name: basic label: a basic tag with an open and close input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: basic_selfclosing label: a basic self-closing tag input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="")] --- name: content label: a tag with some content in the middle input: "this is a reference" output: [TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="this is a reference"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: padded_open label: a tag with some padding in the open tag input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseOpen(padding=" "), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: padded_close label: a tag with some padding in the close tag input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref "), TagCloseClose()] --- name: padded_selfclosing label: a self-closing tag with padding input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding=" ")] --- name: attribute label: a tag with a single attribute input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(padding=""), Text(text="name"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: attribute_value label: a tag with a single attribute with a value input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(padding=""), Text(text="name"), TagAttrEquals(), Text(text="foo"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: attribute_quoted label: a tag with a single quoted attribute input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(padding=""), Text(text="name"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), Text(text="foo"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: attribute_hyphen label: a tag with a single attribute, containing a hyphen input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(padding=""), Text(text="name"), TagAttrEquals(), Text(text="foo-bar"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: attribute_quoted_hyphen label: a tag with a single quoted attribute, containing a hyphen input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(padding=""), Text(text="name"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), Text(text="foo-bar"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: attribute_selfclosing label: a self-closing tag with a single attribute input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(padding=""), Text(text="name"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="")] --- name: attribute_selfclosing_value label: a self-closing tag with a single attribute with a value input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(padding=""), Text(text="name"), TagAttrEquals(), Text(text="foo"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="")] --- name: attribute_selfclosing_value_quoted label: a self-closing tag with a single quoted attribute input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(showtag=True), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(padding=""), Text(text="name"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), Text(text="foo"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="")] --- name: incomplete_lbracket label: incomplete tags: just a left bracket input: "<" output: [Text(text="<")] --- name: incomplete_lbracket_junk label: incomplete tags: just a left bracket, surrounded by stuff input: "foo" output: [Text(text="junk ")] --- name: incomplete_open_unnamed_attr label: incomplete tags: an open tag, unnamed attribute input: "junk " output: [Text(text="junk ")] --- name: incomplete_open_attr_equals label: incomplete tags: an open tag, attribute, equal sign input: "junk " output: [Text(text="junk ")] --- name: incomplete_open_attr label: incomplete tags: an open tag, attribute with a key/value input: "junk " output: [Text(text="junk ")] --- name: incomplete_open_attr_quoted label: incomplete tags: an open tag, attribute with a key/value, quoted input: "junk " output: [Text(text="junk ")] --- name: incomplete_open_text label: incomplete tags: an open tag, text input: "junk foo" output: [Text(text="junk foo")] --- name: incomplete_open_attr_text label: incomplete tags: an open tag, attribute with a key/value, text input: "junk bar" output: [Text(text="junk bar")] --- name: incomplete_open_text_lbracket label: incomplete tags: an open tag, text, left open bracket input: "junk bar<" output: [Text(text="junk bar<")] --- name: incomplete_open_text_lbracket_slash label: incomplete tags: an open tag, text, left bracket, slash input: "junk barbarbarbar" output: [Text(text="junk bar")]