2 Commits (8cd0bdb322b0de1a8e41097eb674ac8671c99bbd)

Author SHA1 Message Date
  Ben Kurtovic 8cd0bdb322 Autoformat: black + clang-format + clang-tidy 2 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 297bcb0cee Move mwparserfromhell to src/ dir 3 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 0ef6a2ffbe Fix declarations for C89 compatibility (forgot MSVC needed that...) 6 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic dc0b3ae446 Enable Windows builds on Python 3.6; try to fix again. 6 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 6ad3b9fb2a inttypes.h doesn't exist on Windows, so try using stdint.h 6 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 2593675651 Remove stdbool.h from avl_tree since MSVC doesn't like it. 6 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 8a9c9224be Speed up parsing deeply nested syntax by caching bad routes (fixes #42) 6 years ago