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Add 56 tokenizer tests for wiki-markup tags.

Ben Kurtovic vor 11 Jahren
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tests/tokenizer/tags_wikimarkup.mwtest Datei anzeigen

@@ -44,3 +44,396 @@ name: basic_hr
label: basic horizontal rule
input: "----"
output: [TagOpenOpen(wiki_markup="----"), Text(text="hr"), TagCloseSelfclose()]


name: complex_italics
label: italics with a lot in them
input: "''this is a test of [[Italic text|italics]] with {{plenty|of|stuff}}''"
output: [TagOpenOpen(wiki_markup="''"), Text(text="i"), TagCloseOpen(), Text(text="this is a"), HTMLEntityStart(), Text(text="nbsp"), HTMLEntityEnd(), Text(text="test of "), WikilinkOpen(), Text(text="Italic text"), WikilinkSeparator(), Text(text="italics"), WikilinkClose(), Text(text=" with "), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="plenty"), TemplateParamSeparator(), Text(text="of"), TemplateParamSeparator(), Text(text="stuff"), TemplateClose(), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="i"), TagCloseClose()]


name: multiline_italics
label: italics spanning mulitple lines
input: "foo\nbar''testing\ntext\nspanning\n\n\n\n\nmultiple\nlines''foo\n\nbar"
output: [Text(text="foo\nbar"), TagOpenOpen(wiki_markup="''"), Text(text="i"), TagCloseOpen(), Text(text="testing\ntext\nspanning\n\n\n\n\nmultiple\nlines"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="i"), TagCloseClose()]


name: unending_italics
label: italics without an ending tag
input: "''unending formatting!"
output: [Text(text="''unending formatting!")]


name: misleading_italics_end
label: italics with something that looks like an end but isn't
input: "''this is 'not' the en'd'<nowiki>''</nowiki>"
output: [Text(text="''this is 'not' the en'd'"), TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="nowiki"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="''"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="nowiki"), TagCloseClose()]


name: italics_start_outside_end_inside
label: italics that start outside a link and end inside it
input: "''foo[[bar|baz'']]spam"
output: []


name: italics_start_inside_end_outside
label: italics that start inside a link and end outside it
input: "[[foo|''bar]]baz''spam"
output: []


name: complex_bold
label: bold with a lot in it
input: "'''this is a&nbsp;test of [[Bold text|bold]] with {{plenty|of|stuff}}'''"
output: []


name: multiline_bold
label: bold spanning mulitple lines
input: "foo\nbar'''testing\ntext\nspanning\n\n\n\n\nmultiple\nlines'''foo\n\nbar"
output: []


name: unending_bold
label: bold without an ending tag
input: "'''unending formatting!"
output: [Text(text="'''unending formatting!")]


name: misleading_bold_end
label: bold with something that looks like an end but isn't
input: "'''this is 'not' the en''d'<nowiki>''</nowiki>"
output: [Text(text="'''this is 'not' the en''d'"), TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="nowiki"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="''"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="nowiki"), TagCloseClose()]


name: bold_start_outside_end_inside
label: bold that start outside a link and end inside it
input: "'''foo[[bar|baz''']]spam"
output: []


name: bold_start_inside_end_outside
label: bold that start inside a link and end outside it
input: "[[foo|'''bar]]baz'''spam"
output: []


name: bold_and_italics
label: bold and italics together
input: "this is '''''bold and italic text'''''!"
output: []


name: both_then_bold
label: text that starts bold/italic, then is just bold
input: "'''''both''bold'''"
output: []


name: both_then_italics
label: text that starts bold/italic, then is just italic
input: "'''''both'''italics''"
output: []


name: bold_then_both
label: text that starts just bold, then is bold/italic
input: "'''bold''both'''''"
output: []


name: italics_then_both
label: text that starts just italic, then is bold/italic
input: "''italics'''both'''''"
output: []


name: seven
label: seven ticks
input: "'''''''seven'''''''"
output: []


name: complex_ul
label: ul with a lot in it
input: "* this is a&nbsp;test of an [[Unordered list|ul]] with {{plenty|of|stuff}}"
output: []


name: ul_multiline_template
label: ul with a template that spans multiple lines
input: "* this has a template with a {{line|\nbreak}}\nthis is not part of the list"
output: []


name: ul_adjacent
label: multiple adjacent uls
input: "a\n*b\n*c\nd\n*e\nf"
output: []


name: ul_depths
label: multiple adjacent uls, with differing depths
input: "*a\n**b\n***c\n********d\n**e\nf\n***g"
output: []


name: ul_space_before
label: uls with space before them
input: "foo *bar\n *baz\n*buzz"
output: []


name: ul_interruption
label: high-depth ul with something blocking it
input: "**f*oobar"
output: []


name: complex_ol
label: ol with a lot in it
input: "# this is a&nbsp;test of an [[Ordered list|ol]] with {{plenty|of|stuff}}"
output: []


