/* Constants */ var MAX_BUCKETS = 256; var LOADING_IMG = ''; /* Miscellaneous functions */ function get_anime_id_from_href(href) { var anime_id = href.substr(href.indexOf("/anime/") + "/anime/".length); if (anime_id.indexOf("/") != -1) anime_id = anime_id.substr(0, anime_id.indexOf("/")); return anime_id; } function get_scores_from_element(elem) { var score_100 = parseInt(elem.val()); var score_10 = Math.round(score_100 / 10.); if (isNaN(score_100) || score_100 < 1 || score_100 > 100) { alert("Invalid score: must be an integer between 1 and 100."); return null; } return [score_100, score_10]; } /* Storage functions */ function get_scores(anime_id, callback) { var bucket_id = null; if (anime_id !== null) bucket_id = (parseInt(anime_id) % MAX_BUCKETS).toString(); chrome.storage.sync.get(bucket_id, function(data) { if (anime_id !== null) { var bucket = data[bucket_id]; if (bucket !== undefined && bucket[anime_id] !== undefined) callback(bucket[anime_id]); else callback(null); } else callback(data); }); } function set_score(anime_id, score) { var bucket_id = (parseInt(anime_id) % MAX_BUCKETS).toString(); chrome.storage.sync.get(bucket_id, function(data) { var bucket = data[bucket_id]; if (bucket === undefined) bucket = data[bucket_id] = {}; bucket[anime_id] = score; chrome.storage.sync.set(data); }); } /* Event patches */ function update_list_score(anime_id) { var new_scores = get_scores_from_element($("#scoretext" + anime_id)); if (new_scores === null) return; var new_score_100 = new_scores[0], new_score_10 = new_scores[1]; var payload = {id: anime_id, score: new_score_10}; $("#scorebutton" + anime_id).prop("disabled", true); $.post("/includes/ajax.inc.php?t=63", payload, function(data) { $("#scoreval" + anime_id).text(new_score_100); $("#scoretext" + anime_id).val(""); $("#scorediv" + anime_id).css("display", "none"); $("#scorebutton" + anime_id).prop("disabled", false); }); set_score(anime_id, new_score_100); } function update_anime_score(anime_id, is_new) { var new_scores = get_scores_from_element($("#myinfo_score")); if (new_scores === null) return; var new_score_100 = new_scores[0], new_score_10 = new_scores[1]; var t_id, payload = {score: new_score_10}; payload["status"] = $("#myinfo_status").val(); payload["epsseen"] = $("#myinfo_watchedeps").val(); if (is_new) { payload["aid"] = anime_id; t_id = "61"; } else { payload["alistid"] = anime_id; payload["aid"] = $("#myinfo_anime_id").val(); payload["astatus"] = $("#myinfo_curstatus").val(); t_id = "62"; } $("#myinfoDisplay").html(LOADING_IMG); $.post("/includes/ajax.inc.php?t=" + t_id, payload, function(data) { if (is_new) { document.getElementById("myinfoDisplay").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("addtolist").innerHTML = data; } else document.getElementById("myinfoDisplay").innerHTML = data; }); set_score(anime_id, new_score_100); } /* Extension hooks */ function hook_list() { get_scores(null, function(data) { $("span[id^='scoreval']").each(function(i, elem) { var anime_id = elem.id.split("scoreval")[1]; var bucket_id = (parseInt(anime_id) % MAX_BUCKETS).toString(); var bucket = data[bucket_id]; if (bucket !== undefined && bucket[anime_id] !== undefined) $(elem).text(bucket[anime_id]); else { var current = parseInt($(elem).text()); if (!isNaN(current)) $(elem).text(current * 10); } $("#scorediv" + anime_id) .after($("
") .attr("id", "scorediv" + anime_id) .css("display", "none") .append($('') .attr("type", "text") .attr("id", "scoretext" + anime_id) .attr("size", "2") .keydown(function(a_id) { return function(ev) { if ((window.event ? window.event.keyCode : ev.which) == 13) update_list_score(a_id); else return true; } }(anime_id))) .append($("") .attr("type", "button") .attr("id", "scorebutton" + anime_id) .attr("value", "Go") .click(function(a_id) { return function() { return update_list_score(a_id); } }(anime_id)))) .remove(); }); }); } function hook_anime(anime_id) { get_scores(anime_id, function(score) { var old_input = $("#myinfo_score"); var old_button = $("input[name='myinfo_submit']"); var is_new = old_button.attr("value") == "Add"; if (!is_new && score === null) { var old_score = parseInt(old_input.val()); score = old_score == 0 ? "" : old_score * 10; } old_input.after($(" / 100")) .after($("") .attr("type", "text") .attr("id", "myinfo_score") .attr("name", "myinfo_score") .attr("class", "inputtext") .attr("value", (score === null) ? "" : score) .attr("size", "3")) .remove(); old_button.after($("") .attr("type", "button") .attr("name", "myinfo_submit") .attr("value", old_button.attr("value")) .attr("class", "inputButton") .click(function(a_id, is_new) { return function() { return update_anime_score(a_id, is_new); } }(anime_id, is_new))) .remove(); }); } /* Main extension hook */ $(document).ready(function() { var href = window.location.href; if (href.indexOf("/animelist/") != -1) hook_list(); else if (href.indexOf("/anime/") != -1) hook_anime(get_anime_id_from_href(href)); });