- ######
- ###### NOTE:
- ###### This is an old commands file from the previous version of EarwigBot.
- ###### It is not used by the new EarwigBot and is simply here for reference
- ###### when developing new commands.
- ######
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- ### EarwigBot
- ## Import basics.
- import sys, socket, string, time, codecs, os, traceback, thread, re, urllib, web, math, unicodedata
- ## Import our functions.
- import config
- ## Set up constants.
- HOST, PORT, NICK, IDENT, REALNAME, CHANS, REPORT_CHAN, WELCOME_CHAN, HOST2, CHAN2, OWNER, ADMINS, ADMINS_R, PASS = config.host, config.port, config.nick, config.ident, config.realname, config.chans, config.report_chan, config.welcome_chan, config.host2, config.chan2, config.owner, config.admins, config.admin_readable, config.password
- def get_commandList():
- return {'quiet': 'quiet',
- 'welcome': 'welcome',
- 'greet': 'welcome',
- 'linker': 'linker',
- 'auth': 'auth',
- 'access': 'access',
- 'join': 'join',
- 'part': 'part',
- 'restart': 'restart',
- 'quit': 'quit',
- 'die': 'quit',
- 'msg': 'msg',
- 'me': 'me',
- 'calc': 'calc',
- 'dice': 'dice',
- 'tock': 'tock',
- 'beats': 'beats',
- 'copyvio': 'copyvio',
- 'copy': 'copyvio',
- 'copyright': 'copyvio',
- 'dict': 'dictionary',
- 'dictionary': 'dictionary',
- 'ety': 'etymology',
- 'etymology': 'etymology',
- 'lang': 'langcode',
- 'langcode': 'langcode',
- 'num': 'number',
- 'number': 'number',
- 'count': 'number',
- 'c': 'number',
- 'nick': 'nick',
- 'op': 'op',
- 'deop': 'deop',
- 'voice': 'voice',
- 'devoice': 'devoice',
- 'pend': 'pending',
- 'pending': 'pending',
- 'sub': 'submissions',
- 'submissions': 'submissions',
- 'praise': 'praise',
- 'leonard': 'leonard',
- 'groovedog': 'groovedog',
- 'earwig': 'earwig',
- 'macmed': 'macmed',
- 'cubs197': 'cubs197',
- 'sparksboy': 'sparksboy',
- 'tim_song': 'tim_song',
- 'tim': 'tim_song',
- 'blurpeace': 'blurpeace',
- 'sausage': 'sausage',
- 'mindstormskid': 'mindstormskid',
- 'mcjohn': 'mcjohn',
- 'fetchcomms': 'fetchcomms',
- 'trout': 'trout',
- 'kill': 'kill',
- 'destroy': 'kill',
- 'murder': 'kill',
- 'fish': 'fish',
- 'report': 'report',
- 'commands': 'commands',
- 'help': 'help',
- 'doc': 'help',
- 'documentation': 'help',
- 'mysql': 'mysql',
- 'remind': 'reminder',
- 'reminder': 'reminder',
- 'notes': 'notes',
- 'note': 'notes',
- 'about': 'notes',
- 'data': 'notes',
- 'database': 'notes',
- 'hash': 'hash',
- 'lookup': 'lookup',
- 'ip': 'lookup'
- }
- def main(command, line, line2, nick, chan, host, auth, notice, say, reply, s):
- try:
- parse(command, line, line2, nick, chan, host, auth, notice, say, reply, s)
- except Exception:
- trace = traceback.format_exc() # Traceback.
- print trace # Print.
- lines = list(reversed(trace.splitlines())) # Convert lines to process traceback....
