- Setup
- =====
- The bot stores its data in a "working directory", including its config file and
- databases. This is also the location where you will place custom IRC commands
- and bot tasks, which will be explained later. It doesn't matter where this
- directory is, as long as the bot can write to it.
- Start the bot with :command:`earwigbot path/to/working/dir`, or just
- :command:`earwigbot` if the working directory is the current directory. It will
- notice that no :file:`config.yml` file exists and take you through the setup
- process.
- There is currently no way to edit the :file:`config.yml` file from within the
- bot after it has been created, but YAML is a very straightforward format, so
- you should be able to make any necessary changes yourself. Check out the
- `explanation of YAML`_ on Wikipedia for help.
- After setup, the bot will start. This means it will connect to the IRC servers
- it has been configured for, schedule bot tasks to run at specific times, and
- then wait for instructions (as commands on IRC). For a list of commands, say
- "``!help``" (commands are messages prefixed with an exclamation mark).
- You can stop the bot at any time with :kbd:`Control-c`, same as you stop a
- normal Python program, and it will try to exit safely. You can also use the
- "``!quit``" command on IRC.
- .. _explanation of YAML: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML