A Python parser for MediaWiki wikicode https://mwparserfromhell.readthedocs.io/
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changelog.rst 14 KiB

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  1. Changelog
  2. =========
  3. v0.6
  4. ----
  5. Unreleased
  6. (`changes <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/compare/v0.5.2...develop>`__):
  7. - Fixed manual construction of Node objects, previously unsupported.
  8. (`#214 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/issues/214>`_)
  9. - Fixed :class:`.Wikicode` transformation methods (:meth:`.Wikicode.replace`,
  10. :meth:`.Wikicode.remove`, etc.) when passed an empty section as an argument.
  11. (`#212 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/issues/212>`_)
  12. - Fixed the parser getting stuck inside malformed tables.
  13. (`#206 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/issues/206>`_)
  14. v0.5.2
  15. ------
  16. `Released November 1, 2018 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/tree/v0.5.2>`_
  17. (`changes <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/compare/v0.5.1...v0.5.2>`__):
  18. - Dropped support for end-of-life Python versions 2.6, 3.2, 3.3.
  19. (`#199 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/issues/199>`_,
  20. `#204 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/pull/204>`_)
  21. - Fixed signals getting stuck inside the C tokenizer until parsing finishes,
  22. in pathological cases.
  23. (`#206 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/issues/206>`_)
  24. - Fixed `<wbr>` not being considered a single-only tag.
  25. (`#200 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/pull/200>`_)
  26. - Fixed a C tokenizer crash on Python 3.7 when compiled with assertions.
  27. (`#208 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/issues/208>`_)
  28. - Cleaned up some minor documentation issues.
  29. (`#207 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/pull/207>`_)
  30. v0.5.1
  31. ------
  32. `Released March 3, 2018 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/tree/v0.5.1>`_
  33. (`changes <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/compare/v0.5...v0.5.1>`__):
  34. - Improved behavior when adding parameters to templates (via
  35. :meth:`.Template.add`) with poorly formatted whitespace conventions.
  36. (`#185 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/issues/185>`_)
  37. - Fixed the parser getting stuck in deeply nested HTML tags with unclosed,
  38. quoted attributes.
  39. (`#190 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/issues/190>`_)
  40. v0.5
  41. ----
  42. `Released June 23, 2017 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/tree/v0.5>`_
  43. (`changes <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/compare/v0.4.4...v0.5>`__):
  44. - Added :meth:`.Wikicode.contains` to determine whether a :class:`.Node` or
  45. :class:`.Wikicode` object is contained within another :class:`.Wikicode`
  46. object.
  47. - Added :meth:`.Wikicode.get_ancestors` and :meth:`.Wikicode.get_parent` to
  48. find all ancestors and the direct parent of a :class:`.Node`, respectively.
  49. - Fixed a long-standing performance issue with deeply nested, invalid syntax
  50. (`issue #42 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/issues/42>`_). The
  51. parser should be much faster on certain complex pages. The "max cycle"
  52. restriction has also been removed, so some situations where templates at the
  53. end of a page were being skipped are now resolved.
  54. - Made :meth:`Template.remove(keep_field=True) <.Template.remove>` behave more
  55. reasonably when the parameter is already empty.
  56. - Added the *keep_template_params* argument to :meth:`.Wikicode.strip_code`.
  57. If *True*, then template parameters will be preserved in the output.
  58. - :class:`.Wikicode` objects can now be pickled properly (fixed infinite
  59. recursion error on incompletely-constructed :class:`.StringMixIn`
  60. subclasses).
  61. - Fixed :meth:`.Wikicode.matches`\ 's behavior on iterables besides lists and
  62. tuples.
  63. - Fixed ``len()`` sometimes raising ``ValueError`` on empty node lists.
  64. - Fixed a rare parsing bug involving self-closing tags inside the attributes of
  65. unpaired tags.
  66. - Fixed release script after changes to PyPI.