- report2 = [lines[0].strip()]
- for line in lines:
- line = line.strip()
- if line.startswith('File "/'):
- report2.append(line[0].lower() + line[1:])
- break
- else: report2.append('source unknown')
- say(report2[0] + ' (' + report2[1] + ')', chan)
- def parse(command, line, line2, nick, chan, host, auth, notice, say, reply, s):
- authy = auth(host)
- if command == "access":
- a = 'The bot\'s owner is "%s".' % OWNER
- b = 'The bot\'s admins are "%s".' % ', '.join(ADMINS_R)
- reply(a, chan, nick)
- reply(b, chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "join":
- if authy == "owner" or authy == "admin":
- try:
- channel = line2[4]
- except Exception:
- channel = chan
- s.send("JOIN %s\r\n" % channel)
- else:
- reply("You aren't authorized to use that command.", chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "part":
- if authy == "owner" or authy == "admin":
- try:
- channel = line2[4]
- except Exception:
- channel = chan
- s.send("PART %s\r\n" % channel)
- else:
- reply("You aren't authorized to use that command.", chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "restart":
- import thread
- if authy == "owner":
- s.send("QUIT\r\n")
- time.sleep(5)
- os.system("nice -15 python main.py")
- exit()
- else:
- reply("Only the owner, %s, can stop the bot. This incident will be reported." % OWNER, chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "quit" or command == "die":
- if authy != "owner":
- if command != "suicide":
- reply("Only the owner, %s, can stop the bot. This incident will be reported." % OWNER, chan, nick)
- else:
- say("\x01ACTION hands %s a gun... have fun :D\x01" % nick, nick)
- else:
- if command == "suicide":
- say("\x01ACTION stabs himself with a knife.\x01", chan)
- time.sleep(0.2)
- try:
- s.send("QUIT :%s\r\n" % ' '.join(line2[4:]))
- except Exception:
- s.send("QUIT\r\n")
- __import__('os')._exit(0)
- return
- if command == "msg":
- if authy == "owner" or authy == "admin":
- say(' '.join(line2[5:]), line2[4])
- else:
- reply("You aren't authorized to use that command.", chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "me":
- if authy == "owner" or authy == "admin":
- say("\x01ACTION %s\x01" % ' '.join(line2[5:]), line2[4])
- else:
- reply("You aren't authorized to use that command.", chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "calc":
- r_result = re.compile(r'(?i)<A NAME=results>(.*?)</A>')
- r_tag = re.compile(r'<\S+.*?>')
- subs = [
- (' in ', ' -> '),
- (' over ', ' / '),
- (u'£', 'GBP '),
- (u'€', 'EUR '),
- ('\$', 'USD '),
- (r'\bKB\b', 'kilobytes'),
- (r'\bMB\b', 'megabytes'),
- (r'\bGB\b', 'kilobytes'),
- ('kbps', '(kilobits / second)'),
- ('mbps', '(megabits / second)')
- ]
- try:
- q = ' '.join(line2[4:])
- except Exception:
- say("0?", chan)
- return
- query = q[:]
- for a, b in subs:
- query = re.sub(a, b, query)
- query = query.rstrip(' \t')
- precision = 5
- if query[-3:] in ('GBP', 'USD', 'EUR', 'NOK'):
- precision = 2
- query = web.urllib.quote(query.encode('utf-8'))
- uri = 'http://futureboy.us/fsp/frink.fsp?fromVal='
- bytes = web.get(uri + query)
- m = r_result.search(bytes)
- if m:
- result = m.group(1)
- result = r_tag.sub('', result) # strip span.warning tags
- result = result.replace('>', '>')
- result = result.replace('(undefined symbol)', '(?) ')
- if '.' in result:
- try: result = str(round(float(result), precision))
- except ValueError: pass
- if not result.strip():
- result = '?'
- elif ' in ' in q:
- result += ' ' + q.split(' in ', 1)[1]
- say(q + ' = ' + result[:350], chan)
- else: reply("Sorry, can't calculate that.", chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "dice":
- import random
- try:
- set = range(int(line2[4]), int(line2[5]) + 1)
- except Exception:
- set = range(1, 7)
- num = random.choice(set)
- reply("You rolled a %s." % num, chan, nick)
- if len(set) < 30:
- say("Set consisted of %s." % set, nick)
- else:
- say("Set consisted of %s... and %s others." % (set[:30], len(set) - 30), nick)
- return
- if command == "tock":
- u = urllib.urlopen('http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/cgi-bin/timer.pl')
- info = u.info()
- u.close()
- say('"' + info['Date'] + '" - tycho.usno.navy.mil', chan)
- return
- if command == "beats":
- beats = ((time.time() + 3600) % 86400) / 86.4
- beats = int(math.floor(beats))
- say('@%03i' % beats, chan)
- return
- if command == "copyvio" or command == "copy" or command == "copyright":
- url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:EarwigBot/AfC copyvios"
- query = urllib.urlopen(url)
- data = query.read()
- url = "http://toolserver.org/~earwig/earwigbot/pywikipedia/error.txt"
- query = urllib.urlopen(url)
- data2 = query.read()
- if "critical" in data2:
- text = "AfC copyvio situation is CRITICAL: Major disaster."
- elif "exceed" in data2:
- text = "AfC copyvio situation is CRITICAL: Queries exceeded error."
- elif "spam" in data2:
- text = "AfC copyvio situation is CRITICAL: Spamfilter error."
- elif "<h3>" in data:
- text = "AfC copyvio situation is BAD: Unsolved copyvios at [[User:EarwigBot/AfC copyvios]]"
- else:
- text = "AfC copyvio situation is OK: OK."
- reply(text, chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "dict" or command == "dictionary":
- def trim(thing):
- if thing.endswith(' '):
- thing = thing[:-6]
- return thing.strip(' :.')
