
Allow recursing through everything except the forced type (fixes #70)

Ben Kurtovic 10年前
  1. +4
  2. +5
  3. +35
  4. +15

+ 4
- 0

@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ v0.4 (unreleased):
- Added a script to do releases in scripts/release.sh.
- skip_style_tags can now be passed to mwparserfromhell.parse() (previously,
only Parser().parse() allowed it).
- The 'recursive' argument to Wikicode's filter methods now accepts a third
option, RECURSE_OTHERS, which recurses over all children except instances of
'forcetype' (for example, `code.filter_templates(code.RECURSE_OTHERS)`
returns all un-nested templates).
- Fixed a parser bug involving nested tags.
- Updated and fixed some documentation.

+ 5
- 0
docs/changelog.rst ファイルの表示

@@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ Unreleased
- Added a script to do releases in :file:`scripts/release.sh`.
- *skip_style_tags* can now be passed to :py:func:`mwparserfromhell.parse()
<.parse_anything>` (previously, only :py:meth:`.Parser.parse` allowed it).
- The *recursive* argument to :py:class:`Wikicode's <.Wikicode>`
:py:meth:`.filter` methods now accepts a third option, ``RECURSE_OTHERS``,
which recurses over all children except instances of *forcetype* (for
example, ``code.filter_templates(code.RECURSE_OTHERS)`` returns all un-nested
- Fixed a parser bug involving nested tags.
- Updated and fixed some documentation.

+ 35
- 21
mwparserfromhell/wikicode.py ファイルの表示

@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ class Wikicode(StringMixIn):
<ifilter>` series of functions is very useful for extracting and iterating
over, for example, all of the templates in the object.

def __init__(self, nodes):
super(Wikicode, self).__init__()
@@ -53,12 +54,15 @@ class Wikicode(StringMixIn):
return "".join([str(node) for node in self.nodes])

def _get_children(node, contexts=False, parent=None):
def _get_children(node, contexts=False, restrict=None, parent=None):
"""Iterate over all child :py:class:`.Node`\ s of a given *node*."""
yield (parent, node) if contexts else node
if restrict and isinstance(node, restrict):
for code in node.__children__():
for child in code.nodes:
for result in Wikicode._get_children(child, contexts, code):
sub = Wikicode._get_children(child, contexts, restrict, code)
for result in sub:
yield result

@@ -79,7 +83,7 @@ class Wikicode(StringMixIn):
if matches:
if callable(matches):
return matches
return lambda obj: re.search(matches, str(obj), flags) # r
return lambda obj: re.search(matches, str(obj), flags)
return lambda obj: True

def _indexed_ifilter(self, recursive=True, matches=None, flags=FLAGS,
@@ -93,8 +97,9 @@ class Wikicode(StringMixIn):
match = self._build_matcher(matches, flags)
if recursive:
restrict = forcetype if recursive == self.RECURSE_OTHERS else None
def getter(i, node):
for ch in self._get_children(node):
for ch in self._get_children(node, restrict=restrict):
yield (i, ch)
inodes = chain(*(getter(i, n) for i, n in enumerate(self.nodes)))
@@ -222,10 +227,10 @@ class Wikicode(StringMixIn):
This is equivalent to :py:meth:`{1}` with *forcetype* set to
make_ifilter = lambda ftype: (lambda self, **kw:
self.ifilter(forcetype=ftype, **kw))
make_filter = lambda ftype: (lambda self, **kw:
self.filter(forcetype=ftype, **kw))
make_ifilter = lambda ftype: (lambda self, *a, **kw:
self.ifilter(forcetype=ftype, *a, **kw))
make_filter = lambda ftype: (lambda self, *a, **kw:
self.filter(forcetype=ftype, *a, **kw))
for name, ftype in (meths.items() if py3k else meths.iteritems()):
ifilter = make_ifilter(ftype)
filter = make_filter(ftype)
@@ -435,27 +440,36 @@ class Wikicode(StringMixIn):
"""Iterate over nodes in our list matching certain conditions.