  67. v0.4.4
  68. ------
  69. `Released December 30, 2016 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/tree/v0.4.4>`_
  70. (`changes <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/compare/v0.4.3...v0.4.4>`__):
  71. - Added support for Python 3.6.
  72. - Fixed parsing bugs involving:
  73. - wikitables nested in templates;
  74. - wikitable error recovery when unable to recurse;
  75. - templates nested in template parameters before other parameters.
  76. - Fixed parsing file-like objects.
  77. - Made builds deterministic.
  78. - Documented caveats.
  79. v0.4.3
  80. ------
  81. `Released October 29, 2015 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/tree/v0.4.3>`_
  82. (`changes <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/compare/v0.4.2...v0.4.3>`__):
  83. - Added Windows binaries for Python 3.5.
  84. - Fixed edge cases involving wikilinks inside of external links and vice versa.
  85. - Fixed a C tokenizer crash when a keyboard interrupt happens while parsing.
  86. v0.4.2
  87. ------
  88. `Released July 30, 2015 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/tree/v0.4.2>`__
  89. (`changes <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/compare/v0.4.1...v0.4.2>`__):
  90. - Fixed setup script not including header files in releases.
  91. - Fixed Windows binary uploads.
  92. v0.4.1
  93. ------
  94. `Released July 30, 2015 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/tree/v0.4.1>`__
  95. (`changes <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/compare/v0.4...v0.4.1>`__):
  96. - The process for building Windows binaries has been fixed, and these should be
  97. distributed along with new releases. Windows users can now take advantage of
  98. C speedups without having a compiler of their own.
  99. - Added support for Python 3.5.
  100. - ``<`` and ``>`` are now disallowed in wikilink titles and template names.
  101. This includes when denoting tags, but not comments.
  102. - Fixed the behavior of *preserve_spacing* in :meth:`.Template.add` and
  103. *keep_field* in :meth:`.Template.remove` on parameters with hidden keys.
  104. - Removed :meth:`._ListProxy.detach`. :class:`.SmartList`\ s now use weak
  105. references and their children are garbage-collected properly.
  106. - Fixed parser bugs involving:
  107. - templates with completely blank names;
  108. - templates with newlines and comments.
  109. - Heavy refactoring and fixes to the C tokenizer, including:
  110. - corrected a design flaw in text handling, allowing for substantial speed
  111. improvements when parsing long strings of plain text;
  112. - implemented new Python 3.3
  113. `PEP 393 <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0393/>`_ Unicode APIs.
  114. - Fixed various bugs in :class:`.SmartList`, including one that was causing
  115. memory issues on 64-bit builds of Python 2 on Windows.
  116. - Fixed some bugs in the release scripts.
  117. v0.4
  118. ----
  119. `Released May 23, 2015 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/tree/v0.4>`_
  120. (`changes <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/compare/v0.3.3...v0.4>`__):
  121. - The parser now falls back on pure Python mode if C extensions cannot be
  122. built. This fixes an issue that prevented some Windows users from installing
  123. the parser.
  124. - Added support for parsing wikicode tables (patches by David Winegar).
  125. - Added a script to test for memory leaks in :file:`scripts/memtest.py`.
  126. - Added a script to do releases in :file:`scripts/release.sh`.
  127. - *skip_style_tags* can now be passed to :func:`mwparserfromhell.parse()
  128. <.parse_anything>` (previously, only :meth:`.Parser.parse` allowed it).
  129. - The *recursive* argument to :class:`Wikicode's <.Wikicode>` :meth:`.filter`
  130. methods now accepts a third option, ``RECURSE_OTHERS``, which recurses over
  131. all children except instances of *forcetype* (for example,
  132. ``code.filter_templates(code.RECURSE_OTHERS)`` returns all un-nested
  133. templates).
  134. - The parser now understands HTML tag attributes quoted with single quotes.