- r_li = re.compile(r'(?ims)<li>.*?</li>')
- r_tag = re.compile(r'<[^>]+>')
- r_parens = re.compile(r'(?<=\()(?:[^()]+|\([^)]+\))*(?=\))')
- r_word = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z0-9\' -]+$')
- uri = 'http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/%s.html'
- r_info = re.compile(r'(?:ResultBody"><br /><br />(.*?) )|(?:<b>(.*?)</b>)')
- try:
- word = line2[4]
- except Exception:
- reply("Please enter a word.", chan, nick)
- return
- word = urllib.quote(word.encode('utf-8'))
- bytes = web.get(uri % word)
- results = {}
- wordkind = None
- for kind, sense in r_info.findall(bytes):
- kind, sense = trim(kind), trim(sense)
- if kind: wordkind = kind
- elif sense:
- results.setdefault(wordkind, []).append(sense)
- result = word.encode('utf-8') + ' - '
- for key in sorted(results.keys()):
- if results[key]:
- result += (key or '') + ' 1. ' + results[key][0]
- if len(results[key]) > 1:
- result += ', 2. ' + results[key][1]
- result += '; '
- result = result.rstrip('; ')
- if result.endswith('-') and (len(result) < 30):
- reply('Sorry, no definition found.', chan, nick)
- else: say(result, chan)
- return
- if command == "ety" or command == "etymology":
- etyuri = 'http://etymonline.com/?term=%s'
- etysearch = 'http://etymonline.com/?search=%s'
- r_definition = re.compile(r'(?ims)<dd[^>]*>.*?</dd>')
- r_tag = re.compile(r'<(?!!)[^>]+>')
- r_whitespace = re.compile(r'[\t\r\n ]+')
- abbrs = [
- 'cf', 'lit', 'etc', 'Ger', 'Du', 'Skt', 'Rus', 'Eng', 'Amer.Eng', 'Sp',
- 'Fr', 'N', 'E', 'S', 'W', 'L', 'Gen', 'J.C', 'dial', 'Gk',
- '19c', '18c', '17c', '16c', 'St', 'Capt', 'obs', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar',
- 'Apr', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'c', 'tr', 'e', 'g'
- ]
- t_sentence = r'^.*?(?<!%s)(?:\.(?= [A-Z0-9]|\Z)|\Z)'
- r_sentence = re.compile(t_sentence % ')(?<!'.join(abbrs))
- def unescape(s):
- s = s.replace('>', '>')
- s = s.replace('<', '<')
- s = s.replace('&', '&')
- return s
- def text(html):
- html = r_tag.sub('', html)
- html = r_whitespace.sub(' ', html)
- return unescape(html).strip()
- try:
- word = line2[4]
- except Exception:
- reply("Please enter a word.", chan, nick)
- return
- def ety(word):
- if len(word) > 25:
- raise ValueError("Word too long: %s[...]" % word[:10])
- word = {'axe': 'ax/axe'}.get(word, word)
- bytes = web.get(etyuri % word)
- definitions = r_definition.findall(bytes)
- if not definitions:
- return None
- defn = text(definitions[0])
- m = r_sentence.match(defn)
- if not m:
- return None
- sentence = m.group(0)
- try:
- sentence = unicode(sentence, 'iso-8859-1')
- sentence = sentence.encode('utf-8')
- except: pass
- maxlength = 275
- if len(sentence) > maxlength:
- sentence = sentence[:maxlength]
- words = sentence[:-5].split(' ')
- words.pop()
- sentence = ' '.join(words) + ' [...]'
- sentence = '"' + sentence.replace('"', "'") + '"'
- return sentence + ' - ' + (etyuri % word)
- try:
- result = ety(word.encode('utf-8'))
- except IOError:
- msg = "Can't connect to etymonline.com (%s)" % (etyuri % word)
- reply(msg, chan, nick)
- return
- except AttributeError:
- result = None
- if result is not None:
- reply(result, chan, nick)
- else:
- uri = etysearch % word
- msg = 'Can\'t find the etymology for "%s". Try %s' % (word, uri)
- reply(msg, chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "num" or command == "number" or command == "count" or command == "c":
- try:
- params = string.lower(line2[4])
- except Exception:
- params = False
- if params == "old" or params == "afc" or params == "a":
- number = unicode(int(len(re.findall("title=", urllib.urlopen("http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Pending_AfC_submissions&cmlimit=500").read()))) - 2)
- reply("There are currently %s pending AfC submissions." % number, chan, nick)
- elif params == "redirect" or params == "redir" or params == "redirs" or params == "redirects" or params == "r":
- redir_data = urllib.urlopen("http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/Redirects").read()
- redirs = (string.count(redir_data, "<h2>") - 1) - (string.count(redir_data, '<table class="navbox collapsible collapsed" style="text-align: left; border: 0px; margin-top: 0.2em;">'))
- reply("There are currently %s open redirect requests." % redirs, chan, nick)
- elif params == "files" or params == "ffu" or params == "file" or params == "image" or params == "images" or params == "ifu" or params == "f":
- file_data = re.sub("<h2>Contents</h2>", "", urllib.urlopen("http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Files_for_upload").read())
- files = (string.count(file_data, "<h2>") - 1) - (string.count(file_data, '<table class="navbox collapsible collapsed" style="text-align: left; border: 0px; margin-top: 0.2em;">'))
