Przeglądaj źródła

Reimplement Wikicode._do_search() to support more input types.

Ben Kurtovic 11 lat temu
1 zmienionych plików z 107 dodań i 60 usunięć
  1. +107

+ 107
- 60
mwparserfromhell/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -60,19 +60,6 @@ class Wikicode(StringMixIn):
for context, child in node.__iternodes__(self._get_all_nodes):
yield child

def _get_context(self, node, obj):
"""Return a ``Wikicode`` that contains *obj* in its descendants.

The closest (shortest distance from *node*) suitable ``Wikicode`` will
be returned, or ``None`` if the *obj* is the *node* itself.

Raises ``ValueError`` if *obj* is not within *node*.
for context, child in node.__iternodes__(self._get_all_nodes):
if self._is_equivalent(obj, child):
return context
raise ValueError(obj)

def _get_all_nodes(self, code):
"""Iterate over all of our descendant nodes.

@@ -105,26 +92,54 @@ class Wikicode(StringMixIn):
return False
return obj in nodes

def _do_search(self, obj, recursive, callback, context, *args, **kwargs):
"""Look within *context* for *obj*, executing *callback* if found.
def _do_search(self, obj, recursive, context=None, literal=None):
"""Return some info about the location of *obj* within *context*.

If *recursive* is ``True``, we'll look within *context* and its
descendants, otherwise we'll just execute *callback*. We raise
:py:exc:`ValueError` if *obj* isn't in our node list or context. If
found, *callback* is passed the context, the index of the node within
the context, and whatever were passed as ``*args`` and ``**kwargs``.
If *recursive* is ``True``, we'll look within *context* (``self`` by
default) and its descendants, otherwise just *context*. We raise
:py:exc:`ValueError` if *obj* isn't found. The return data is a list of
3-tuples (*type*, *context*, *data*) where *type* is *obj*\ 's best
type resolution (either ``Node``, ``Wikicode``, or ``str``), *context*
is the closest ``Wikicode`` encompassing it, and *data* is either a
``Node``, a list of ``Node``\ s, or ``None`` depending on *type*.
if recursive:
for i, node in enumerate(context.nodes):
if self._is_equivalent(obj, node):
return callback(context, i, *args, **kwargs)
if self._contains(self._get_children(node), obj):
context = self._get_context(node, obj)
return self._do_search(obj, recursive, callback, context,
*args, **kwargs)
raise ValueError(obj)
if not context:
context = self
literal = isinstance(obj, (Node, Wikicode))
obj = parse_anything(obj)
if not obj or obj not in self:
raise ValueError(obj)
if len(obj.nodes) == 1:
obj = obj.get(0)

compare = lambda a, b: (a is b) if literal else (a == b)
results = []
i = 0
while i < len(context.nodes):
node = context.get(i)
if isinstance(obj, Node) and compare(obj, node):
results.append((Node, context, node))
elif isinstance(obj, Wikicode) and compare(obj.get(0), node):
for j in range(1, len(obj.nodes)):
if not compare(obj.get(j), context.get(i + j)):
nodes = list(context.nodes[i:i + len(obj.nodes)])
results.append((Wikicode, context, nodes))
i += len(obj.nodes) - 1
elif recursive:
contexts = node.__iternodes__(self._get_all_nodes)
for code in {ctx for ctx, child in contexts}:
if code and obj in code:
search = self._do_search(obj, recursive, code, literal)
i += 1

callback(context, self.index(obj, recursive=False), *args, **kwargs)
if not results and not literal and recursive:
results.append((str, context, None))
if not results and context is self:
raise ValueError(obj)
return results

def _get_tree(self, code, lines, marker, indent):
"""Build a tree to illustrate the way the Wikicode object was parsed.
@@ -253,41 +268,64 @@ class Wikicode(StringMixIn):
def insert_before(self, obj, value, recursive=True):
"""Insert *value* immediately before *obj* in the list of nodes.

