- import opcode
- import sys
- import func_smash
- OP_LOAD = {"LOAD_CONST": True, "LOAD_FAST": False, "LOAD_GLOBAL": False}
- "BINARY_RSHIFT": ">>", "BINARY_AND": "&", "BINARY_XOR": "^",
- "BINARY_OR": "|"}
- "INPLACE_AND": "&", "INPLACE_XOR": "^", "INPLACE_OR": "|"}
- OP_BUILD = {"BUILD_TUPLE": ("(", ")"), "BUILD_LIST": ("[", "]"),
- "BUILD_SET": ("{", "}")}
- TAB = 4
- def prettify_function(func, indent=0):
- args = _get_func_args(func)
- _print(indent, "def {0}({1}):".format(func.func_name, args))
- prettify_code(func.__code__, indent=indent+TAB)
- def prettify_code(codeobj, indent=0):
- codes = []
- codestring = codeobj.co_code
- length = len(codestring)
- i = 0
- while i < length:
- code = ord(codestring[i])
- i += 1
- if code >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
- arg = func_smash._get_argument(codeobj, codestring, i, code)
- i += 2
- codes.append((code, arg))
- else:
- codes.append((code, None))
- block = _parse_codestring(codes)
- block.display(indent)
- def _get_func_args(func):
- codeobj = func.__code__
- count = codeobj.co_argcount
- if count == 0:
- return ""
- return ", ".join([arg for arg in codeobj.co_varnames[:count]])
- def _parse_codestring(codes):
- stack = Stack()
- print_buffer = []
- main_block = block = Block()
- i2block = {}
- drops = []
- elses = []
- i = 0
- for instruction in codes:
- code, arg = instruction
- opname = opcode.opname[code]
- while i in elses:
- elses.remove(i)
- block.toggle()
- while i in drops:
- drops.remove(i)
- block = block.parent()
- i2block[i] = block
- if code >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
- i += 3
- else:
- i += 1
- if opname in OP_LOAD:
- stack.push(arg, is_literal=OP_LOAD[opname])
- elif opname in OP_BINARY:
- tos, tos1 = stack.pop(), stack.pop()
- stack.push(" ".join((tos1, OP_BINARY[opname], tos)))
- elif opname in OP_INPLACE: # Works, but doesn't use inplace op magic
- tos, tos1 = stack.pop(), stack.pop()
- stack.push(" ".join((tos1, OP_INPLACE[opname], tos)))
- elif opname in OP_SUBSCR:
- tos, tos1 = stack.pop(), stack.pop()
- stack.push("{0}[{1}]".format(tos1, tos))
- elif opname in OP_BUILD:
- args = []
- for i in xrange(arg):
- args.append(stack.pop())
- args.reverse()
- start, end = OP_BUILD[opname]
- stack.push(start + ", ".join(args) + end)
- elif opname == "BUILD_MAP":
- stack.push("{}")
- elif opname == "STORE_FAST":
- block.put(arg, "=", stack.pop())
- elif opname == "STORE_MAP":
- key, value = stack.pop(), stack.pop()
- pair = ": ".join((key, value))
- oldmap = stack.pop()
- if oldmap == "{}":
- newmap = "{" + pair + "}"
- else:
- newmap = oldmap[:-1] + ", " + pair + "}"
- stack.push(newmap)
- elif opname == "LOAD_ATTR":
- tos = stack.pop()
- new_tos = tos + "." + arg
- stack.push(new_tos)
- elif opname == "POP_TOP":
- block.put(stack.pop())
- elif opname == "CALL_FUNCTION":
- numargs, numkwargs = arg
- args = []
- for i in xrange(numkwargs):
- value = stack.pop()
- key = stack.pop(never_literal=True)
- args.append("=".join((key, value)))
- for i in xrange(numargs):
- args.append(stack.pop())
- args.reverse()
- funcname = stack.pop()
- stack.push("{0}({1})".format(funcname, ", ".join(args)))
- elif opname == "PRINT_ITEM":
- print_buffer.append(stack.pop())
- elif opname == "PRINT_NEWLINE":
- block.put("print", ", ".join(print_buffer))
- print_buffer = []
- elif opname == "RETURN_VALUE":
- block.put("return", stack.pop())
- elif opname == "COMPARE_OP":
- tos, tos1 = stack.pop(), stack.pop()
- compare = " ".join((tos1, arg, tos))
- stack.push(compare)
- elif opname == "POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE":
- block = block.child()
- block.split(stack.pop())
- elses.append(arg)
- elif opname == "POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE":