- reply("There are currently %s open file upload requests." % files, chan, nick)
- elif params == "aggregate" or params == "agg":
- subs = unicode(int(len(re.findall("title=", urllib.urlopen("http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Pending_AfC_submissions&cmlimit=500").read()))) - 2)
- redir_data = urllib.urlopen("http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/Redirects").read()
- file_data = re.sub("<h2>Contents</h2>", "", urllib.urlopen("http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Files_for_upload").read())
- redirs = (string.count(redir_data, "<h2><span class=\"editsection\">")) - (string.count(redir_data, '<table class="navbox collapsible collapsed" style="text-align: left; border: 0px; margin-top: 0.2em;">'))
- files = (string.count(file_data, "<h2>") - 1) - (string.count(file_data, '<table class="navbox collapsible collapsed" style="text-align: left; border: 0px; margin-top: 0.2em;">'))
- aggregate = (int(subs) * 5) + (int(redirs) * 2) + (int(files) * 2)
- if aggregate == 0:
- stat = "clear"
- elif aggregate < 60:
- stat = "almost clear"
- elif aggregate < 125:
- stat = "small backlog"
- elif aggregate < 175:
- stat = "average backlog"
- elif aggregate < 250:
- stat = "backlogged"
- elif aggregate < 300:
- stat = "heavily backlogged"
- else:
- stat = "severely backlogged"
- reply("Aggregate is currently %s (%s)." % (aggregate, stat), chan, nick)
- else:
- subs = unicode(int(len(re.findall("title=", urllib.urlopen("http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Pending_AfC_submissions&cmlimit=500").read()))) - 2)
- redir_data = urllib.urlopen("http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/Redirects").read()
- file_data = re.sub("<h2>Contents</h2>", "", urllib.urlopen("http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Files_for_upload").read())
- redirs = (string.count(redir_data, "<h2><span class=\"editsection\">")) - (string.count(redir_data, '<table class="navbox collapsible collapsed" style="text-align: left; border: 0px; margin-top: 0.2em;">'))
- files = (string.count(file_data, "<h2>") - 1) - (string.count(file_data, '<table class="navbox collapsible collapsed" style="text-align: left; border: 0px; margin-top: 0.2em;">'))
- reply("There are currently %s pending submissions, %s open redirect requests, and %s open file upload requests." % (subs, redirs, files), chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "nick":
- if authy == "owner":
- try:
- new_nick = line2[4]
- except Exception:
- reply("Please specify a nick to change to.", chan, nick)
- return
- s.send("NICK %s\r\n" % new_nick)
- else:
- reply("You aren't authorized to use that command.", chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "op" or command == "deop" or command == "voice" or command == "devoice":
- if authy == "owner" or authy == "admin":
- try:
- user = line2[4]
- except Exception:
- user = nick
- say("%s %s %s" % (command, chan, user), "ChanServ")
- else:
- reply("You aren't authorized to use that command.", chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "pend" or command == "pending":
- say("Pending submissions status page: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:AFC/S>.", chan)
- say("Pending submissions category: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Pending_AfC_submissions>.", chan)
- return
- if command == "sub" or command == "submissions":
- try:
- number = int(line2[4])
- except Exception:
- reply("Please enter a number.", chan, nick)
- return
- do_url = False
- try:
- if "url" in line2[5:]: do_url = True
- except Exception:
- pass
- url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Pending_AfC_submissions&cmlimit=500&cmsort=timestamp"
- query = urllib.urlopen(url)
- data = query.read()
- pages = re.findall("title="(.*?)"", data)
- try:
- pages.remove("Wikipedia:Articles for creation/Redirects")
- except Exception:
- pass
- try:
- pages.remove("Wikipedia:Files for upload")
- except Exception:
- pass
- pages.reverse()
- pages = pages[:number]
- if not do_url:
- s = string.join(pages, "]], [[")
- s = "[[%s]]" % s
- else:
- s = string.join(pages, ">, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/")
- s = "<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s>" % s
- s = re.sub(" ", "_", s)
- s = re.sub(">,_<", ">, <", s)
- report = "\x02First %s pending AfC submissions:\x0F %s" % (number, s)
- say(report, chan)
- return
- if command == "praise" or command == "leonard" or command == "groovedog" or command == "earwig" or command == "macmed" or command == "cubs197" or command == "sparksboy" or command == "tim_song" or command == "tim" or command == "sausage" or command == "mindstormskid" or command == "mcjohn" or command == "fetchcomms" or command == "blurpeace":
- bad = False
- if command == "leonard":
- special = "AfC redirect reviewer"
