- from argparse import ArgumentParser
- from code import interact
- import imp
- import opcode
- import os
- import random
- import re
- import types
- import prettify
- OPMAP = opcode.opmap
- OP_LITERALARG = opcode.hasjabs + opcode.hasjrel + OP_HASBUILD + OP_HASMAKE
- def make_chain(funcs):
- chain = {}
- for func in funcs:
- _parse_func(func, chain)
- return chain
- def make_function(chain, name, argcount=1):
- codes, constants, names, varnames = _make_codes(chain)
- codestring = "".join([chr(code) for code in codes])
- lnotab = ""
- code = types.CodeType(argcount, len(varnames), 1024, 0, codestring,
- constants, names, varnames, "<smash>", name, 1,
- lnotab)
- func = types.FunctionType(code, globals(), name)
- return func
- def print_chain(chain):
- print "{"
- for code in sorted(chain.keys()):
- name = _opcode_to_opname(code)
- target_counts = {}
- for tcode in chain[code]:
- target = _opcode_to_opname(tcode[0])
- if tcode[0] >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
- target = "{0}({1!r})".format(target, tcode[1])
- try:
- target_counts[target] += 1
- except KeyError:
- target_counts[target] = 1
- targets = []
- for target, count in target_counts.iteritems():
- if count == 1:
- targets.append(target)
- else:
- targets.append("{0}x {1}".format(count, target))
- targets.sort()
- print name.rjust(20), "=> [{0}]".format(", ".join(targets))
- print "}"
- def print_function(func):
- codeobj = func.__code__
- codestring = codeobj.co_code
- length = len(codestring)
- i = 0
- while i < length:
- code = ord(codestring[i])
- print opcode.opname[code].rjust(20), str(i).rjust(3),
- i += 1
- if code >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
- arg = _get_argument(codeobj, codestring, i, code)
- i += 2
- if code in opcode.hascompare:
- print " ({0})".format(arg)
- elif code in opcode.hasjabs:
- print " (to {0})".format(arg)
- elif code in opcode.hasjrel:
- print " (+{0})".format(arg)
- elif code in OP_HASBUILD:
- print " ({0} items)".format(arg)
- elif code in OP_HASCALL:
- print " ({0} args, {1} kwargs)".format(*arg)
- elif code in OP_HASMAKE:
- print " ({0} defaults)".format(arg)
- else:
- print " ({0!r})".format(arg)
- else:
- print
- def run():
- parser = ArgumentParser(prog="func-smash",
- description="Smash functions together!")
- parser.add_argument("path", metavar="path", help="path to the corpus file")
- parser.add_argument("-n", "--no-run", action="store_true",
- help="don't run the function after smashing it")
- parser.add_argument("-i", "--interpret", action="store_true",
- help="open a interpreter session after smashing")
- parser.add_argument("-p", "--prettify", action="store_true",
- help="prettify the function after smashing it")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- path, name = os.path.split(args.path)
- name = re.sub("\.pyc?$", "", name)
- file_obj, path, desc = imp.find_module(name, [path])
- try:
- module = imp.load_module(name, file_obj, path, desc)
- finally:
- file_obj.close()
- corpus = module.corpus
- chain = make_chain(corpus)
- func = make_function(chain, "func")
- print "Using {0}-function corpus.".format(len(corpus))
- print "Smashed function disassembly:"
- print_function(func)
- if args.prettify:
- print "\nFunction as python code:"
- prettify.prettify_function(func, indent=4)
- if not args.no_run:
- arg = 12
- print
- print "func({0}) =".format(arg), func(arg)
- if args.interpret:
- variables = dict(globals().items() + locals().items())
- interact(banner="", local=variables)
- def _parse_func(func, chain):
- codeobj = func.__code__
- codestring = codeobj.co_code
- length = len(codestring)
- i = 0
- prevcode = MARKOV_START
- while i < length:
- code = ord(codestring[i])
- i += 1
- if code >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
- arg = _get_argument(codeobj, codestring, i, code)
- i += 2
- else:
- arg = None
- _chain_append(chain, prevcode, (code, arg))
- prevcode = code
- _chain_append(chain, code, (MARKOV_END, None))
- def _get_argument(codeobj, codestring, i, code):
- arg = ord(codestring[i]) + ord(codestring[i + 1]) * 256
- if code in opcode.hasconst:
- return codeobj.co_consts[arg]
- elif code in opcode.hasname:
- return codeobj.co_names[arg]
- elif code in opcode.haslocal:
- return codeobj.co_varnames[arg]
- elif code in opcode.hascompare:
- return opcode.cmp_op[arg]
- elif code in OP_HASCALL:
- return (ord(codestring[i]), ord(codestring[i + 1]))
- elif code in OP_LITERALARG:
- return arg
- raise NotImplementedError(code, opcode.opname[code])
- def _chain_append(chain, first, second):
- try:
- chain[first].append(second)
- except KeyError:
- chain[first] = [second]
- def _make_codes(chain):
- codes = []
- instruction = random.choice(chain[MARKOV_START])
- constants, names, varnames = [], [], []
- while 1:
- code, arg = instruction
- if code == MARKOV_END:
- break
- codes.append(code)
- if code >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
- if code in opcode.hasconst:
- if arg not in constants:
- constants.append(arg)
- _coerce_arg_into_codes(codes, constants.index(arg))
- elif code in opcode.hasname:
- if arg not in names:
- names.append(arg)
- _coerce_arg_into_codes(codes, names.index(arg))
- elif code in opcode.haslocal:
- if arg not in varnames:
- varnames.append(arg)
- _coerce_arg_into_codes(codes, varnames.index(arg))
- elif code in opcode.hascompare:
- _coerce_arg_into_codes(codes, opcode.cmp_op.index(arg))
- elif code in OP_HASCALL:
- codes.append(arg[0])
- codes.append(arg[1])
- elif code in OP_LITERALARG:
- _coerce_arg_into_codes(codes, arg)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError(code, opcode.opname[code])
- instruction = random.choice(chain[code])
- return codes, tuple(constants), tuple(names), tuple(varnames)
- def _opcode_to_opname(code):
- if code == MARKOV_START:
- return "START"
- elif code == MARKOV_END:
- return "END"
- return opcode.opname[code]
- def _coerce_arg_into_codes(codes, arg):
- codes.append(arg % 256)
- codes.append(arg // 256)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- run()