
Make nodes.template.Template a bit more dict-like (#252)

* nodes: add a `default` param to Template.get

Similar to dict.get, Template.get with a default param supplied will
return that value instead of raising an exception. If default is unset,
Template.get will keep its previous behavior and raise an exception.

* nodes: Add __getitem__, __setitem__, and __delitem__ to Template

These are just aliases for existing methods, without the ability to
specifiy additional parameters. However, including them makes Template
more dict-like, so it's a good idea to have them.

* nodes: Use def instead of assignment of a lambda in Template

Per PEP8, there is no benefit to using a lambda here, and some
downsides. It's the same number of SLOC either way, so might as well
change it.
AntiCompositeNumber 3年前
committed by GitHub
この署名に対応する既知のキーがデータベースに存在しません GPGキーID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
  1. +23

+ 23
- 8
mwparserfromhell/nodes/template.py ファイルの表示

@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ from ..utils import parse_anything
__all__ = ["Template"]

# Used to allow None as a valid fallback value
_UNSET = object()

class Template(Node):
"""Represents a template in wikicode, like ``{{foo}}``."""
@@ -208,23 +210,30 @@ class Template(Node):
return True
return False

has_param = lambda self, name, ignore_empty=False: \
self.has(name, ignore_empty)
has_param.__doc__ = "Alias for :meth:`has`."
def has_param(self, name, ignore_empty=False):
"""Alias for :meth:`has`."""
return self.has(name, ignore_empty)

def get(self, name):
def get(self, name, default=_UNSET):
"""Get the parameter whose name is *name*.

The returned object is a :class:`.Parameter` instance. Raises
:exc:`ValueError` if no parameter has this name. Since multiple
parameters can have the same name, we'll return the last match, since
the last parameter is the only one read by the MediaWiki parser.
:exc:`ValueError` if no parameter has this name. If *default* is set,
returns that instead. Since multiple parameters can have the same name,
we'll return the last match, since the last parameter is the only one
read by the MediaWiki parser.
name = str(name).strip()
for param in reversed(self.params):
if param.name.strip() == name:
return param
raise ValueError(name)
if default is _UNSET:
raise ValueError(name)
return default

def __getitem__(self, name):
return self.get(name)

def add(self, name, value, showkey=None, before=None,
@@ -306,6 +315,9 @@ class Template(Node):
return param

def __setitem__(self, name, value):
return self.add(name, value)

def remove(self, param, keep_field=False):
"""Remove a parameter from the template, identified by *param*.

@@ -351,3 +363,6 @@ class Template(Node):
raise ValueError(name)
for i in reversed(to_remove):

def __delitem__(self, param):
return self.remove(param)