- user = "Leonard^Bloom"
- elif command == "groovedog":
- special = "heh"
- user = "GrooveDog"
- elif command == "earwig":
- special = "Python programmer"
- user = "Earwig"
- elif command == "macmed":
- special = "CSD tagger"
- user = "MacMed"
- elif command == "mindstormskid":
- special = "Lego fanatic"
- user = "MindstormsKid"
- elif command == "cubs197":
- special = "IRC dude"
- user = "Cubs197"
- elif command == "sparksboy":
- special = "pet owner"
- user = "SparksBoy"
- elif command == "tim_song" or command == "tim":
- special = "JavaScript programmer"
- user = "Tim_Song"
- elif command == "sausage":
- special = "helper"
- user = "chzz"
- elif command == "mcjohn":
- special = "edit summary writer"
- user = "McJohn"
- elif command == "fetchcomms":
- special = "n00b"
- user = "Fetchcomms"
- elif command == "blurpeace":
- special = "Commons admin"
- user = "Blurpeace"
- else:
- say("Only a true fool would use that command, %s." % nick, chan)
- # say("The users who you can praise are: Leonard^Bloom, GrooveDog, Earwig, MacMed, Cubs197, SparksBoy, MindstormsKid, Chzz, McJohn, Tim_Song, Fetchcomms, and Blurpeace.", chan)
- return
- if not bad:
- say("\x02%s\x0F is the bestest %s evah!" % (user, special), chan)
- if bad:
- say("\x02%s\x0F is worstest %s evah!" % (user, special), chan)
- return
- if command == "trout":
- try:
- user = line2[4]
- user = ' '.join(line2[4:])
- except Exception:
- reply("Hahahahahahahaha...", chan, nick)
- return
- normal = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(string.lower(user)))
- if "itself" in normal:
- reply("I'm not that stupid ;)", chan, nick)
- return
- elif "earwigbot" in normal:
- reply("I'm not that stupid ;)", chan, nick)
- elif "earwig" not in normal and "ear wig" not in normal:
- text = 'slaps %s around a bit with a large trout.' % user
- msg = '\x01ACTION %s\x01' % text
- say(msg, chan)
- else:
- reply("I refuse to hurt anything with \"Earwig\" in its name :P", chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "kill" or command == "destroy" or command == "murder":
- reply("Who do you think I am? The Mafia?", chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "fish":
- try:
- user = line2[4]
- fish = ' '.join(line2[5:])
- except Exception:
- reply("Hahahahahahahaha...", chan, nick)
- return
- normal = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(string.lower(user)))
- if "itself" in normal:
- reply("I'm not that stupid ;)", chan, nick)
- return
- elif "earwigbot" in normal:
- reply("I'm not that stupid ;)", chan, nick)
- elif "earwig" not in normal and "ear wig" not in normal:
- text = 'slaps %s around a bit with a %s.' % (user, fish)
- msg = '\x01ACTION %s\x01' % text
- say(msg, chan)
- else:
- reply("I refuse to hurt anything with \"Earwig\" in its name :P", chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "report":
- def find_status(name="", talk=False):
- enname = re.sub(" ", "_", name)
- if talk == True:
- enname = "Wikipedia_talk:Articles_for_creation/%s" % enname
- if talk == False:
- enname = "Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/%s" % enname
- url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=%s&prop=revisions&rvprop=content" % enname
- query = urllib.urlopen(url)
- data = query.read()
- status = ""
- if "{{AFC submission|D" in data or "{{AFC submission|d" in data:
- reason = re.findall("(D|d)\|(.*?)\|", data)
- if reason[0][1] != "reason":
- status = "Declined, reason is '%s'" % reason[0][1]
- if reason[0][1] == "reason":
- status = "Declined, reason is a custom reason"
- if "{{AFC submission|H" in data or "{{AFC submission|h" in data:
- reason = re.findall("(H|h)\|(.*?)\|", data)
- if reason[0][1] != "reason":
- status = "Held, reason is '%s'" % reason[0][1]
- if reason[0][1] == "reason":
- status = "Held, reason is a custom reason"
- if "{{AFC submission||" in data:
- status = "Pending"
- if "{{AFC submission|R" in data or "{{AFC submission|r" in data:
- status = "Reviewing"
- if not status:
- exist = exists(name=enname)
- if exist == True:
- status = "Accepted"
- if exist == False:
- status = "Not found"
- return status
- def exists(name=""):
- url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s" % name
- query = urllib.urlopen(url)
- data = query.read()
- if "Wikipedia does not have a" in data:
- return False
- return True
- def get_submitter(name="", talk=False):
- enname = re.sub(" ", "_", name)
- if talk == True:
- enname = "Wikipedia_talk:Articles_for_creation/%s" % enname
- if talk == False:
- enname = "Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/%s" % enname
- url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=%s&prop=revisions&rvprop=user&rvdir=newer&rvlimit=1" % enname
- query = urllib.urlopen(url)
- data = query.read()
- extract = re.findall("user="(.*?)"", data)