  135. When setting a tag attribute's value, quotes will be added if necessary. As
  136. part of this, :class:`.Attribute`\ 's :attr:`~.Attribute.quoted` attribute
  137. has been changed to :attr:`~.Attribute.quotes`, and is now either a string or
  138. ``None``.
  139. - Calling :meth:`.Template.remove` with a :class:`.Parameter` object that is
  140. not part of the template now raises :exc:`ValueError` instead of doing
  141. nothing.
  142. - :class:`.Parameter`\ s with non-integer keys can no longer be created with
  143. *showkey=False*, nor have the value of this attribute be set to *False*
  144. later.
  145. - :meth:`._ListProxy.destroy` has been changed to :meth:`._ListProxy.detach`,
  146. and now works in a more useful way.
  147. - If something goes wrong while parsing, :exc:`.ParserError` will now be
  148. raised. Previously, the parser would produce an unclear :exc:`.BadRoute`
  149. exception or allow an incorrect node tree to be build.
  150. - Fixed parser bugs involving:
  151. - nested tags;
  152. - comments in template names;
  153. - tags inside of ``<nowiki>`` tags.
  154. - Added tests to ensure that parsed trees convert back to wikicode without
  155. unintentional modifications.
  156. - Added support for a :envvar:`NOWEB` environment variable, which disables a
  157. unit test that makes a web call.
  158. - Test coverage has been improved, and some minor related bugs have been fixed.
  159. - Updated and fixed some documentation.
  160. v0.3.3
  161. ------
  162. `Released April 22, 2014 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/tree/v0.3.3>`_
  163. (`changes <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/compare/v0.3.2...v0.3.3>`__):
  164. - Added support for Python 2.6 and 3.4.
  165. - :meth:`.Template.has` is now passed *ignore_empty=False* by default
  166. instead of *True*. This fixes a bug when adding parameters to templates with
  167. empty fields, **and is a breaking change if you rely on the default
  168. behavior.**
  169. - The *matches* argument of :class:`Wikicode's <.Wikicode>` :meth:`.filter`
  170. methods now accepts a function (taking one argument, a :class:`.Node`, and
  171. returning a bool) in addition to a regex.
  172. - Re-added *flat* argument to :meth:`.Wikicode.get_sections`, fixed the order
  173. in which it returns sections, and made it faster.
  174. - :meth:`.Wikicode.matches` now accepts a tuple or list of
  175. strings/:class:`.Wikicode` objects instead of just a single string or
  176. :class:`.Wikicode`.
  177. - Given the frequency of issues with the (admittedly insufficient) tag parser,
  178. there's a temporary *skip_style_tags* argument to :meth:`~.Parser.parse` that
  179. ignores ``''`` and ``'''`` until these issues are corrected.
  180. - Fixed a parser bug involving nested wikilinks and external links.
  181. - C code cleanup and speed improvements.
  182. v0.3.2
  183. ------
  184. `Released September 1, 2013 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/tree/v0.3.2>`_
  185. (`changes <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/compare/v0.3.1...v0.3.2>`__):
  186. - Added support for Python 3.2 (along with current support for 3.3 and 2.7).
  187. - Renamed :meth:`.Template.remove`\ 's first argument from *name* to *param*,
  188. which now accepts :class:`.Parameter` objects in addition to parameter name
  189. strings.
  190. v0.3.1
  191. ------
  192. `Released August 29, 2013 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/tree/v0.3.1>`_
  193. (`changes <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/compare/v0.3...v0.3.1>`__):
  194. - Fixed a parser bug involving URLs nested inside other markup.
  195. - Fixed some typos.
  196. v0.3
  197. ----
  198. `Released August 24, 2013 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/tree/v0.3>`_
  199. (`changes <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/compare/v0.2...v0.3>`__):
  200. - Added complete support for HTML :class:`Tags <.Tag>`, including forms like
  201. ``<ref>foo</ref>``, ``<ref name="bar"/>``, and wiki-markup tags like bold
  202. (``'''``), italics (``''``), and lists (``*``, ``#``, ``;`` and ``:``).