*obj* can be either a string or a :py:class:`~.Node`. *value* can be
anything parasable by :py:func:`.parse_anything`. If *recursive* is
``True``, we will try to find *obj* within our child nodes even if it
is not a direct descendant of this :py:class:`~.Wikicode` object. If
*obj* is not in the node list, :py:exc:`ValueError` is raised.
*obj* can be either a string, a :py:class:`~.Node`, or other
:py:class:`~.Wikicode` object (as created by :py:meth:`get_sections`,
for example). *value* can be anything parasable by
:py:func:`.parse_anything`. If *recursive* is ``True``, we will try to
find *obj* within our child nodes even if it is not a direct descendant
of this :py:class:`~.Wikicode` object. If *obj* is not found,
:py:exc:`ValueError` is raised.
callback = lambda self, i, value: self.insert(i, value)
self._do_search(obj, recursive, callback, self, value)
for restype, context, data in self._do_search(obj, recursive):
if restype in (Node, Wikicode):
i = context.index(data if restype is Node else data[0], False)
context.insert(i, value)
obj = str(obj)
context.nodes = str(context).replace(obj, str(value) + obj)

def insert_after(self, obj, value, recursive=True):
"""Insert *value* immediately after *obj* in the list of nodes.

*obj* can be either a string or a :py:class:`~.Node`. *value* can be
anything parasable by :py:func:`.parse_anything`. If *recursive* is
``True``, we will try to find *obj* within our child nodes even if it
is not a direct descendant of this :py:class:`~.Wikicode` object. If
*obj* is not in the node list, :py:exc:`ValueError` is raised.
*obj* can be either a string, a :py:class:`~.Node`, or other
:py:class:`~.Wikicode` object (as created by :py:meth:`get_sections`,
for example). *value* can be anything parasable by
:py:func:`.parse_anything`. If *recursive* is ``True``, we will try to
find *obj* within our child nodes even if it is not a direct descendant
of this :py:class:`~.Wikicode` object. If *obj* is not found,
:py:exc:`ValueError` is raised.
callback = lambda self, i, value: self.insert(i + 1, value)
self._do_search(obj, recursive, callback, self, value)
for restype, context, data in self._do_search(obj, recursive):
if restype in (Node, Wikicode):
i = context.index(data if restype is Node else data[-1], False)
context.insert(i + 1, value)
obj = str(obj)
context.nodes = str(context).replace(obj, obj + str(value))

def replace(self, obj, value, recursive=True):
"""Replace *obj* with *value* in the list of nodes.

*obj* can be either a string or a :py:class:`~.Node`. *value* can be
anything parasable by :py:func:`.parse_anything`. If *recursive* is
``True``, we will try to find *obj* within our child nodes even if it
is not a direct descendant of this :py:class:`~.Wikicode` object. If
*obj* is not in the node list, :py:exc:`ValueError` is raised.
*obj* can be either a string, a :py:class:`~.Node`, or other
:py:class:`~.Wikicode` object (as created by :py:meth:`get_sections`,
for example). *value* can be anything parasable by
:py:func:`.parse_anything`. If *recursive* is ``True``, we will try to
find *obj* within our child nodes even if it is not a direct descendant
of this :py:class:`~.Wikicode` object. If *obj* is not found,
:py:exc:`ValueError` is raised.
def callback(self, i, value):
self.insert(i, value)

self._do_search(obj, recursive, callback, self, value)
for restype, context, data in self._do_search(obj, recursive):
if restype is Node:
i = context.index(data, False)
context.insert(i, value)
elif restype is Wikicode:
i = context.index(data[0], False)
for _ in data:
context.insert(i, value)
context.nodes = str(context).replace(str(obj), str(value))

def append(self, value):
"""Insert *value* at the end of the list of nodes.
@@ -301,13 +339,22 @@ class Wikicode(StringMixIn):
def remove(self, obj, recursive=True):
"""Remove *obj* from the list of nodes.

*obj* can be either a string or a :py:class:`~.Node`. If *recursive* is
``True``, we will try to find *obj* within our child nodes even if it
is not a direct descendant of this :py:class:`~.Wikicode` object. If
*obj* is not in the node list, :py:exc:`ValueError` is raised.
*obj* can be either a string, a :py:class:`~.Node`, or other
:py:class:`~.Wikicode` object (as created by :py:meth:`get_sections`,
for example). If *recursive* is ``True``, we will try to find *obj*
within our child nodes even if it is not a direct descendant of this
:py:class:`~.Wikicode` object. If *obj* is not found,
:py:exc:`ValueError` is raised.
callback = lambda self, i: self.nodes.pop(i)
self._do_search(obj, recursive, callback, self)
for restype, context, data in self._do_search(obj, recursive):
if restype is Node:
context.nodes.pop(context.index(data, False))
elif restype is Wikicode:
i = context.index(data[0], False)
for _ in data:
context.nodes = str(context).replace(str(obj), "")

def matches(self, other):
"""Do a loose equivalency test suitable for comparing page names.