- if "anon=" in data:
- anon = True
- else:
- anon = False
- try:
- return extract[0], anon
- except BaseException:
- print extract
- return "", anon
- try:
- rawSub = line2[4]
- rawSub = ' '.join(line2[4:])
- except Exception:
- reply("You need to specify a submission name in order to use %s!" % command, chan, nick)
- return
- talk = False
- if "[[" in rawSub and "]]" in rawSub:
- name = re.sub("\[\[(.*)\]\]", "\\1", rawSub)
- name = re.sub(" ", "_", name)
- name = urllib.quote(name, ":/")
- name = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s" % name
- if "talk:" in name:
- talk = True
- elif "http://" in rawSub:
- name = rawSub
- if "talk:" in name:
- talk = True
- elif "en.wikipedia.org" in rawSub:
- name = "http://%s" % rawSub
- if "talk:" in name:
- talk = True
- elif "Wikipedia:" in rawSub or "Wikipedia_talk:" in rawSub or "Wikipedia talk:" in rawSub:
- name = re.sub(" ", "_", rawSub)
- name = urllib.quote(name, ":/")
- name = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s" % name
- if "talk:" in name:
- talk = True
- else:
- url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/"
- pagename = re.sub(" ", "_", rawSub)
- pagename = urllib.quote(pagename, ":/")
- pagename = "Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/%s" % pagename
- page = urllib.urlopen("%s%s" % (url, pagename))
- text = page.read()
- name = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s" % pagename
- if "Wikipedia does not have a" in text:
- pagename = re.sub(" ", "_", rawSub)
- pagename = urllib.quote(pagename, ":/")
- pagename = "Wikipedia_talk:Articles_for_creation/%s" % pagename
- page = urllib.urlopen("%s%s" % (url, pagename))
- name = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s" % pagename
- talk = True
- unname = re.sub("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/", "", name)
- unname = re.sub("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Articles_for_creation/", "", unname)
- unname = re.sub("_", " ", unname)
- if "talk" in unname:
- talk = True
- submitter, anon = get_submitter(name=unname, talk=talk)
- status = find_status(name=unname, talk=talk)
- if submitter != "":
- if anon == True:
- submitter_page = "Special:Contributions/%s" % submitter
- if anon == False:
- unsubmit = re.sub(" ", "_", submitter)
- unsubmit = urllib.quote(unsubmit, ":/")
- submitter_page = "User:%s" % unsubmit
- if status == "Accepted":
- submitterm = "Reviewer"
- else:
- submitterm = "Submitter"
- line1 = "\x02AfC submission report for %s:" % unname
- line2 = "\x02URL: \x0301\x0F%s" % name
- if submitter != "":
- line3 = "\x02%s: \x0F\x0302%s (\x0301\x0Fhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s)." % (submitterm, submitter, submitter_page)
- line4 = "\x02Status: \x0F\x0302%s." % status
- say(line1, chan)
- time.sleep(0.1)
- say(line2, chan)
- time.sleep(0.1)
- if submitter != "":
- say(line3, chan)
- time.sleep(0.1)
- say(line4, chan)
- return
- if command == "commands":
- if chan.startswith("#"):
- reply("Please use that command in a private message.", chan, nick)
- return
- others2 = get_commandList().values()
- others = []
- for com in others2:
- if com == "copyvio" or com == "number" or com == "pending" or com == "report" or com == "submissions" or com == "access" or com == "help" or com == "join" or com == "linker" or com == "nick" or com == "op" or com == "part" or com == "quiet" or com == "quit" or com == "restart" or com == "voice" or com == "welcome" or com == "fish" or com == "praise" or com == "trout" or com == "notes":
- continue
- if com in others: continue
- others.append(com)
- others.sort()
- say("\x02AFC commands:\x0F copyvio, number, pending, report, submissions.", chan)
- time.sleep(0.1)
- say("\x02Bot operation and channel maintaince commands:\x0F access, help, join, linker, nick, op, part, quiet, quit, restart, voice, welcome.", chan)
- time.sleep(0.1)
- say("\x02Fun commands:\x0F fish, praise, trout, and numerous easter eggs", chan)
- time.sleep(0.1)
- say("\x02Other commands:\x0F %s" % ', '.join(others), chan)
- time.sleep(0.1)
- say("The bot maintains a mini-wiki. Type \"!notes help\" for more information.", chan)
- time.sleep(0.1)
- say("See http://enwp.org/User:The_Earwig/Bots/IRC for details. For help on a specific command, type '!help command'.", chan)
- return
- if command == "help" or command == "doc" or command == "documentation":
- try:
- com = line2[4]
- except Exception:
- reply("Hi, I'm a bot that does work for Articles for Creation. You can find information about me at http://enwp.org/User:The_Earwig/Bots/IRC. Say \"!commands\" to me in a private message for some of my abilities. Earwig is my owner and creator, and you can contact him at http://enwp.org/User_talk:The_Earwig.", chan, nick)
- return
- say("Sorry, command documentation has not been implemented yet.", chan)