  203. - Added support for :class:`.ExternalLink`\ s (``http://example.com/`` and
  204. ``[http://example.com/ Example]``).
  205. - :class:`Wikicode's <.Wikicode>` :meth:`.filter` methods are now passed
  206. *recursive=True* by default instead of *False*. **This is a breaking change
  207. if you rely on any filter() methods being non-recursive by default.**
  208. - Added a :meth:`.matches` method to :class:`.Wikicode` for page/template name
  209. comparisons.
  210. - The *obj* param of :meth:`.Wikicode.insert_before`, :meth:`.insert_after`,
  211. :meth:`~.Wikicode.replace`, and :meth:`~.Wikicode.remove` now accepts
  212. :class:`.Wikicode` objects and strings representing parts of wikitext,
  213. instead of just nodes. These methods also make all possible substitutions
  214. instead of just one.
  215. - Renamed :meth:`.Template.has_param` to :meth:`~.Template.has` for consistency
  216. with :class:`.Template`\ 's other methods; :meth:`.has_param` is now an
  217. alias.
  218. - The C tokenizer extension now works on Python 3 in addition to Python 2.7.
  219. - Various bugfixes, internal changes, and cleanup.
  220. v0.2
  221. ----
  222. `Released June 20, 2013 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/tree/v0.2>`_
  223. (`changes <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/compare/v0.1.1...v0.2>`__):
  224. - The parser now fully supports Python 3 in addition to Python 2.7.
  225. - Added a C tokenizer extension that is significantly faster than its Python
  226. equivalent. It is enabled by default (if available) and can be toggled by
  227. setting :attr:`mwparserfromhell.parser.use_c` to a boolean value.
  228. - Added a complete set of unit tests covering parsing and wikicode
  229. manipulation.
  230. - Renamed :meth:`.filter_links` to :meth:`.filter_wikilinks` (applies to
  231. :meth:`.ifilter` as well).
  232. - Added filter methods for :class:`Arguments <.Argument>`,
  233. :class:`Comments <.Comment>`, :class:`Headings <.Heading>`, and
  234. :class:`HTMLEntities <.HTMLEntity>`.
  235. - Added *before* param to :meth:`.Template.add`; renamed *force_nonconformity*
  236. to *preserve_spacing*.
  237. - Added *include_lead* param to :meth:`.Wikicode.get_sections`.
  238. - Removed *flat* param from :meth:`.get_sections`.
  239. - Removed *force_no_field* param from :meth:`.Template.remove`.
  240. - Added support for Travis CI.
  241. - Added note about Windows build issue in the README.
  242. - The tokenizer will limit itself to a realistic recursion depth to prevent
  243. errors and unreasonably long parse times.
  244. - Fixed how some nodes' attribute setters handle input.
  245. - Fixed multiple bugs in the tokenizer's handling of invalid markup.
  246. - Fixed bugs in the implementation of :class:`.SmartList` and
  247. :class:`.StringMixIn`.
  248. - Fixed some broken example code in the README; other copyedits.
  249. - Other bugfixes and code cleanup.
  250. v0.1.1
  251. ------
  252. `Released September 21, 2012 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/tree/v0.1.1>`_
  253. (`changes <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/compare/v0.1...v0.1.1>`__):
  254. - Added support for :class:`Comments <.Comment>` (``<!-- foo -->``) and
  255. :class:`Wikilinks <.Wikilink>` (``[[foo]]``).
  256. - Added corresponding :meth:`.ifilter_links` and :meth:`.filter_links` methods
  257. to :class:`.Wikicode`.
  258. - Fixed a bug when parsing incomplete templates.
  259. - Fixed :meth:`.strip_code` to affect the contents of headings.
  260. - Various copyedits in documentation and comments.
  261. v0.1
  262. ----
  263. `Released August 23, 2012 <https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/tree/v0.1>`_:
  264. - Initial release.