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Tests for single and single_only tags.

Ben Kurtovic 11 lat temu
1 zmienionych plików z 63 dodań i 0 usunięć
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tests/tokenizer/tags.mwtest Wyświetl plik

@@ -355,6 +355,13 @@ output: [Text(text="junk <ref>bar</span>")]


name: incomplete_close
label: incomplete tags: a close tag
input: "junk </ref>"
output: [Text(text="junk </ref>")]


name: incomplete_no_tag_name_open
label: incomplete tags: no tag name within brackets; just an open
input: "junk <>"
@@ -457,3 +464,59 @@ name: unparsable_incomplete
label: a tag that should not be put through the normal parser; incomplete
input: "{{t1}}<nowiki>{{t2}}{{t3}}"
output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="t1"), TemplateClose(), Text(text="<nowiki>"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="t2"), TemplateClose(), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="t3"), TemplateClose()]


name: single_open_close
label: a tag that supports being single; both an open and a close tag
input: "foo<li>bar{{baz}}</li>"
output: [Text(text="foo"), TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="li"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="bar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose(), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="li"), TagCloseClose()]


name: single_open
label: a tag that supports being single; just an open tag
input: "foo<li>bar{{baz}}"
output: [Text(text="foo"), TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="li"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="", implicit=True), Text(text="bar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose()]


name: single_selfclose
label: a tag that supports being single; a self-closing tag
input: "foo<li/>bar{{baz}}"
output: [Text(text="foo"), TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="li"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding=""), Text(text="bar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose()]


name: single_close
label: a tag that supports being single; just a close tag
input: "foo</li>bar{{baz}}"
output: [Text(text="foo</li>bar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose()]


name: single_only_open_close
label: a tag that can only be single; both an open and a close tag
input: "foo<br>bar{{baz}}</br>"
output: [Text(text="foo"), TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="br"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="", implicit=True), Text(text="bar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose(), TagOpenOpen(showtag=True, invalid=True), Text(text="br"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="")]


name: single_only_open
label: a tag that can only be single; just an open tag
input: "foo<br>bar{{baz}}"
output: [Text(text="foo"), TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="br"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="", implicit=True), Text(text="bar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose()]


name: single_only_selfclose
label: a tag that can only be single; a self-closing tag
input: "foo<br/>bar{{baz}}"
output: [Text(text="foo"), TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="br"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding=""), Text(text="bar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose()]


name: single_only_close
label: a tag that can only be single; just a close tag
input: "foo</br>bar{{baz}}"
output: [Text(text="foo"), TagOpenOpen(showtag=True, invalid=True), Text(text="br"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding=""), Text(text="bar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose()]