- return
- if command == "mysql":
- if authy != "owner":
- reply("You aren't authorized to use this command.", chan, nick)
- return
- import MySQLdb
- try:
- strings = line2[4]
- strings = ' '.join(line2[4:])
- if "db:" in strings:
- database = re.findall("db\:(.*?)\s", strings)[0]
- else:
- database = "enwiki_p"
- if "time:" in strings:
- times = int(re.findall("time\:(.*?)\s", strings)[0])
- else:
- times = 60
- file = re.findall("file\:(.*?)\s", strings)[0]
- sqlquery = re.findall("query\:(.*?)\Z", strings)[0]
- except Exception:
- reply("You did not specify enough data for the bot to continue.", chan, nick)
- return
- database2 = database[:-2] + "-p"
- db = MySQLdb.connect(db=database, host="%s.rrdb.toolserver.org" % database2, read_default_file="/home/earwig/.my.cnf")
- db.query(sqlquery)
- r = db.use_result()
- data = r.fetch_row(0)
- try:
- f = codecs.open("/home/earwig/public_html/reports/%s/%s" % (database[:-2], file), 'r')
- reply("A file already exists with that name.", chan, nick)
- return
- except Exception:
- pass
- f = codecs.open("/home/earwig/public_html/reports/%s/%s" % (database[:-2], file), 'a', 'utf-8')
- for line in data:
- new_line = []
- for l in line:
- new_line.append(str(l))
- f.write(' '.join(new_line) + "\n")
- f.close()
- reply("Query completed successfully. See http://toolserver.org/~earwig/reports/%s/%s. I will delete the report in %s seconds." % (database[:-2], file, times), chan, nick)
- time.sleep(times)
- os.remove("/home/earwig/public_html/reports/%s/%s" % (database[:-2], file))
- return
- if command == "remind" or command == "reminder":
- try:
- times = int(line2[4])
- content = ' '.join(line2[5:])
- except Exception:
- reply("Please specify a time and a note in the following format: !remind <time> <note>.", chan, nick)
- return
- reply("Set reminder for \"%s\" in %s seconds." % (content, times), chan, nick)
- time.sleep(times)
- reply(content, chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "notes" or command == "note" or command == "about" or command == "data" or command == "database":
- try:
- action = line2[4]
- except BaseException:
- reply("What do you want me to do? Type \"!notes help\" for more information.", chan, nick)
- return
- import MySQLdb
- db = MySQLdb.connect(db="u_earwig_ircbot", host="sql", read_default_file="/home/earwig/.my.cnf")
- specify = ' '.join(line2[5:])
- if action == "help" or action == "manual":
- shortCommandList = "read, write, change, undo, delete, move, author, category, list, report, developer"
- if specify == "read":
- say("To read an entry, type \"!notes read <entry>\".", chan)
- elif specify == "write":
- say("To write a new entry, type \"!notes write <entry> <content>\". This will create a new entry only if one does not exist, see the below command...", chan)
- elif specify == "change":
- say("To change an entry, type \"!notes change <entry> <new content>\". The old entry will be stored in the database, so it can be undone later.", chan)
- elif specify == "undo":
- say("To undo a change, type \"!notes undo <entry>\".", chan)
- elif specify == "delete":
- say("To delete an entry, type \"!notes delete <entry>\". For security reasons, only bot admins can do this.", chan)
- elif specify == "move":
- say("To move an entry, type \"!notes move <old_title> <new_title>\".", chan)
- elif specify == "author":
- say("To return the author of an entry, type \"!notes author <entry>\".", chan)
- elif specify == "category" or specify == "cat":
- say("To change an entry's category, type \"!notes category <entry> <category>\".", chan)
- elif specify == "list":
- say("To list all categories in the database, type \"!notes list\". Type \"!notes list <category>\" to get all entries in a certain category.", chan)
- elif specify == "report":
- say("To give some statistics about the mini-wiki, including some debugging information, type \"!notes report\" in a PM.", chan)
- elif specify == "developer":
- say("To do developer work, such as writing to the database directly, type \"!notes developer <command>\". This can only be done by the bot owner.", chan)
- else:
- db.query("SELECT * FROM version;")
- r = db.use_result()
- data = r.fetch_row(0)
- version = data[0]
- reply("The Earwig Mini-Wiki: running v%s." % version, chan, nick)
- reply("The full list of commands, for reference, are: %s." % shortCommandList, chan, nick)
- reply("For an explaination of a certain command, type \"!notes help <command>\".", chan, nick)
- reply("You can also access the database from the Toolserver: http://toolserver.org/~earwig/cgi-bin/irc_database.py", chan, nick)
- time.sleep(0.4)
- return
- elif action == "read":
- specify = string.lower(specify)
- if " " in specify: specify = string.split(specify, " ")[0]
- if not specify or "\"" in specify:
- reply("Please include the name of the entry you would like to read after the command, e.g. !notes read earwig", chan, nick)
- return
- try:
- db.query("SELECT entry_content FROM entries WHERE entry_title = \"%s\";" % specify)
- r = db.use_result()
- data = r.fetch_row(0)
- entry = data[0][0]
- say("Entry \"\x02%s\x0F\": %s" % (specify, entry), chan)
- except Exception:
- reply("There is no entry titled \"\x02%s\x0F\"." % specify, chan, nick)
- return
- elif action == "delete" or action == "remove":
- specify = string.lower(specify)
- if " " in specify: specify = string.split(specify, " ")[0]
- if not specify or "\"" in specify:
- reply("Please include the name of the entry you would like to delete after the command, e.g. !notes delete earwig", chan, nick)
- return
- if authy == "owner" or authy == "admin":
- try:
- db.query("DELETE from entries where entry_title = \"%s\";" % specify)
- r = db.use_result()
- db.commit()
- reply("The entry on \"\x02%s\x0F\" has been removed." % specify, chan, nick)
- except Exception:
- phenny.reply("Unable to remove the entry on \"\x02%s\x0F\", because it doesn't exist." % specify, chan, nick)
- else:
- reply("Only bot admins can remove entries.", chan, nick)
- return
- elif action == "developer":
- if authy == "owner":
- db.query(specify)
- r = db.use_result()
- try:
- print r.fetch_row(0)
- except Exception:
- pass
- db.commit()
- reply("Done.", chan, nick)
- else:
- reply("Only the bot owner can modify the raw database.", chan, nick)
- return
- elif action == "write":
- try:
- write = line2[5]
- content = ' '.join(line2[6:])
- except Exception:
- reply("Please include some content in your entry.", chan, nick)
- return
- db.query("SELECT * from entries WHERE entry_title = \"%s\";" % write)
- r = db.use_result()
- data = r.fetch_row(0)
- if data:
- reply("An entry on %s already exists; please use \"!notes change %s %s\"." % (write, write, content), chan, nick)
- return
- content2 = content.replace('"', '\\' + '"')
- db.query("INSERT INTO entries (entry_title, entry_author, entry_category, entry_content, entry_content_old) VALUES (\"%s\", \"%s\", \"uncategorized\", \"%s\", NULL);" % (write, nick, content2))
- db.commit()
- reply("You have written an entry titled \"\x02%s\x0F\", with the following content: \"%s\"" % (write, content), chan, nick)
- return
- elif action == "change":
- reply("NotImplementedError", chan, nick)
- elif action == "undo":
- reply("NotImplementedError", chan, nick)
- elif action == "move":
- reply("NotImplementedError", chan, nick)
- elif action == "author":
- try:
- entry = line2[5]
- except Exception:
- reply("Please include the name of the entry you would like to get information for after the command, e.g. !notes author earwig", chan, nick)
- return
- db.query("SELECT entry_author from entries WHERE entry_title = \"%s\";" % entry)
- r = db.use_result()
- data = r.fetch_row(0)
- if data:
- say("The author of \"\x02%s\x0F\" is \x02%s\x0F." % (entry, data[0][0]), chan)
- return
- reply("There is no entry titled \"\x02%s\x0F\"." % entry, chan, nick)
- return
- elif action == "cat" or action == "category":
- reply("NotImplementedError", chan, nick)
- elif action == "list":
- reply("NotImplementedError", chan, nick)
- elif action == "report":
- reply("NotImplementedError", chan, nick)
- if command == "hash":
- import hashlib
- try:
- hashVia = line2[4]
- hashText = line2[5]
- hashText = ' '.join(line2[5:])
- except Exception:
- reply("Please provide a string and method to hash by.", chan, nick)
- return
- try:
- hashed = eval("hashlib.%s(\"%s\").hexdigest()" % (hashVia, hashText))
- reply(hashed, chan, nick)
- except Exception:
- try:
- hashing = hashlib.new(hashVia)
- hashing.update(hashText)
- hashed = hashing.hexdigest()
- reply(hashed, chan, nick)
- except Exception:
- reply("Error.", chan, nick)
- if command == "langcode" or command == "lang" or command == "language":
- try:
- lang = line2[4]
- except Exception:
- reply("Please specify an ISO code.", chan, nick)
- return
- data = urllib.urlopen("http://toolserver.org/~earwig/cgi-bin/swmt.py?action=iso").read()
- data = string.split(data, "\n")
- result = False
- for datum in data:
- if datum.startswith(lang):
- result = re.findall(".*? (.*)", datum)[0]
- break
- if result:
- reply(result, chan, nick)
- return
- reply("Not found.", chan, nick)
- return
- if command == "lookup" or command == "ip":
- try:
- hexIP = line2[4]
- except Exception:
- reply("Please specify a hex IP address.", chan, nick)
- return
- hexes = [hexIP[:2], hexIP[2:4], hexIP[4:6], hexIP[6:8]]
- hashes = []
- for hexHash in hexes:
- newHex = int(hexHash, 16)
- hashes.append(newHex)
- normalizedIP = "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (hashes[0], hashes[1], hashes[2], hashes[3])
- reply(normalizedIP, chan, nick)
- return