- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # A class to store data from an individual line received on IRC.
- import re
- class KwargParseException(Exception):
- """Couldn't parse a certain keyword argument in self.args, probably because
- it was given incorrectly: e.g., no value (abc), just a value (=xyz), just
- an equal sign (=), instead of the correct (abc=xyz)."""
- pass
- class Data(object):
- def __init__(self):
- """store data from an individual line received on IRC"""
- self.line = str()
- self.chan = str()
- self.nick = str()
- self.ident = str()
- self.host = str()
- self.msg = str()
- def parse_args(self):
- """parse command arguments from self.msg into self.command and self.args"""
- args = self.msg.strip().split(' ') # strip out extra whitespace and split the message into a list
- while '' in args: # remove any empty arguments
- args.remove('')
- self.args = args[1:] # the command arguments
- self.is_command = False # whether this is a real command or not
- try:
- self.command = args[0] # the command itself
- except IndexError:
- self.command = None
- try:
- if self.command.startswith('!') or self.command.startswith('.'):
- self.is_command = True
- self.command = self.command[1:] # strip '!' or '.'
- self.command = self.command.lower() # lowercase command name
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- def parse_kwargs(self):
- """parse command arguments from self.args, given as !command key1=value1 key2=value2..., into a dict self.kwargs: {'key1': 'value2', 'key2': 'value2'...}"""
- self.kwargs = {}
- for arg in self.args[2:]:
- try:
- key, value = re.findall("^(.*?)\=(.*?)$", arg)[0]
- except IndexError:
- raise KwargParseException(arg)
- if not key or not value:
- raise KwargParseException(arg)
- self.kwargs[key] = value