- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from collections import OrderedDict
- from datetime import datetime, timedelta
- from itertools import count
- from os.path import expanduser
- from threading import Lock
- from time import sleep
- from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
- from numpy import arange
- import oursql
- from classes import BaseTask
- import config
- import wiki
- # Valid submission statuses:
- class Task(BaseTask):
- """A task to generate charts about AfC submissions over time.
- The main function of the task is to work through the "AfC submissions by
- date" categories (e.g. [[Category:AfC submissions by date/12 July 2011]])
- and determine the number of declined, accepted, and currently pending
- submissions every day.
- This information is saved to a MySQL database ("u_earwig_afc_history") and
- used to generate a graph showing the number of AfC submissions by date
- with matplotlib and numpy. The chart is saved as a PNG to
- config.tasks["afc_history"]["graph"]["dest"], which defaults to
- "afc_history.png".
- """
- name = "afc_history"
- def __init__(self):
- cfg = config.tasks.get(self.name, {})
- self.num_days = cfg.get("days", 90)
- self.categories = cfg.get("categories", {})
- # Graph stuff:
- self.graph = cfg.get("graph", {})
- self.destination = self.graph.get("dest", "afc_history.png")
- # Connection data for our SQL database:
- kwargs = cfg.get("sql", {})
- kwargs["read_default_file"] = expanduser("~/.my.cnf")
- self.conn_data = kwargs
- self.db_access_lock = Lock()
- def run(self, **kwargs):
- self.site = wiki.get_site()
- with self.db_access_lock:
- self.conn = oursql.connect(**self.conn_data)
- action = kwargs.get("action")
- try:
- num_days = int(kwargs.get("days", self.num_days))
- if action == "update":
- self.update(num_days)
- elif action == "generate":
- self.generate(num_days)
- finally:
- self.conn.close()
- def update(self, num_days):
- self.logger.info("Updating past {0} days".format(num_days))
- generator = self.backwards_cat_iterator()
- for d in xrange(num_days):
- category = generator.next()
- date = category.title().split("/")[-1]
- self.update_date(date, category)
- sleep(10)
- self.logger.info("Update complete")
- def generate(self, num_days):
- self.logger.info("Generating chart for past {0} days".format(num_days))
- data = OrderedDict()
- generator = self.backwards_cat_iterator()
- for d in xrange(num_days):
- category = generator.next()
- date = category.title().split("/")[-1]
- data[date] = self.get_date_counts(date)
- data = OrderedDict(reversed(data.items())) # Oldest to most recent
- self.generate_chart(data)
- dest = expanduser(self.destination)
- plt.savefig(dest)
- self.logger.info("Chart saved to {0}".format(dest))
- def backwards_cat_iterator(self):
- date_base = self.categories["dateBase"]
- current = datetime.utcnow()
- while 1:
- subcat = current.strftime("%d %B %Y")
- title = "/".join((date_base, subcat))
- yield self.site.get_category(title)
- current -= timedelta(1) # Subtract one day from date
- def update_date(self, date, category):
- msg = "Updating {0} ([[{1}]])".format(date, category.title())
- self.logger.debug(msg)
- q_select = "SELECT page_date, page_status FROM page WHERE page_id = ?"
- q_delete = "DELETE FROM page WHERE page_id = ?"
- q_update = "UPDATE page SET page_date = ?, page_status = ? WHERE page_id = ?"
- q_insert = "INSERT INTO page VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
- members = category.members(use_sql=True)
- with self.conn.cursor() as cursor:
- for title, pageid in members:
- cursor.execute(q_select, (pageid,))
- stored = cursor.fetchall()
- status = self.get_status(title, pageid)
- if status == STATUS_NONE:
- if stored:
- cursor.execute(q_delete, (pageid,))
- continue
- if stored:
- stored_date, stored_status = list(stored)[0]
- if date != stored_date or status != stored_status:
- cursor.execute(q_update, (date, status, pageid))
- else:
- cursor.execute(q_insert, (pageid, date, status))
- def get_status(self, title, pageid):
- page = self.site.get_page(title)
- ns = page.namespace()
- if ns == wiki.NS_FILE_TALK: # Ignore accepted FFU requests
- return STATUS_NONE
- if ns == wiki.NS_TALK:
- new_page = page.toggle_talk()
- sleep(2)
- if new_page.is_redirect():
- return STATUS_NONE # Ignore accepted AFC/R requests
- cats = self.categories
- sq = self.site.sql_query
- query = "SELECT 1 FROM categorylinks WHERE cl_to = ? AND cl_from = ?"
- match = lambda cat: list(sq(query, (cat.replace(" ", "_"), pageid)))
- if match(cats["pending"]):
- return STATUS_PEND
- elif match(cats["unsubmitted"]):
- return STATUS_NONE
- elif match(cats["declined"]):
- return STATUS_NONE
- def get_date_counts(self, date):
- query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM page WHERE page_date = ? AND page_status = ?"
- counts = {}
- with self.conn.cursor() as cursor:
- for status in statuses:
- cursor.execute(query, (date, status))
- count = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
- counts[status] = count
- return counts
- def generate_chart(self, data):
- plt.title(self.graph.get("title", "AfC submissions by date"))
- plt.xlabel(self.graph.get("xaxis", "Date"))
- plt.ylabel(self.graph.get("yaxis", "Submissions"))
- pends = [d[STATUS_PEND] for d in data.itervalues()]
- declines = [d[STATUS_DECLINE] for d in data.itervalues()]
- accepts = [d[STATUS_ACCEPT] for d in data.itervalues()]
- pends_declines = [p + d for p, d in zip(pends, declines)]
- ind = arange(len(data))
- xsize = self.graph.get("xsize", 1200)
- ysize = self.graph.get("ysize", 900)
- width = self.graph.get("width", 1)
- xstep = self.graph.get("xAxisStep", 6)
- pcolor = self.graph.get("pendingColor", "#f0e460")
- dcolor = self.graph.get("declinedColor", "#f291a6")
- acolor = self.graph.get("acceptedColor", "#81fc4c")
- p1 = plt.bar(ind, pends, width, color=pcolor)
- p2 = plt.bar(ind, declines, width, color=dcolor, bottom=pends)
- p3 = plt.bar(ind, accepts, width, color=acolor, bottom=pends_declines)
- xticks = arange(xstep-1, ind.size+xstep-1, xstep) + width/2.0
- xlabels = [d for c, d in zip(count(1), data.keys()) if not c % xstep]
- plt.xticks(xticks, xlabels)
- plt.yticks(arange(0, plt.ylim()[1], 10))
- plt.tick_params(direction="out")
- leg = plt.legend((p1[0], p2[0], p3[0]), ("Pending", "Declined",
- "Accepted"), loc="upper left", fancybox=True)
- leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)
- fig = plt.gcf()
- fig.set_size_inches(xsize/100, ysize/100)
- fig.autofmt_xdate()
- ax = plt.gca()
- ax.yaxis.grid(True)