- block = block.child()
- block.split(stack.pop())
- elses.append(arg)
- elif opname == "JUMP_ABSOLUTE":
- if arg < i:
- block = block.parent()
- else:
- drops.append(arg)
- elif opname == "JUMP_FORWARD":
- drops.append(arg + i)
- elif opname == "SETUP_LOOP":
- block = block.child(loop=True)
- elif opname == "POP_BLOCK":
- block = block.parent()
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError(opname, arg, stack)
- return main_block
- def _print(indentation, *args, **kwargs):
- argstring = " ".join([str(arg) for arg in args if str(arg)])
- if kwargs.get("debug"):
- # Ignore debug messages without -d flag
- if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "-d":
- print " " * 50 + "#", argstring
- return
- print " " * indentation + argstring
- class Stack(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._items = []
- def __iter__(self):
- while self._items:
- yield self.pop()
- def __repr__(self):
- s = reversed([repr(itm) if lit else itm for itm, lit in self._items])
- return "Stack[" + ", ".join(s) + "]"
- def push(self, item, is_literal=False):
- self._items.append((item, is_literal))
- def pop(self, never_literal=False):
- item, is_literal = self._items.pop()
- return repr(item) if is_literal and not never_literal else item
- class Block(object):
- def __init__(self, parent=None, loop=False):
- self._parent = parent
- self._loop = loop
- self._true_block = self._focus = []
- self._false_block = []
- self._split = None
- def __iter__(self):
- for item in self._render_lines():
- yield item[1]
- def __repr__(self):
- return str([item[1] for item in self._render_lines()])
- def _has_lines(self):
- return self._split or self._true_block or self._false_block
- def _render_subblock(self, block, lines, indent):
- for item in block:
- if isinstance(item, Block):
- lines += item._render_lines(indent)
- else:
- lines.append((indent, item))
- def _render_lines(self, indent=0):
- lines = []
- if self._split:
- lines.append((indent, (self._split,)))
- indent += TAB
- self._render_subblock(self._true_block, lines, indent)
- if self._false_block:
- lines.append((indent - TAB, ("else:",)))
- self._render_subblock(self._false_block, lines, indent)
- return lines
- def child(self, loop=False):
- if self._loop and not loop and not self._has_lines():
- loop = True
- child = Block(parent=self, loop=loop)
- self._focus.append(child)
- return child
- def parent(self):
- if self._parent:
- return self._parent
- raise RuntimeError("Popping an orphaned block")
- def put(self, *code):
- self._focus.append(code)
- def split(self, test):
- if self._loop:
- self._split = "while " + test + ":"
- else:
- self._split = "if " + test + ":"
- def toggle(self):
- if self._focus is self._true_block:
- self._focus = self._false_block
- else:
- self._focus = self._true_block
- def display(self, indent=0):
- for indent, code in self._render_lines(indent):
- _print(indent, *code)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- def f1(a):
- b = a + 10 / 7.0
- d = long_func(a, b+9, c=42, d="43")
- print b, d
- ex_tuple = ("Hello", "world!", abcdef)
- ex_list = [1, 2, 3] * 3 + [4, 5, 6]
- ex_set = {99, 98, 97, 96, 95}
- ex_dict = {d: e, f: False, "testing": g}
- return ex_dict
- def f2(a, b, c):
- if cmp1:
- line1
- if cmp2:
- line2
- elif cmp3:
- line3
- elif cmp4:
- line4
- else:
- line5
- line6
- else:
- line7
- line8
- if cmp4:
- line9
- if cmp5:
- if cmp6:
- if cmp7:
- if cmp8:
- if cmp9:
- line10
- return line11
- def f3(x, y):
- if cmp1:
- while cmp1:
- if cmp2:
- while cmp3:
- line1
- else:
- while cmp4:
- line2
- line3
- line4
- if cmp5:
- line5
- return line6
- prettify_function(f1)
- print
- prettify_function(f2)
- print
- prettify_function(f3)