If *recursive* is ``True``, we will iterate over our children and all
of their descendants, otherwise just our immediate children. If
*forcetype* is given, only nodes that are instances of this type are
yielded. *matches* can be used to further restrict the nodes, either as
a function (taking a single :py:class:`.Node` and returning a boolean)
or a regular expression (matched against the node's string
representation with :py:func:`re.search`). If *matches* is a regex, the
flags passed to :py:func:`re.search` are :py:const:`re.IGNORECASE`,
If *forcetype* is given, only nodes that are instances of this type (or
tuple of types) are yielded. Setting *recursive* to ``True`` will
iterate over all children and their descendants. ``RECURSE_OTHERS``
will only iterate over children that are not the instances of
*forcetype*. ``False`` will only iterate over immediate children.

``RECURSE_OTHERS`` can be used to iterate over all un-nested templates,
even if they are inside of HTML tags, like so:

>>> code = mwparserfromhell.parse("{{foo}}<b>{{foo|{{bar}}}}</b>")
>>> code.filter_templates(code.RECURSE_OTHERS)
["{{foo}}", "{{foo|{{bar}}}}"]

*matches* can be used to further restrict the nodes, either as a
function (taking a single :py:class:`.Node` and returning a boolean) or
a regular expression (matched against the node's string representation
with :py:func:`re.search`). If *matches* is a regex, the flags passed
to :py:func:`re.search` are :py:const:`re.IGNORECASE`,
:py:const:`re.DOTALL`, and :py:const:`re.UNICODE`, but custom flags can
be specified by passing *flags*.
return (node for i, node in
self._indexed_ifilter(recursive, matches, flags, forcetype))
gen = self._indexed_ifilter(recursive, matches, flags, forcetype)
return (node for i, node in gen)

def filter(self, recursive=True, matches=None, flags=FLAGS,
def filter(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return a list of nodes within our list matching certain conditions.

This is equivalent to calling :py:func:`list` on :py:meth:`ifilter`.
return list(self.ifilter(recursive, matches, flags, forcetype))
return list(self.ifilter(*args, **kwargs))

def get_sections(self, levels=None, matches=None, flags=FLAGS, flat=False,
include_lead=None, include_headings=True):

+ 15
- 6
tests/test_wikicode.py ファイルの表示

@@ -319,11 +319,14 @@ class TestWikicode(TreeEqualityTestCase):
self.assertEqual(["{{baz}}", "{{bz}}"], func(matches=r"^{{b.*?z"))
self.assertEqual(["{{baz}}"], func(matches=r"^{{b.+?z}}"))

self.assertEqual(["{{a|{{b}}|{{c|d={{f}}{{h}}}}}}", "{{b}}",
"{{c|d={{f}}{{h}}}}", "{{f}}", "{{h}}"],
exp_rec = ["{{a|{{b}}|{{c|d={{f}}{{h}}}}}}", "{{b}}",
"{{c|d={{f}}{{h}}}}", "{{f}}", "{{h}}"]
exp_unrec = ["{{a|{{b}}|{{c|d={{f}}{{h}}}}}}"]
self.assertEqual(exp_rec, code2.filter_templates())
self.assertEqual(exp_unrec, code2.filter_templates(recursive=False))
self.assertEqual(exp_rec, code2.filter_templates(recursive=True))
self.assertEqual(exp_rec, code2.filter_templates(True))
self.assertEqual(exp_unrec, code2.filter_templates(False))

self.assertEqual(["{{foobar}}"], code3.filter_templates(
matches=lambda node: node.name.matches("Foobar")))
@@ -332,9 +335,15 @@ class TestWikicode(TreeEqualityTestCase):
self.assertEqual([], code3.filter_tags(matches=r"^{{b.*?z"))
self.assertEqual([], code3.filter_tags(matches=r"^{{b.*?z", flags=0))

self.assertRaises(TypeError, code.filter_templates, 100)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, code.filter_templates, a=42)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, code.filter_templates, forcetype=Template)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, code.filter_templates, 1, 0, 0, Template)

code4 = parse("{{foo}}<b>{{foo|{{bar}}}}</b>")
actual1 = code4.filter_templates(recursive=code4.RECURSE_OTHERS)
actual2 = code4.filter_templates(code4.RECURSE_OTHERS)
self.assertEqual(["{{foo}}", "{{foo|{{bar}}}}"], actual1)
self.assertEqual(["{{foo}}", "{{foo|{{bar}}}}"], actual2)

def test_get_sections(self):
"""test Wikicode.get_sections()"""
