- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- EarwigBot's JSON Config File Parser
- This handles all tasks involving reading and writing to our config file,
- including encrypting and decrypting passwords and making a new config file from
- scratch at the inital bot run.
- Usually you'll just want to do "from core import config" and access config data
- from within config's four global variables and one function:
- * config.components - a list of enabled components
- * config.wiki - a dict of information about wiki-editing
- * config.irc - a dict of information about IRC
- * config.metadata - a dict of miscellaneous information
- * config.schedule() - returns a list of tasks scheduled to run at a given time
- Additionally, functions related to config loading:
- * config.load() - loads and parses our config file, returning True if
- passwords are stored encrypted or False otherwise
- * config.decrypt() - given a key, decrypts passwords inside our config
- variables; won't work if passwords aren't encrypted
- """
- import json
- from os import path
- import blowfish
- script_dir = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))
- root_dir = path.split(script_dir)[0]
- config_path = path.join(root_dir, "config.json")
- _config = None # Holds data loaded from our config file
- # Set our four easy-config-access global variables to None
- components, wiki, irc, metadata = None, None, None, None
- def _load():
- """Load data from our JSON config file (config.json) into _config."""
- global _config
- with open(config_path, 'r') as fp:
- try:
- _config = json.load(fp)
- except ValueError as error:
- print "Error parsing config file {0}:".format(config_path)
- print error
- exit(1)
- def _make_new():
- """Make a new config file based on the user's input."""
- encrypt = raw_input("Would you like to encrypt passwords stored in config.json? [y/n] ")
- if encrypt.lower().startswith("y"):
- is_encrypted = True
- else:
- is_encrypted = False
- return is_encrypted
- def is_loaded():
- """Return True if our config file has been loaded, otherwise False."""
- return _config is not None
- def load():
- """Load, or reload, our config file.
- First, check if we have a valid config file, and if not, notify the user.
- If there is no config file at all, offer to make one, otherwise exit.
- Store data from our config file in four global variables (components, wiki,
- irc, metadata) for easy access (as well as the internal _config variable).
- If everything goes well, return True if stored passwords are
- encrypted in the file, or False if they are not.
- """
- global components, wiki, irc, metadata
- if not path.exists(config_path):
- print "You haven't configured the bot yet!"
- choice = raw_input("Would you like to do this now? [y/n] ")
- if choice.lower().startswith("y"):
- return _make_new()
- else:
- exit(1)
- _load()
- components = _config.get("components", [])
- wiki = _config.get("wiki", {})
- irc = _config.get("irc", {})
- metadata = _config.get("metadata", {})
- # Are passwords encrypted?
- return metadata.get("encryptPasswords", False)
- def decrypt(key):
- """Use the key to decrypt passwords in our config file.
- Call this if load() returns True. Catch password decryption errors and
- report them to the user.
- """
- global irc, wiki
- try:
- item = wiki.get("password")
- if item:
- wiki["password"] = blowfish.decrypt(key, item)
- item = irc.get("frontend").get("nickservPassword")
- if item:
- irc["frontend"]["nickservPassword"] = blowfish.decrypt(key, item)
- item = irc.get("watcher").get("nickservPassword")
- if item:
- irc["watcher"]["nickservPassword"] = blowfish.decrypt(key, item)
- except blowfish.BlowfishError as error:
- print "\nError decrypting passwords:"
- print "{0}: {1}.".format(error.__class__.__name__, error)
- exit(1)
- def schedule(minute, hour, month_day, month, week_day):
- """Return a list of tasks scheduled to run at the specified time.
- The schedule data comes from our config file's 'schedule' field, which is
- stored as _config["schedule"]. Call this function as config.schedule(args).
- """
- # Tasks to run this turn, each as a list of either [task_name, kwargs], or
- # just the task_name:
- tasks = []
- now = {"minute": minute, "hour": hour, "month_day": month_day,
- "month": month, "week_day": week_day}
- data = _config.get("schedule", [])
- for event in data:
- do = True
- for key, value in now.items():
- try:
- requirement = event[key]
- except KeyError:
- continue
- if requirement != value:
- do = False
- break
- if do:
- try:
- tasks.extend(event["tasks"])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return tasks