# Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Ben Kurtovic # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. """ Test cases for the StringMixIn class. """ import sys from types import GeneratorType import pytest from mwparserfromhell.string_mixin import StringMixIn class _FakeString(StringMixIn): def __init__(self, data): self._data = data def __str__(self): return self._data @pytest.mark.parametrize('method', [ "capitalize", "casefold", "center", "count", "encode", "endswith", "expandtabs", "find", "format", "format_map", "index", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isdecimal", "isdigit", "isidentifier", "islower", "isnumeric", "isprintable", "isspace", "istitle", "isupper", "join", "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "maketrans", "partition", "replace", "rfind", "rindex", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split", "splitlines", "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title", "translate", "upper", "zfill" ]) def test_docs(method): """make sure the various methods of StringMixIn have docstrings""" expected = getattr("foo", method).__doc__ actual = getattr(_FakeString("foo"), method).__doc__ assert expected == actual def test_types(): """make sure StringMixIns convert to different types correctly""" fstr = _FakeString("fake string") assert str(fstr) == "fake string" assert bytes(fstr) == b"fake string" assert repr(fstr) == "'fake string'" assert isinstance(str(fstr), str) assert isinstance(bytes(fstr), bytes) assert isinstance(repr(fstr), str) def test_comparisons(): """make sure comparison operators work""" str1 = _FakeString("this is a fake string") str2 = _FakeString("this is a fake string") str3 = _FakeString("fake string, this is") str4 = "this is a fake string" str5 = "fake string, this is" assert str1 <= str2 assert str1 >= str2 assert str1 == str2 assert str1 == str2 assert str1 >= str2 assert str1 <= str2 assert str1 > str3 assert str1 >= str3 assert str1 != str3 assert str1 != str3 assert str1 >= str3 assert str1 > str3 assert str1 <= str4 assert str1 >= str4 assert str1 == str4 assert str1 == str4 assert str1 >= str4 assert str1 <= str4 assert str5 <= str1 assert str5 < str1 assert str5 != str1 assert str5 != str1 assert str5 < str1 assert str5 <= str1 def test_other_magics(): """test other magically implemented features, like len() and iter()""" str1 = _FakeString("fake string") str2 = _FakeString("") expected = ["f", "a", "k", "e", " ", "s", "t", "r", "i", "n", "g"] assert bool(str1) is True assert bool(str2) is False assert 11 == len(str1) assert 0 == len(str2) out = [] for ch in str1: out.append(ch) assert expected == out out = [] for ch in str2: out.append(ch) assert [] == out gen1 = iter(str1) gen2 = iter(str2) assert isinstance(gen1, GeneratorType) assert isinstance(gen2, GeneratorType) out = [] for _ in range(len(str1)): out.append(next(gen1)) with pytest.raises(StopIteration): next(gen1) assert expected == out with pytest.raises(StopIteration): next(gen2) assert "gnirts ekaf" == "".join(list(reversed(str1))) assert [] == list(reversed(str2)) assert "f" == str1[0] assert " " == str1[4] assert "g" == str1[10] assert "n" == str1[-2] with pytest.raises(IndexError): str1[11] with pytest.raises(IndexError): str2[0] assert "k" in str1 assert "fake" in str1 assert "str" in str1 assert "" in str1 assert "" in str2 assert "real" not in str1 assert "s" not in str2 def test_other_methods(): """test the remaining non-magic methods of StringMixIn""" str1 = _FakeString("fake string") assert "Fake string" == str1.capitalize() assert " fake string " == str1.center(15) assert " fake string " == str1.center(16) assert "qqfake stringqq" == str1.center(15, "q") assert 1 == str1.count("e") assert 0 == str1.count("z") assert 1 == str1.count("r", 7) assert 0 == str1.count("r", 8) assert 1 == str1.count("r", 5, 9) assert 0 == str1.count("r", 5, 7) str3 = _FakeString("πŒ²πŒΏπ„") actual = b"\xF0\x90\x8C\xB2\xF0\x90\x8C\xBF\xF0\x90\x8D\x84" assert b"fake string" == str1.encode() assert actual == str3.encode("utf-8") assert actual == str3.encode(encoding="utf-8") if sys.getdefaultencoding() == "ascii": with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError): str3.encode() elif sys.getdefaultencoding() == "utf-8": assert actual == str3.encode() with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError): str3.encode("ascii") with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError): str3.encode("ascii", "strict") if sys.getdefaultencoding() == "ascii": with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError): str3.encode("ascii", errors="strict") elif sys.getdefaultencoding() == "utf-8": assert actual == str3.encode(errors="strict") assert b"" == str3.encode("ascii", "ignore") if sys.getdefaultencoding() == "ascii": assert b"" == str3.encode(errors="ignore") elif sys.getdefaultencoding() == "utf-8": assert actual == str3.encode(errors="ignore") assert str1.endswith("ing") is True assert str1.endswith("ingh") is False str4 = _FakeString("\tfoobar") assert "fake string" == str1 assert " foobar" == str4.expandtabs() assert " foobar" == str4.expandtabs(4) assert 3 == str1.find("e") assert -1 == str1.find("z") assert 7 == str1.find("r", 7) assert -1 == str1.find("r", 8) assert 7 == str1.find("r", 5, 9) assert -1 == str1.find("r", 5, 7) str5 = _FakeString("foo{0}baz") str6 = _FakeString("foo{abc}baz") str7 = _FakeString("foo{0}{abc}buzz") str8 = _FakeString("{0}{1}") assert "fake string" == str1.format() assert "foobarbaz" == str5.format("bar") assert "foobarbaz" == str6.format(abc="bar") assert "foobarbazbuzz" == str7.format("bar", abc="baz") with pytest.raises(IndexError): str8.format("abc") assert "fake string" == str1.format_map({}) assert "foobarbaz" == str6.format_map({"abc": "bar"}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): str5.format_map({0: "abc"}) assert 3 == str1.index("e") with pytest.raises(ValueError): str1.index("z") assert 7 == str1.index("r", 7) with pytest.raises(ValueError): str1.index("r", 8) assert 7 == str1.index("r", 5, 9) with pytest.raises(ValueError): str1.index("r", 5, 7) str9 = _FakeString("foobar") str10 = _FakeString("foobar123") str11 = _FakeString("foo bar") assert str9.isalnum() is True assert str10.isalnum() is True assert str11.isalnum() is False assert str9.isalpha() is True assert str10.isalpha() is False assert str11.isalpha() is False str12 = _FakeString("123") str13 = _FakeString("\u2155") str14 = _FakeString("\u00B2") assert str9.isdecimal() is False assert str12.isdecimal() is True assert str13.isdecimal() is False assert str14.isdecimal() is False assert str9.isdigit() is False assert str12.isdigit() is True assert str13.isdigit() is False assert str14.isdigit() is True assert str9.isidentifier() is True assert str10.isidentifier() is True assert str11.isidentifier() is False assert str12.isidentifier() is False str15 = _FakeString("") str16 = _FakeString("FooBar") assert str9.islower() is True assert str15.islower() is False assert str16.islower() is False assert str9.isnumeric() is False assert str12.isnumeric() is True assert str13.isnumeric() is True assert str14.isnumeric() is True str16B = _FakeString("\x01\x02") assert str9.isprintable() is True assert str13.isprintable() is True assert str14.isprintable() is True assert str15.isprintable() is True assert str16B.isprintable() is False str17 = _FakeString(" ") str18 = _FakeString("\t \t \r\n") assert str1.isspace() is False assert str9.isspace() is False assert str17.isspace() is True assert str18.isspace() is True str19 = _FakeString("This Sentence Looks Like A Title") str20 = _FakeString("This sentence doesn't LookLikeATitle") assert str15.istitle() is False assert str19.istitle() is True assert str20.istitle() is False str21 = _FakeString("FOOBAR") assert str9.isupper() is False assert str15.isupper() is False assert str21.isupper() is True assert "foobar" == str15.join(["foo", "bar"]) assert "foo123bar123baz" == str12.join(("foo", "bar", "baz")) assert "fake string " == str1.ljust(15) assert "fake string " == str1.ljust(16) assert "fake stringqqqq" == str1.ljust(15, "q") str22 = _FakeString("ß") assert "" == str15.lower() assert "foobar" == str16.lower() assert "ß" == str22.lower() assert "" == str15.casefold() assert "foobar" == str16.casefold() assert "ss" == str22.casefold() str23 = _FakeString(" fake string ") assert "fake string" == str1.lstrip() assert "fake string " == str23.lstrip() assert "ke string" == str1.lstrip("abcdef") assert ("fa", "ke", " string") == str1.partition("ke") assert ("fake string", "", "") == str1.partition("asdf") str24 = _FakeString("boo foo moo") assert "real string" == str1.replace("fake", "real") assert "bu fu moo" == str24.replace("oo", "u", 2) assert 3 == str1.rfind("e") assert -1 == str1.rfind("z") assert 7 == str1.rfind("r", 7) assert -1 == str1.rfind("r", 8) assert 7 == str1.rfind("r", 5, 9) assert -1 == str1.rfind("r", 5, 7) assert 3 == str1.rindex("e") with pytest.raises(ValueError): str1.rindex("z") assert 7 == str1.rindex("r", 7) with pytest.raises(ValueError): str1.rindex("r", 8) assert 7 == str1.rindex("r", 5, 9) with pytest.raises(ValueError): str1.rindex("r", 5, 7) assert " fake string" == str1.rjust(15) assert " fake string" == str1.rjust(16) assert "qqqqfake string" == str1.rjust(15, "q") assert ("fa", "ke", " string") == str1.rpartition("ke") assert ("", "", "fake string") == str1.rpartition("asdf") str25 = _FakeString(" this is a sentence with whitespace ") actual = ["this", "is", "a", "sentence", "with", "whitespace"] assert actual == str25.rsplit() assert actual == str25.rsplit(None) actual = ["", "", "", "this", "is", "a", "", "", "sentence", "with", "", "whitespace", ""] assert actual == str25.rsplit(" ") actual = [" this is a", "sentence", "with", "whitespace"] assert actual == str25.rsplit(None, 3) actual = [" this is a sentence with", "", "whitespace", ""] assert actual == str25.rsplit(" ", 3) actual = [" this is a", "sentence", "with", "whitespace"] assert actual == str25.rsplit(maxsplit=3) assert "fake string" == str1.rstrip() assert " fake string" == str23.rstrip() assert "fake stri" == str1.rstrip("ngr") actual = ["this", "is", "a", "sentence", "with", "whitespace"] assert actual == str25.split() assert actual == str25.split(None) actual = ["", "", "", "this", "is", "a", "", "", "sentence", "with", "", "whitespace", ""] assert actual == str25.split(" ") actual = ["this", "is", "a", "sentence with whitespace "] assert actual == str25.split(None, 3) actual = ["", "", "", "this is a sentence with whitespace "] assert actual == str25.split(" ", 3) actual = ["this", "is", "a", "sentence with whitespace "] assert actual == str25.split(maxsplit=3) str26 = _FakeString("lines\nof\ntext\r\nare\r\npresented\nhere") assert ["lines", "of", "text", "are", "presented", "here"] \ == str26.splitlines() assert ["lines\n", "of\n", "text\r\n", "are\r\n", "presented\n", "here"] \ == str26.splitlines(True) assert str1.startswith("fake") is True assert str1.startswith("faker") is False assert "fake string" == str1.strip() assert "fake string" == str23.strip() assert "ke stri" == str1.strip("abcdefngr") assert "fOObAR" == str16.swapcase() assert "Fake String" == str1.title() table1 = StringMixIn.maketrans({97: "1", 101: "2", 105: "3", 111: "4", 117: "5"}) table2 = StringMixIn.maketrans("aeiou", "12345") table3 = StringMixIn.maketrans("aeiou", "12345", "rts") assert "f1k2 str3ng" == str1.translate(table1) assert "f1k2 str3ng" == str1.translate(table2) assert "f1k2 3ng" == str1.translate(table3) assert "" == str15.upper() assert "FOOBAR" == str16.upper() assert "123" == str12.zfill(3) assert "000123" == str12.zfill(6)