@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ |
name: blank |
label: wikilink with no content |
input: "[[]]" |
output: [WikilinkOpen(), WikilinkClose()] |
--- |
name: blank_with_text |
label: wikilink with no content but a pipe |
input: "[[|]]" |
output: [WikilinkOpen(), WikilinkSeparator(), WikilinkClose()] |
--- |
name: basic |
label: simplest type of wikilink |
input: "[[wikilink]]" |
output: [WikilinkOpen(), Text(text="wikilink"), WikilinkClose()] |
--- |
name: with_text |
label: wikilink with a text value |
input: "[[foo|bar]]" |
output: [WikilinkOpen(), Text(text="foo"), WikilinkSeparator(), Text(text="bar"), WikilinkClose()] |
--- |
name: blank_with_multiple_texts |
label: no content, multiple pipes |
input: "[[|||]]" |
output: [WikilinkOpen(), WikilinkSeparator(), Text(text="||"), WikilinkClose()] |
--- |
name: multiple_texts |
label: multiple text values separated by pipes |
input: "[[foo|bar|baz]]" |
output: [WikilinkOpen(), Text(text="foo"), WikilinkSeparator(), Text(text="bar|baz"), WikilinkClose()] |
--- |
name: nested |
label: a wikilink nested within the value of another |
input: "[[foo|[[bar]]]]" |
output: [WikilinkOpen(), Text(text="foo"), WikilinkSeparator(), WikilinkOpen(), Text(text="bar"), WikilinkClose(), WikilinkClose()] |
--- |
name: nested_with_text |
label: a wikilink nested within the value of another, separated by other data |
input: "[[foo|a[[b]]c]]" |
output: [WikilinkOpen(), Text(text="foo"), WikilinkSeparator(), Text(text="a"), WikilinkOpen(), Text(text="b"), WikilinkClose(), Text(text="c"), WikilinkClose()] |
--- |
name: invalid_newline |
label: invalid wikilink: newline as only content |
input: "[[\n]]" |
output: [Text(text="[[\n]]")] |
--- |
name: invalid_right_brace |
label: invalid wikilink: right brace |
input: "[[foo}b}a}r]]" |
output: [Text(text="[[foo}b}a}r]]")] |
--- |
name: invalid_left_brace |
label: invalid wikilink: left brace |
input: "[[foo{{[a}}]]" |
output: [Text(text="[[foo{{[a}}]]")] |
--- |
name: invalid_right_bracket |
label: invalid wikilink: right bracket |
input: "[[foo]bar]]" |
output: [Text(text="[[foo]bar]]")] |
--- |
name: invalid_left_bracket |
label: invalid wikilink: left bracket |
input: "[[foo[bar]]" |
output: [Text(text="[[foo[bar]]")] |
--- |
name: invalid_nested |
label: invalid wikilink: trying to nest in the wrong context |
input: "[[foo[[bar]]]]" |
output: [Text(text="[[foo"), WikilinkOpen(), Text(text="bar"), WikilinkClose(), Text(text="]]")] |
--- |
name: invalid_nested_text |
label: invalid wikilink: trying to nest in the wrong context, with a text param |
input: "[[foo[[bar]]|baz]]" |
output: [Text(text="[[foo"), WikilinkOpen(), Text(text="bar"), WikilinkClose(), Text(text="|baz]]")] |
--- |
name: incomplete_open_only |
label: incomplete wikilinks: just an open |
input: "[[" |
output: [Text(text="[[")] |
--- |
name: incomplete_open_text |
label: incomplete wikilinks: an open with some text |
input: "[[foo" |
output: [Text(text="[[foo")] |
--- |
name: incomplete_open_text_pipe |
label: incomplete wikilinks: an open, text, then a pipe |
input: "[[foo|" |
output: [Text(text="[[foo|")] |
--- |
name: incomplete_open_pipe |
label: incomplete wikilinks: an open, then a pipe |
input: "[[|" |
output: [Text(text="[[|")] |
--- |
name: incomplete_open_pipe_text |
label: incomplete wikilinks: an open, then a pipe, then text |
input: "[[|foo" |
output: [Text(text="[[|foo")] |
--- |
name: incomplete_open_pipes_text |
label: incomplete wikilinks: a pipe, then text then two pipes |
input: "[[|f||" |
output: [Text(text="[[|f||")] |
--- |
name: incomplete_open_partial_close |
label: incomplete wikilinks: an open, then one right brace |
input: "[[{}" |
output: [Text(text="[[{}")] |
--- |
name: incomplete_preserve_previous |
label: incomplete wikilinks: a valid wikilink followed by an invalid one |
input: "[[foo]] [[bar" |
output: [WikilinkOpen(), Text(text="foo"), WikilinkClose(), Text(text=" [[bar")] |