__gitup__ (the _git-repo-updater_) gitup is a tool designed to pull to a large number of git repositories at once. It is smart enough to ignore repos with dirty working directories, and provides a (hopefully) great way to get everything up-to-date for those short periods of internet access between long periods of none. gitup works on both OS X and Linux. You should have the latest version of git and at least Python 2.7 installed. # Installation First: git clone git://github.com/earwig/git-repo-updater.git cd git-repo-updater Then, to install for everyone: sudo python setup.py install ...or for just yourself (make sure you have `~/.local/bin` in your PATH): python setup.py install --user Finally, simply delete the `git-repo-updater` directory, and you're done! # Usage There are two ways to update repos: you can pass them as command arguments, or save them as "bookmarks". For example: gitup ~/repos/foo ~/repos/bar ~/repos/baz ...will automatically pull to the `foo`, `bar`, and `baz` git repositories if their working directories are clean (to avoid merge conflicts). Additionally, you can just type: gitup ~/repos ...to automatically update all git repositories in that directory. To add a bookmark (or bookmarks), either of these will work: gitup --add ~/repos/foo ~/repos/bar ~/repos/baz gitup --add ~/repos Then, to update (pull to) all of your bookmarks, just run gitup without args: gitup Deleting a bookmark is as easy as adding one: gitup --delete ~/repos Want to view your current bookmarks? Simple: gitup --list You can mix and match bookmarks and command arguments: gitup --add ~/repos/foo ~/repos/bar gitup ~/repos/baz # update 'baz' only gitup # update 'foo' and 'bar' only gitup ~/repos/baz --update # update all three! Want to update all git repositories in your current directory? gitup . For a list of all command arguments and abbreviations: gitup --help Finally, all paths can be either absolute (e.g. /path/to/repo) or relative (e.g. ../my/repo).