A Python robot that edits Wikipedia and interacts with people over IRC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:EarwigBot

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  1. The Wiki Toolset
  2. ================
  3. EarwigBot's answer to the `Pywikipedia framework`_ is the Wiki Toolset
  4. (:py:mod:`earwigbot.wiki`), which you will mainly access through
  5. :py:attr:`bot.wiki <earwigbot.bot.Bot.wiki>`.
  6. :py:attr:`bot.wiki <earwigbot.bot.Bot.wiki>` provides three methods for the
  7. management of Sites - :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.sitesdb.SitesDB.get_site`,
  8. :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.sitesdb.SitesDB.add_site`, and
  9. :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.sitesdb.SitesDB.remove_site`. Sites are objects that
  10. simply represent a MediaWiki site. A single instance of EarwigBot (i.e. a
  11. single *working directory*) is expected to relate to a single site or group of
  12. sites using the same login info (like all WMF wikis with `CentralAuth`_).
  13. Load your default site (the one that you picked during setup) with
  14. ``site = bot.wiki.get_site()``.
  15. Dealing with other sites
  16. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  17. *Skip this section if you're only working with one site.*
  18. If a site is *already known to the bot* (meaning that it is stored in the
  19. :file:`sites.db` file, which includes just your default wiki at first), you can
  20. load a site with ``site = bot.wiki.get_site(name)``, where ``name`` might be
  21. ``"enwiki"`` or ``"frwiktionary"`` (you can also do
  22. ``site = bot.wiki.get_site(project="wikipedia", lang="en")``). Recall that not
  23. giving any arguments to ``get_site()`` will return the default site.
  24. :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.sitesdb.SitesDB.add_site` is used to add new sites to
  25. the sites database. It may be called with similar arguments as
  26. :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.sitesdb.SitesDB.get_site`, but the difference is
  27. important. :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.sitesdb.SitesDB.get_site` only needs
  28. enough information to identify the site in its database, which is usually just
  29. its name; the database stores all other necessary connection info. With
  30. :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.sitesdb.SitesDB.add_site`, you need to provide enough
  31. connection info so the toolset can successfully access the site's API/SQL
  32. databases and store that information for later. That might not be much; for WMF
  33. wikis, you can usually use code like this::
  34. project, lang = "wikipedia", "es"
  35. try:
  36. site = bot.wiki.get_site(project=project, lang=lang)
  37. except earwigbot.SiteNotFoundError:
  38. # Load site info from http://es.wikipedia.org/w/api.php:
  39. site = bot.wiki.add_site(project=project, lang=lang)
  40. This works because EarwigBot assumes that the URL for the site is
  41. ``"//{lang}.{project}.org"`` and the API is at ``/w/api.php``; this might
  42. change if you're dealing with non-WMF wikis, where the code might look
  43. something more like::
  44. project, lang = "mywiki", "it"
  45. try:
  46. site = bot.wiki.get_site(project=project, lang=lang)
  47. except earwigbot.SiteNotFoundError:
  48. # Load site info from http://mysite.net/mywiki/it/s/api.php:
  49. base_url = "http://mysite.net/" + project + "/" + lang
  50. db_name = lang + project + "_p"
  51. sql = {host: "sql.mysite.net", db: db_name}
  52. site = bot.wiki.add_site(base_url=base_url, script_path="/s", sql=sql)
  53. :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.sitesdb.SitesDB.remove_site` does the opposite of
  54. :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.sitesdb.SitesDB.add_site`: give it a site's name or a
  55. project/lang pair like :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.sitesdb.SitesDB.get_site`
  56. takes, and it'll remove that site from the sites database.
  57. Sites
  58. ~~~~~
  59. :py:class:`earwigbot.wiki.Site <earwigbot.wiki.site.Site>` objects provide the
  60. following attributes:
  61. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.name`: the site's name (or "wikiid"),
  62. like ``"enwiki"``
  63. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.project`: the site's project name, like
  64. ``"wikipedia"``
  65. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.lang`: the site's language code, like
  66. ``"en"``
  67. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.domain`: the site's web domain, like
  68. ``"en.wikipedia.org"``
  69. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.url`: the site's full base URL, like
  70. ``"https://en.wikipedia.org"``
  71. and the following methods:
  72. - :py:meth:`api_query(**kwargs) <earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.api_query>`: does an
  73. API query with the given keyword arguments as params
  74. - :py:meth:`sql_query(query, params=(), ...)
  75. <earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.sql_query>`: does an SQL query and yields its
  76. results (as a generator)
  77. - :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.get_replag`: returns the estimated
  78. database replication lag (if we have the site's SQL connection info)
  79. - :py:meth:`namespace_id_to_name(id, all=False)
  80. <earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.namespace_id_to_name>`: given a namespace ID,
  81. returns the primary associated namespace name (or a list of all names when
  82. ``all`` is ``True``)
  83. - :py:meth:`namespace_name_to_id(name)
  84. <earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.namespace_name_to_id>`: given a namespace name,
  85. returns the associated namespace ID
  86. - :py:meth:`get_page(title, follow_redirects=False, ...)
  87. <earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.get_page>`: returns a ``Page`` object for the given
  88. title (or a :py:class:`~earwigbot.wiki.category.Category` object if the
  89. page's namespace is "``Category:``")
  90. - :py:meth:`get_category(catname, follow_redirects=False, ...)
