A Chrome extension that gives you finer control over MyAnimeList.net scores
Nelze vybrat více než 25 témat Téma musí začínat písmenem nebo číslem, může obsahovat pomlčky („-“) a může být dlouhé až 35 znaků.

před 10 roky
  1. __mal-decimal-scores__ is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to give
  2. decimal scores for your anime on [MyAnimeList](http://myanimelist.net/).
  3. When enabled, the normal 1-10 system is replaced with one from 1.0 to 10.0.
  4. Rounded integer scores are saved on MyAnimeList as usual, and decimal scores
  5. are saved using [Chrome sync](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/storage)
  6. so that they are available on any device you have using Chrome.
  7. ## Installing
  8. Currently, the extension is not available in packaged form. This may change in
  9. the future.
  10. To install it from source, first clone the repository into a permanent
  11. location. Then, go to [chrome://extensions](chrome://extensions), enable the
  12. "Developer mode" checkbox in the top right corner, click on "Load unpackaged
  13. extension...", and choose the directory of the git repository.
  14. You will need to pack the extension yourself if you want scores to be synced
  15. between multiple computers. Click on the "Pack extension..." button and choose
  16. the git repository directory as the extension root. After the extension is
  17. packed, open the resulting `.crx` file in all copies of Chrome that you want to
  18. share the same set of scores.
  19. ## Usage
  20. Usage should be mostly straightforward – in any place where you would
  21. previously rate an anime by selecting a score from a dropdown menu, you can now
  22. enter a number. Decimal scores are enabled on your list page, individual anime
  23. pages, pages where you can add to/edit your list, and the "shared anime" page.
  24. Scores can be exported by going to the standard list
  25. [export page](http://myanimelist.net/panel.php?go=export), which will cause a
  26. `animelist_decimal_scores.json` file to be downloaded to your computer. Scores
  27. can be loaded from this file by going to the
  28. [import page](http://myanimelist.net/import.php).
  29. ## Caveats
  30. - Only anime can be given decimal scores. Manga scores are not affected.
  31. - As noted above, only you can see your decimal scores. Others will see your
  32. scores rounded to integer values.
  33. - Due to data restrictions in Chrome sync, there is an upper limit to the
  34. number of anime you can give a decimal score. This limit should be no less
  35. than a few thousand titles. You can check your data usage by going to the
  36. [export page](http://myanimelist.net/panel.php?go=export).