A Chrome extension that gives you finer control over MyAnimeList.net scores
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  1. /* Constants */
  2. var MAX_BUCKETS = 256;
  3. var LOADING_IMG = '<img src="http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/xmlhttp-loader.gif" align="center">';
  4. /* Storage functions */
  5. function get_scores(anime_id, callback) {
  6. var bucket_id = null;
  7. if (anime_id !== null)
  8. bucket_id = (parseInt(anime_id) % MAX_BUCKETS).toString();
  9. chrome.storage.sync.get(bucket_id, function(data) {
  10. if (anime_id !== null) {
  11. var bucket = data[bucket_id];
  12. if (bucket !== undefined && bucket[anime_id] !== undefined)
  13. callback(bucket[anime_id]);
  14. else
  15. callback(null);
  16. }
  17. else
  18. callback(data);
  19. });
  20. }
  21. function set_score(anime_id, score) {
  22. var bucket_id = (parseInt(anime_id) % MAX_BUCKETS).toString();
  23. chrome.storage.sync.get(bucket_id, function(data) {
  24. var bucket = data[bucket_id];
  25. if (bucket === undefined)
  26. bucket = data[bucket_id] = {};
  27. bucket[anime_id] = score;
  28. chrome.storage.sync.set(data);
  29. });
  30. }
  31. /* Event patches */
  32. function update_list_score(anime_id) {
  33. var new_score_100 = $("#scoretext" + anime_id).val();
  34. var new_score_10 = Math.round(new_score_100 / 10.);
  35. var payload = {id: anime_id, score: new_score_10};
  36. $("#scorebutton" + anime_id).prop("disabled", true);
  37. $.post("/includes/ajax.inc.php?t=63", payload, function(data) {
  38. $("#scoreval" + anime_id).text(new_score_100);
  39. $("#scoretext" + anime_id).val("");
  40. $("#scorediv" + anime_id).css("display", "none");
  41. $("#scorebutton" + anime_id).prop("disabled", false);
  42. });
  43. set_score(anime_id, new_score_100);
  44. }
  45. function update_anime_score(anime_id, is_new) {
  46. var new_score_100 = $("#myinfo_score").val();
  47. var new_score_10 = Math.round(new_score_100 / 10.);
  48. var t_id, payload = {score: new_score_10};
  49. payload["status"] = $("#myinfo_status").val();
  50. payload["epsseen"] = $("#myinfo_watchedeps").val();
  51. if (is_new) {
  52. payload["aid"] = anime_id;
  53. t_id = "61";
  54. }
  55. else {
  56. payload["alistid"] = anime_id;
  57. payload["aid"] = $("#myinfo_anime_id").val();
  58. payload["astatus"] = $("#myinfo_curstatus").val();
  59. t_id = "62";
  60. }
  61. $("#myinfoDisplay").html(LOADING_IMG);
  62. $.post("/includes/ajax.inc.php?t=" + t_id, payload, function(data) {
  63. if (is_new) {
  64. document.getElementById("myinfoDisplay").innerHTML = "";
  65. document.getElementById("addtolist").innerHTML = data;
  66. }
  67. else
  68. document.getElementById("myinfoDisplay").innerHTML = data;
  69. });
  70. set_score(anime_id, new_score_100);
  71. }
  72. /* Extension hooks */
  73. function hook_list() {
  74. get_scores(null, function(data) {
  75. $("span[id^='scoreval']").each(function(i, elem) {
  76. var anime_id = elem.id.split("scoreval")[1];
  77. var bucket_id = (parseInt(anime_id) % MAX_BUCKETS).toString();
  78. var bucket = data[bucket_id];
  79. if (bucket !== undefined && bucket[anime_id] !== undefined)
  80. $(elem).text(bucket[anime_id]);
  81. else {
  82. var current = parseInt($(elem).text());
  83. if (!isNaN(current))
  84. $(elem).text(current * 10);
  85. }
  86. $("#scorediv" + anime_id)
  87. .after($("<div>")
  88. .attr("id", "scorediv" + anime_id)
  89. .css("display", "none")
  90. .append($('<input>')
  91. .attr("type", "text")
  92. .attr("id", "scoretext" + anime_id)
  93. .attr("size", "2")
  94. .keydown(function(a_id) {
  95. return function(ev) {
  96. if ((window.event ? window.event.keyCode : ev.which) == 13)
  97. update_list_score(a_id);
  98. else
  99. return true;
  100. }
  101. }(anime_id)))
  102. .append($("<input>")
  103. .attr("type", "button")
  104. .attr("id", "scorebutton" + anime_id)
  105. .attr("value", "Go")
  106. .click(function(a_id) {
  107. return function() { return update_list_score(a_id); }
  108. }(anime_id))))
  109. .remove();
  110. });
  111. });
  112. }
  113. function hook_anime(anime_id) {
  114. get_scores(anime_id, function(score) {
  115. var old_input = $("#myinfo_score");
  116. var old_button = $("input[name='myinfo_submit']");
  117. var is_new = old_button.attr("value") == "Add";
  118. if (!is_new && score === null) {
  119. var old_score = parseInt(old_input.val());
  120. score = old_score == 0 ? "" : old_score * 10;
  121. }
  122. old_input.after($("<span> / 100</span>"))
  123. .after($("<input>")
  124. .attr("type", "text")
  125. .attr("id", "myinfo_score")
  126. .attr("name", "myinfo_score")
  127. .attr("class", "inputtext")
  128. .attr("value", (score === null) ? "" : score)
  129. .attr("size", "3"))
  130. .remove();
  131. old_button.after($("<input>")
  132. .attr("type", "button")
  133. .attr("name", "myinfo_submit")
  134. .attr("value", old_button.attr("value"))
  135. .attr("class", "inputButton")
  136. .click(function(a_id, is_new) {
  137. return function() { return update_anime_score(a_id, is_new); }
  138. }(anime_id, is_new)))
  139. .remove();
  140. });
  141. }
  142. /* Miscellaneous functions */
  143. function get_anime_id_from_href(href) {
  144. var anime_id = href.substr(href.indexOf("/anime/") + "/anime/".length);
  145. if (anime_id.indexOf("/") != -1)
  146. anime_id = anime_id.substr(0, anime_id.indexOf("/"));
  147. return anime_id;
  148. }
  149. /* Main extension hook */
  150. $(document).ready(function() {
  151. var href = window.location.href;
  152. if (href.indexOf("/animelist/") != -1)
  153. hook_list();
  154. else if (href.indexOf("/anime/") != -1)
  155. hook_anime(get_anime_id_from_href(href));
  156. });