A Chrome extension that gives you finer control over MyAnimeList.net scores
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centigrade.js 5.8 KiB

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  1. /* Patched MAL functions. */
  2. function patched_anime_checkScoreEnter(e, id) {
  3. if ((window.event ? window.event.keyCode : e.which) == 13)
  4. patched_anime_updateScore(id);
  5. else
  6. return true;
  7. }
  8. function patched_anime_updateScore(entry_id) {
  9. var new_score_centigrade = document.getElementById("scoretext" + entry_id).value;
  10. var new_score = Math.round(new_score_centigrade / 10.);
  11. var payload = {};
  12. $.post("/includes/ajax.inc.php?t=63", {id: entry_id, score: new_score}, function(data) {
  13. document.getElementById("scoreval" + entry_id).innerHTML = new_score_centigrade;
  14. document.getElementById("scoretext" + entry_id).value = "";
  15. document.getElementById("scorediv" + entry_id).style.display = "none";
  16. });
  17. payload[entry_id] = new_score_centigrade;
  18. chrome.storage.local.set(payload);
  19. }
  20. function patched_myinfo_addtolist(anime_id) {
  21. var nscore_centigrade = document.getElementById("myinfo_score").value;
  22. var nstatus = document.getElementById("myinfo_status").value;
  23. var nepsseen = document.getElementById("myinfo_watchedeps").value;
  24. var nscore = Math.round(nscore_centigrade / 10.);
  25. var payload = {};
  26. document.getElementById("myinfoDisplay").innerHTML = '<img src="http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/xmlhttp-loader.gif" align="center">';
  27. $.post("/includes/ajax.inc.php?t=61", {aid:anime_id,score:nscore,status:nstatus,epsseen:nepsseen}, function(data) {
  28. document.getElementById("myinfoDisplay").innerHTML = '';
  29. document.getElementById("addtolist").innerHTML = data;
  30. });
  31. payload[anime_id] = nscore_centigrade;
  32. chrome.storage.local.set(payload);
  33. }
  34. function patched_myinfo_updateInfo(entry_id) {
  35. var nscore_centigrade = document.getElementById("myinfo_score").value;
  36. var nstatus = document.getElementById("myinfo_status").value;
  37. var nepsseen = document.getElementById("myinfo_watchedeps").value;
  38. var naid = document.getElementById("myinfo_anime_id").value;
  39. var curstats = document.getElementById("myinfo_curstatus").value;
  40. var nscore = Math.round(nscore_centigrade / 10.);
  41. var payload = {};
  42. document.getElementById("myinfoDisplay").innerHTML = '<img src="http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/xmlhttp-loader.gif" align="center">';
  43. $.post("/includes/ajax.inc.php?t=62", {aid:naid,alistid:entry_id,score:nscore,status:nstatus,epsseen:nepsseen,astatus:curstats}, function(data) {
  44. document.getElementById("myinfoDisplay").innerHTML = data;
  45. });
  46. payload[entry_id] = nscore_centigrade;
  47. chrome.storage.local.set(payload);
  48. }
  49. /* Extension hooks. */
  50. function hook_animelist() {
  51. // chrome.storage.local.clear();
  52. chrome.storage.local.get(null, function(data) {
  53. $("span[id^='scoreval']").each(function(i, el) {
  54. var aid = el.id.split("scoreval")[1];
  55. var old_div = $("#scorediv" + aid);
  56. old_div.attr("id", "delete-me");
  57. var new_div = $('<div id="scorediv' + aid + '" style="display: none;"><input type="text" id="scoretext' + aid + '" size="2"><input type="button" value="Go"></div>');
  58. new_div.insertAfter(old_div);
  59. old_div.remove();
  60. var input = $("#scoretext" + aid);
  61. var button = input.next();
  62. input.keydown(function(tid) {
  63. return function(e) {
  64. return patched_anime_checkScoreEnter(e, tid);
  65. }
  66. }(aid));
  67. button.click(function(tid) {
  68. return function() {
  69. return patched_anime_updateScore(tid);
  70. }
  71. }(aid));
  72. if (aid in data) {
  73. $(el).text(data[aid]);
  74. }
  75. else {
  76. var cur = parseInt($(el).text());
  77. if (!isNaN(cur))
  78. $(el).text(cur * 10);
  79. }
  80. });
  81. });
  82. }
  83. function hook_anime(aid) {
  84. chrome.storage.local.get(aid, function(data) {
  85. var old_input = $("#myinfo_score");
  86. var old_add = $("input[name='myinfo_submit'][value='Add']");
  87. var old_update = $("input[name='myinfo_submit'][value='Update']");
  88. var score;
  89. if (old_add.length == 0 && aid in data) {
  90. score = data[aid];
  91. }
  92. else {
  93. var old_score = parseInt(old_input.val());
  94. if (old_score == 0)
  95. score = "";
  96. else
  97. score = old_score * 10;
  98. }
  99. old_input.attr("id", "delete-me");
  100. var new_input = $('<input type="text" id="myinfo_score" name="myinfo_score" class="inputtext" size="3" value="' + score + '"><span> / 100</span>');
  101. new_input.insertAfter(old_input);
  102. old_input.remove();
  103. if (old_add.length > 0) {
  104. var new_add = $('<input type="button" name="myinfo_submit" value="Add" class="inputButton">');
  105. new_add.insertAfter(old_add);
  106. old_add.remove();
  107. new_add.click(function(tid) {
  108. return function() {
  109. return patched_myinfo_addtolist(tid);
  110. }
  111. }(aid));
  112. } else {
  113. var new_update = $('<input type="button" name="myinfo_submit" value="Update" class="inputButton">');
  114. new_update.insertAfter(old_update);
  115. old_update.remove();
  116. new_update.click(function(tid) {
  117. return function() {
  118. return patched_myinfo_updateInfo(tid);
  119. }
  120. }(aid));
  121. }
  122. });
  123. }
  124. $(document).ready(function() {
  125. if (window.location.href.indexOf("/animelist/") != -1) {
  126. hook_animelist();
  127. } else if (window.location.href.indexOf("/anime/") != -1) {
  128. var aid = window.location.href.substr(window.location.href.indexOf("/anime/") + "/anime/".length);
  129. if (aid.indexOf("/") != -1)
  130. aid = aid.substr(0, aid.indexOf("/"));
  131. hook_anime(aid);
  132. }
  133. });