- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- ## EarwigBot's Config File Parser
- from collections import defaultdict
- import ConfigParser as configparser
- import os
- main_cfg_path = os.path.join("config", "main.cfg")
- secure_cfg_path = os.path.join("config", "secure.cfg")
- config = dict()
- def load_config_file(filename):
- parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
- parser.optionxform = str # don't lowercase option names automatically
- parser.read(filename)
- return parser
- def make_new_config():
- print "You haven't configured the bot yet!"
- choice = raw_input("Would you like to do this now? [y/n] ")
- if choice.lower().startswith("y"):
- pass
- else:
- exit()
- def dump_config_to_dict(parsers):
- global config
- for parser in parsers:
- for section in parser.sections():
- for option in parser.options(section):
- try:
- config[section][option] = parser.get(section, option)
- except KeyError:
- config[section] = defaultdict(lambda: None)
- config[section][option] = parser.get(section, option)
- def load():
- if not os.path.exists(main_cfg_path):
- make_new_config()
- main_cfg = load_config_file(main_cfg_path)
- secure_cfg = load_config_file(secure_cfg_path)
- dump_config_to_dict([main_cfg, secure_cfg])