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Finish all incomplete template tests.

Ben Kurtovic 12 years ago
1 changed files with 200 additions and 36 deletions
  1. +200

+ 200
- 36
tests/tokenizer/templates.mwtest View File

@@ -719,39 +719,203 @@ output: [Text(text="{{foo|\nb\nar\n=ba\nz}}")]


name: incomplete_tests





name: newline_wildcard
label: a random, complex assortment of templates and newlines
input: "{{\nfoo\n|\nbar\n=\nb\naz\n|\nb\nuz\n}}"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="\nfoo\n"), TemplateParamSeparator(), Text(text="\nbar\n"), TemplateParamEquals(), Text(text="\nb\naz\n"), TemplateParamSeparator(), Text(text="\nb\nuz\n"), TemplateClose()]


name: newline_wildcard_redux
label: an even more random and complex assortment of templates and newlines
input: "{{\nfoo\n|\n{{\nbar\n|\nbaz\n=\nb\niz\n}}\n=\nb\nuzz\n}}"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="\nfoo\n"), TemplateParamSeparator(), Text(text="\n"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="\nbar\n"), TemplateParamSeparator(), Text(text="\nbaz\n"), TemplateParamEquals(), Text(text="\nb\niz\n"), TemplateClose(), Text(text="\n"), TemplateParamEquals(), Text(text="\nb\nuzz\n"), TemplateClose()]


name: invalid_name_left_brace_middle
label: invalid characters in template name: left brace in middle
input: "{{foo{bar}}"
output: [Text(text="{{foo{bar}}")]


name: invalid_name_right_brace_middle
label: invalid characters in template name: right brace in middle
input: "{{foo}bar}}"
output: [Text(text="{{foo}bar}}")]


name: invalid_name_left_braces
label: invalid characters in template name: two left braces in middle
input: "{{foo{b{ar}}"
output: [Text(text="{{foo{b{ar}}")]


name: invalid_name_left_bracket_middle
label: invalid characters in template name: left bracket in middle
input: "{{foo[bar}}"
output: [Text(text="{{foo[bar}}")]


name: invalid_name_right_bracket_middle
label: invalid characters in template name: right bracket in middle
input: "{{foo]bar}}"
output: [Text(text="{{foo]bar}}")]


name: invalid_name_left_bracket_start
label: invalid characters in template name: left bracket at start
input: "{{[foobar}}"
output: [Text(text="{{[foobar}}")]


name: invalid_name_right_bracket_start
label: invalid characters in template name: right bracket at end
input: "{{foobar]}}"
output: [Text(text="{{foobar]}}")]


name: valid_name_left_brace_start
label: valid characters in template name: left brace at start
input: "{{{foobar}}"
output: [Text(text="{"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="foobar"), TemplateClose()]


name: valid_unnamed_param_left_brace
label: valid characters in unnamed template parameter: left brace
input: "{{foo|ba{r}}"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="foo"), TemplateParamSeparator(), Text(text="ba{r"), TemplateClose()]


name: valid_unnamed_param_braces
label: valid characters in unnamed template parameter: left and right braces
input: "{{foo|ba{r}}}"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="foo"), TemplateParamSeparator(), Text(text="ba{r"), TemplateClose(), Text(text="}")]


name: valid_param_name_braces
label: valid characters in template parameter name: left and right braces
input: "{{foo|ba{r}=baz}}"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="foo"), TemplateParamSeparator(), Text(text="ba{r}"), TemplateParamEquals(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose()]


name: valid_param_name_brackets
label: valid characters in unnamed template parameter: left and right brackets
input: "{{foo|ba[r]}}"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="foo"), TemplateParamSeparator(), Text(text="ba[r]"), TemplateClose()]


name: incomplete_plain
label: incomplete templates that should fail gracefully: no close whatsoever
input: "{{stuff}} {{foobar"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="stuff"), TemplateClose(), Text(text=" {{foobar")]


name: incomplete_right_brace
label: incomplete templates that should fail gracefully: only one right brace
input: "{{stuff}} {{foobar}"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="stuff"), TemplateClose(), Text(text=" {{foobar}")]


name: incomplete_pipe
label: incomplete templates that should fail gracefully: a pipe
input: "{{stuff}} {{foobar|"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="stuff"), TemplateClose(), Text(text=" {{foobar|")]


name: incomplete_unnamed_param
label: incomplete templates that should fail gracefully: an unnamed parameter
input: "{{stuff}} {{foo|bar"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="stuff"), TemplateClose(), Text(text=" {{foo|bar")]


name: incomplete_unnamed_param_pipe
label: incomplete templates that should fail gracefully: an unnamed parameter, then a pipe
input: "{{stuff}} {{foo|bar|"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="stuff"), TemplateClose(), Text(text=" {{foo|bar|")]


name: incomplete_valueless_param
label: incomplete templates that should fail gracefully: an a named parameter with no value
input: "{{stuff}} {{foo|bar="
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="stuff"), TemplateClose(), Text(text=" {{foo|bar=")]


name: incomplete_valueless_param_pipe
label: incomplete templates that should fail gracefully: a named parameter with no value, then a pipe
input: "{{stuff}} {{foo|bar=|"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="stuff"), TemplateClose(), Text(text=" {{foo|bar=|")]


name: incomplete_named_param
label: incomplete templates that should fail gracefully: a named parameter with a value
input: "{{stuff}} {{foo|bar=baz"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="stuff"), TemplateClose(), Text(text=" {{foo|bar=baz")]


name: incomplete_named_param_pipe
label: incomplete templates that should fail gracefully: a named parameter with a value, then a paipe
input: "{{stuff}} {{foo|bar=baz|"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="stuff"), TemplateClose(), Text(text=" {{foo|bar=baz|")]


name: incomplete_two_unnamed_params
label: incomplete templates that should fail gracefully: two unnamed parameters
input: "{{stuff}} {{foo|bar|baz"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="stuff"), TemplateClose(), Text(text=" {{foo|bar|baz")]


name: incomplete_unnamed_param_valueless_param
label: incomplete templates that should fail gracefully: an unnamed parameter, then a named parameter with no value
input: "{{stuff}} {{foo|bar|baz="
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="stuff"), TemplateClose(), Text(text=" {{foo|bar|baz=")]


name: incomplete_unnamed_param_named_param
label: incomplete templates that should fail gracefully: an unnamed parameter, then a named parameter with a value
input: "{{stuff}} {{foo|bar|baz=biz"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="stuff"), TemplateClose(), Text(text=" {{foo|bar|baz=biz")]


name: incomplete_named_param_unnamed_param
label: incomplete templates that should fail gracefully: a named parameter with a value, then an unnamed parameter
input: "{{stuff}} {{foo|bar=baz|biz"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="stuff"), TemplateClose(), Text(text=" {{foo|bar=baz|biz")]


name: incomplete_named_param_valueless_param
label: incomplete templates that should fail gracefully: a named parameter with a value, then a named parameter with no value
input: "{{stuff}} {{foo|bar=baz|biz="
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="stuff"), TemplateClose(), Text(text=" {{foo|bar=baz|biz=")]


name: incomplete_two_named_params
label: incomplete templates that should fail gracefully: two named parameters with values
input: "{{stuff}} {{foo|bar=baz|biz=buzz"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="stuff"), TemplateClose(), Text(text=" {{foo|bar=baz|biz=buzz")]