  91. <earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.get_category>`: returns a ``Category`` object for
  92. the given title (sans namespace)
  93. - :py:meth:`get_user(username) <earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.get_user>`: returns a
  94. :py:class:`~earwigbot.wiki.user.User` object for the given username
  95. Pages and categories
  96. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  97. Create :py:class:`earwigbot.wiki.Page <earwigbot.wiki.page.Page>` objects with
  98. :py:meth:`site.get_page(title) <earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.get_page>`,
  99. :py:meth:`page.toggle_talk() <earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.toggle_talk>`,
  100. :py:meth:`user.get_userpage() <earwigbot.wiki.user.User.get_userpage>`, or
  101. :py:meth:`user.get_talkpage() <earwigbot.wiki.user.User.get_talkpage>`. They
  102. provide the following attributes:
  103. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.site`: the page's corresponding
  104. :py:class:`~earwigbot.wiki.site.Site` object
  105. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.title`: the page's title, or pagename
  106. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.exists`: whether or not the page exists
  107. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.pageid`: an integer ID representing the
  108. page
  109. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.url`: the page's URL
  110. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.namespace`: the page's namespace as an
  111. integer
  112. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.protection`: the page's current
  113. protection status
  114. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.is_talkpage`: ``True`` if the page is a
  115. talkpage, else ``False``
  116. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.is_redirect`: ``True`` if the page is a
  117. redirect, else ``False``
  118. and the following methods:
  119. - :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.reload`: forcibly reloads the page's
  120. attributes (emphasis on *reload* - this is only necessary if there is reason
  121. to believe they have changed)
  122. - :py:meth:`toggle_talk(...) <earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.toggle_talk>`: returns a
  123. content page's talk page, or vice versa
  124. - :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.get`: returns page content
  125. - :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.get_redirect_target`: if the page is a
  126. redirect, returns its destination
  127. - :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.get_creator`: returns a
  128. :py:class:`~earwigbot.wiki.user.User` object representing the first user to
  129. edit the page
  130. - :py:meth:`edit(text, summary, minor=False, bot=True, force=False)
  131. <earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.edit>`: replaces the page's content with ``text``
  132. or creates a new page
  133. - :py:meth:`add_section(text, title, minor=False, bot=True, force=False)
  134. <earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.add_section>`: adds a new section named ``title``
  135. at the bottom of the page
  136. - :py:meth:`copyvio_check(...)
  137. <earwigbot.wiki.copyvios.CopyvioMixIn.copyvio_check>`: checks the page for
  138. copyright violations
  139. - :py:meth:`copyvio_compare(url, ...)
  140. <earwigbot.wiki.copyvios.CopyvioMixIn.copyvio_compare>`: checks the page like
  141. :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.copyvios.CopyvioMixIn.copyvio_check`, but
  142. against a specific URL
  143. Additionally, :py:class:`~earwigbot.wiki.category.Category` objects (created
  144. with :py:meth:`site.get_category(name) <earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.get_category>`
  145. or :py:meth:`site.get_page(title) <earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.get_page>` where
  146. ``title`` is in the ``Category:`` namespace) provide the following additional
  147. method:
  148. - :py:meth:`get_members(use_sql=False, limit=None, ...)
  149. <earwigbot.wiki.category.Category.get_members>`: iterates over
  150. :py:class:`~earwigbot.wiki.page.Page`\ s in the category, until either the
  151. category is exhausted or (if given) ``limit`` is reached
  152. Users
  153. ~~~~~
  154. Create :py:class:`earwigbot.wiki.User <earwigbot.wiki.user.User>` objects with
  155. :py:meth:`site.get_user(name) <earwigbot.wiki.site.Site.get_user>` or
  156. :py:meth:`page.get_creator() <earwigbot.wiki.page.Page.get_creator>`. They
  157. provide the following attributes:
  158. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.user.User.site`: the user's corresponding
  159. :py:class:`~earwigbot.wiki.site.Site` object
  160. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.user.User.name`: the user's username
  161. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.user.User.exists`: ``True`` if the user exists, or
  162. ``False`` if they do not
  163. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.user.User.userid`: an integer ID representing the
  164. user
  165. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.user.User.blockinfo`: information about any current
  166. blocks on the user (``False`` if no block, or a dict of
  167. ``{"by": blocking_user, "reason": block_reason,
  168. "expiry": block_expire_time}``)
  169. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.user.User.groups`: a list of the user's groups
  170. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.user.User.rights`: a list of the user's rights
  171. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.user.User.editcount`: the number of edits made by
  172. the user
  173. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.user.User.registration`: the time the user
  174. registered as a :py:obj:`time.struct_time`
  175. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.user.User.emailable`: ``True`` if you can email the
  176. user, ``False`` if you cannot
  177. - :py:attr:`~earwigbot.wiki.user.User.gender`: the user's gender (``"male"``,
  178. ``"female"``, or ``"unknown"``)
  179. and the following methods:
  180. - :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.user.User.reload`: forcibly reloads the user's
  181. attributes (emphasis on *reload* - this is only necessary if there is reason
  182. to believe they have changed)
  183. - :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.user.User.get_userpage`: returns a
  184. :py:class:`~earwigbot.wiki.page.Page` object representing the user's userpage
  185. - :py:meth:`~earwigbot.wiki.user.User.get_talkpage`: returns a
  186. :py:class:`~earwigbot.wiki.page.Page` object representing the user's talkpage
  187. Additional features
  188. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  189. Not all aspects of the toolset are covered here. Explore `its code and
  190. docstrings`_ to learn how to use it in a more hands-on fashion. For reference,
  191. :py:attr:`bot.wiki <earwigbot.bot.Bot.wiki>` is an instance of
  192. :py:class:`earwigbot.wiki.SitesDB <earwigbot.wiki.sitesdb.SitesDB>` tied to the
  193. :file:`sites.db` file in the bot's working directory.
  194. .. _Pywikipedia framework: http://pywikipediabot.sourceforge.net/
  195. .. _CentralAuth: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CentralAuth
  196. .. _its code and docstrings: https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot/tree/develop/earwigbot/wiki