path.join(self.config.root_dir, "tasks"))
  367. self._pause()
  368. def _set_schedule(self):
  369. print
  370. self._print("""The final section of your config file, 'schedule', is a
  371. list of bot tasks to be started by the wiki scheduler.
  372. Each entry contains cron-like time quantifiers and a
  373. list of tasks. For example, the following starts the
  374. 'foobot' task every hour on the half-hour:""")
  375. print "\x1b[33mschedule:"
  376. print " - minute: 30"
  377. print " tasks:"
  378. print " - foobot\x1b[0m"
  379. self._print("""The following starts the 'barbot' task with the keyword
  380. arguments 'action="baz"' every Monday at 05:00 UTC:""")
  381. print "\x1b[33m - week_day: 1"
  382. print " hour: 5"
  383. print " tasks:"
  384. print ' - ["barbot", {"action": "baz"}]\x1b[0m'
  385. self._print("""The full list of quantifiers is minute, hour, month_day,
  386. month, and week_day. See the documentation for more
  387. information.""")
  388. self._pause()
  389. def _save(self):
  390. with open(self.config.path, "w") as stream:
  391. yaml.dump(self.data, stream, OrderedDumper, indent=4,
  392. allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False)
  393. def make_new(self):
  394. """Make a new config file based on the user's input."""
  395. try:
  396. open(self.config.path, "w").close()
  397. chmod(self.config.path, stat.S_IRUSR|stat.S_IWUSR)
  398. except IOError:
  399. print "I can't seem to write to the config file:"
  400. raise
  401. self._set_metadata()
  402. self._set_components()
  403. self._set_wiki()
  404. components = self.data["components"]
  405. if components["irc_frontend"] or components["irc_watcher"]:
  406. self._set_irc()
  407. self._set_commands()
  408. self._set_tasks()
  409. if components["wiki_scheduler"]:
  410. self._set_schedule()
  411. print
  412. self._print("""I am now saving config.yml with your settings. YAML is a
  413. relatively straightforward format and you should be able
  414. to update these settings in the future when necessary.
  415. I will start the bot at your signal. Feel free to
  416. contact me at wikipedia.earwig@gmail.com if you have any
  417. questions.""")
  418. self._save()
  419. if not self._ask_bool("Start the bot now?"):
  420. exit()