- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- EarwigBot's Wiki Bot Task Manager
- This module provides some functions to run and load bot tasks from wiki/tasks/.
- """
- import time
- import traceback
- import threading
- import os
- from core import config
- # store loaded tasks as a dict where the key is the task name and the value is
- # an instance of the task class (wiki.tasks.task_file.Task())
- task_list = dict()
- def load_tasks():
- """Load all valid task classes from wiki/tasks/, and add them to the
- task_list variable."""
- files = os.listdir(os.path.join("wiki", "tasks"))
- files.sort() # alphabetically sort all files in wiki/tasks/
- for f in files:
- if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join("wiki", "tasks", f)):
- continue # ignore non-files
- if f.startswith("_") or not f.endswith(".py"):
- continue # ignore non-python files or files beginning with an _
- load_class_from_file(f)
- print "Found %s tasks: %s." % (len(task_list), ', '.join(task_list.keys()))
- def load_class_from_file(f):
- """Look in a given file for the task class."""
- global task_list
- module = f[:-3] # strip .py from end
- try:
- exec "from wiki.tasks import %s as m" % module
- except: # importing the file failed for some reason...
- print "Couldn't load task file %s:" % f
- traceback.print_exc()
- return
- try:
- task_class = m.Task
- except:
- print "Couldn't find or get task class in file %s:" % f
- traceback.print_exc()
- return
- task_name = task_class.task_name
- task_list[task_name] = task_class()
- print "Added task %s from wiki/tasks/%s..." % (task_name, f)
- def start_tasks(now=time.gmtime()):
- """Start all tasks that are supposed to be run at a given time."""
- tasks = config.schedule(now.tm_min, now.tm_hour, now.tm_mday, now.tm_mon,
- now.tm_wday) # get list of tasks to run this turn
- for task in tasks:
- if isinstance(task, tuple): # they've specified kwargs
- start_task(task[0], **task[1]) # so pass those to start_task
- else: # otherwise, just pass task_name
- start_task(task)
- def start_task(task_name, **kwargs):
- """Start a given task in a new thread. Pass args to the task's run()
- function."""
- print "Starting task '{0}' in a new thread...".format(task_name)
- try:
- task = task_list[task_name]
- except KeyError:
- print ("Couldn't find task '{0}': wiki/tasks/{0}.py does not exist.").format(task_name)
- return
- task_thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda: task_wrapper(task, **kwargs))
- task_thread.name = "{0} ({1})".format(task_name, time.strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S"))
- # stop bot task threads automagically if the main bot stops
- task_thread.daemon = True
- task_thread.start()
- def task_wrapper(task, **kwargs):
- """Wrapper for task classes: run the task and catch any errors."""
- try:
- task.run(**kwargs)
- except:
- print "Task '{0}' raised an exception and had to stop:".format(task.task_name)
- traceback.print_exc()
- else:
- print "Task '{0}' finished without error.".format(task.task_name)