name: ol_multiline_template
label: ol with a template that spans moltiple lines
input: "# this has a template with a {{line|\nbreak}}\nthis is not part of the list"
output: []


name: ol_adjacent
label: moltiple adjacent ols
input: "a\n#b\n#c\nd\n#e\nf"
output: []


name: ol_depths
label: moltiple adjacent ols, with differing depths
input: "#a\n##b\n###c\n########d\n##e\nf\n###g"
output: []


name: ol_space_before
label: ols with space before them
input: "foo #bar\n #baz\n#buzz"
output: []


name: ol_interruption
label: high-depth ol with something blocking it
input: "##f#oobar"
output: []


name: ul_ol_mix
label: a mix of adjacent uls and ols
input: "*a\n*#b\n*##c\n*##*#*#*d\n*#e\nf\n##*g"
output: []


name: complex_dt
label: dt with a lot in it
input: "; this is a&nbsp;test of an [[description term|dt]] with {{plenty|of|stuff}}"
output: []


name: dt_multiline_template
label: dt with a template that spans mdttiple lines
input: "; this has a template with a {{line|\nbreak}}\nthis is not part of the list"
output: []


name: dt_adjacent
label: mdttiple adjacent dts
input: ";\n;b\n;c\nd\n;e\nf"
output: []


name: dt_depths
label: mdttiple adjacent dts, with differing depths
input: ";a\n;;b\n;;;c\n;;;;;;;;d\n;;e\nf\n;;;g"
output: []


name: dt_space_before
label: dts with space before them
input: "foo ;bar\n ;baz\n;buzz"
output: []


name: dt_interruption
label: high-depth dt with something blocking it
input: ";;f;oobar"
output: []


name: complex_dd
label: dd with a lot in it
input: ": this is a&nbsp:test of an [[description item|dd]] with {{plenty|of|stuff}}"
output: []


name: dd_multiline_template
label: dd with a template that spans mddtiple lines
input: ": this has a template with a {{line|\nbreak}}\nthis is not part of the list"
output: []


name: dd_adjacent
label: mddtiple adjacent dds
input: ":\n:b\n:c\nd\n:e\nf"
output: []


name: dd_depths
label: mddtiple adjacent dds, with differing depths
input: ":a\n::b\n:::c\n::::::::d\n::e\nf\n:::g"
output: []


name: dd_space_before
label: dds with space before them
input: "foo :bar\n :baz\n:buzz"
output: []


name: dd_interruption
label: high-depth dd with something blocking it
input: "::f:oobar"
output: []


name: dt_dd_mix
label: a mix of adjacent dts and dds
input: ";a\n;:b\n;::c\n;::;:;:;d\n;:e\nf\n::;g"
output: []


name: dt_dd_mix2
label: the correct usage of a dt/dd unit, as in a dl
input: ";foo:bar"
output: []


name: dt_dd_mix3
label: another complex example of dts and dds
input: ";:::;foo::;:bar;;"
output: []


name: hr_text_before
label: text before an otherwise-valid hr
input: "foo----"
output: [Text(text="foo----")]


name: hr_text_after
label: text after a valid hr
input: "----bar"
output: [TagOpenOpen(wiki_markup="----"), Text(text="hr"), TagCloseSelfclose(), Text(text="bar")]


name: hr_text_before_after
label: text at both ends of an otherwise-valid hr
input: "foo----bar"
output: [Text(text="foo----bar")]


name: hr_newlines
label: newlines surrounding a valid hr
input: "foo\n----\nbar"
output: [Text(text="foo\n"), TagOpenOpen(wiki_markup="----"), Text(text="hr"), TagCloseSelfclose(), Text(text="\nbar")]


name: hr_adjacent
label: two adjacent hrs
input: "----\n----"
output: [TagOpenOpen(wiki_markup="----"), Text(text="hr"), TagCloseSelfclose(), Text(text="\n"), TagOpenOpen(wiki_markup="----"), Text(text="hr"), TagCloseSelfclose()]


name: hr_adjacent_space
label: two adjacent hrs, with a space before the second one, making it invalid
input: "----\n ----"
output: [TagOpenOpen(wiki_markup="----"), Text(text="hr"), TagCloseSelfclose(), Text(text="\n ----")]


name: hr_short
label: an invalid three-hyphen-long hr
input: "---"
output: [Text(text="---")]


name: hr_long
label: a very long, valid hr
input: "------------------------------------------"
output: [TagOpenOpen(wiki_markup="------------------------------------------"), Text(text="hr"), TagCloseSelfclose()]


name: hr_interruption_short
label: a hr that is interrupted, making it invalid
input: "---x-"
output: [Text(text="---x-")]


name: hr_interruption_long
label: a hr that is interrupted, but the first part remains valid because it is long enough
input: "----x--"
output: [TagOpenOpen(wiki_markup="----"), Text(text="hr"), TagCloseSelfclose(), Text(text="x--")]
