__gitup__ (the _git-repo-updater_) gitup is a tool designed to pull to a large number of git repositories at once. It is smart enough to ignore repos with dirty working directories, and provides a (hopefully) great way to get everything up-to-date for those short periods of internet access between long periods of none. gitup should work on OS X, Linux, and Windows. You should have the latest version of git and at least Python 2.7 installed. # Installation First: git clone git://github.com/earwig/git-repo-updater.git cd git-repo-updater Then, to install for everyone: sudo python setup.py install ...or for just yourself (make sure you have `~/.local/bin` in your PATH): python setup.py install --user Finally, simply delete the `git-repo-updater` directory, and you're done! __Note:__ If you are using Windows, you may wish to add a macro so you can invoke gitup in any directory. Note that `C:\python27\` refers to the directory where Python is installed: DOSKEY gitup=c:\python27\python.exe c:\python27\Scripts\gitup $* # Usage There are two ways to update repos: you can pass them as command arguments, or save them as "bookmarks". For example: gitup ~/repos/foo ~/repos/bar ~/repos/baz will automatically pull to the `foo`, `bar`, and `baz` git repositories if their working directories are clean (to avoid merge conflicts). Additionally, you can just type: gitup ~/repos to automatically update all git repositories in that directory. To add a bookmark (or bookmarks), either of these will work: gitup --add ~/repos/foo ~/repos/bar ~/repos/baz gitup --add ~/repos Then, to update (pull to) all of your bookmarks, just run gitup without args: gitup Deleting a bookmark is as easy as adding one: gitup --delete ~/repos Want to view your current bookmarks? Simple: gitup --list You can mix and match bookmarks and command arguments: gitup --add ~/repos/foo ~/repos/bar gitup ~/repos/baz # update 'baz' only gitup # update 'foo' and 'bar' only gitup ~/repos/baz --update # update all three! Want to update all git repositories in your current directory? gitup . For a list of all command arguments and abbreviations: gitup --help Finally, all paths can be either absolute (e.g. `/path/to/repo`) or relative (e.g. `../my/repo`).