# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Ben Kurtovic # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from __future__ import unicode_literals from math import log import re from . import contexts, tokens, ParserError from ..compat import htmlentities, range from ..definitions import (get_html_tag, is_parsable, is_single, is_single_only, is_scheme) __all__ = ["Tokenizer"] class BadRoute(Exception): """Raised internally when the current tokenization route is invalid.""" def __init__(self, context=0): super(BadRoute, self).__init__() self.context = context class _TagOpenData(object): """Stores data about an HTML open tag, like ````.""" CX_NAME = 1 << 0 CX_ATTR_READY = 1 << 1 CX_ATTR_NAME = 1 << 2 CX_ATTR_VALUE = 1 << 3 CX_QUOTED = 1 << 4 CX_NOTE_SPACE = 1 << 5 CX_NOTE_EQUALS = 1 << 6 CX_NOTE_QUOTE = 1 << 7 def __init__(self): self.context = self.CX_NAME self.padding_buffer = {"first": "", "before_eq": "", "after_eq": ""} self.quoter = None self.reset = 0 class Tokenizer(object): """Creates a list of tokens from a string of wikicode.""" USES_C = False START = object() END = object() MARKERS = ["{", "}", "[", "]", "<", ">", "|", "=", "&", "'", "#", "*", ";", ":", "/", "-", "!", "\n", START, END] MAX_DEPTH = 40 regex = re.compile(r"([{}\[\]<>|=&'#*;:/\\\"\-!\n])", flags=re.IGNORECASE) tag_splitter = re.compile(r"([\s\"\'\\]+)") def __init__(self): self._text = None self._head = 0 self._stacks = [] self._global = 0 self._depth = 0 self._bad_routes = set() self._skip_style_tags = False @property def _stack(self): """The current token stack.""" return self._stacks[-1][0] @property def _context(self): """The current token context.""" return self._stacks[-1][1] @_context.setter def _context(self, value): self._stacks[-1][1] = value @property def _textbuffer(self): """The current textbuffer.""" return self._stacks[-1][2] @_textbuffer.setter def _textbuffer(self, value): self._stacks[-1][2] = value @property def _stack_ident(self): """An identifier for the current stack. This is based on the starting head position and context. Stacks with the same identifier are always parsed in the same way. This can be used to cache intermediate parsing info. """ return self._stacks[-1][3] def _push(self, context=0): """Add a new token stack, context, and textbuffer to the list.""" new_ident = (self._head, context) if new_ident in self._bad_routes: raise BadRoute(context) self._stacks.append([[], context, [], new_ident]) self._depth += 1 def _push_textbuffer(self): """Push the textbuffer onto the stack as a Text node and clear it.""" if self._textbuffer: self._stack.append(tokens.Text(text="".join(self._textbuffer))) self._textbuffer = [] def _pop(self, keep_context=False): """Pop the current stack/context/textbuffer, returning the stack. If *keep_context* is ``True``, then we will replace the underlying stack's context with the current stack's. """ self._push_textbuffer() self._depth -= 1 if keep_context: context = self._context stack = self._stacks.pop()[0] self._context = context return stack return self._stacks.pop()[0] def _can_recurse(self): """Return whether or not our max recursion depth has been exceeded.""" return self._depth < self.MAX_DEPTH def _memoize_bad_route(self): """Remember that the current route (head + context at push) is invalid. This will be noticed when calling _push with the same head and context, and the route will be failed immediately. """ self._bad_routes.add(self._stack_ident) def _fail_route(self): """Fail the current tokenization route. Discards the current stack/context/textbuffer and raises :exc:`.BadRoute`. """ context = self._context self._memoize_bad_route() self._pop() raise BadRoute(context) def _emit(self, token): """Write a token to the end of the current token stack.""" self._push_textbuffer() self._stack.append(token) def _emit_first(self, token): """Write a token to the beginning of the current token stack.""" self._push_textbuffer() self._stack.insert(0, token) def _emit_text(self, text): """Write text to the current textbuffer.""" self._textbuffer.append(text) def _emit_all(self, tokenlist): """Write a series of tokens to the current stack at once.""" if tokenlist and isinstance(tokenlist[0], tokens.Text): self._emit_text(tokenlist.pop(0).text) self._push_textbuffer() self._stack.extend(tokenlist) def _emit_text_then_stack(self, text): """Pop the current stack, write *text*, and then write the stack.""" stack = self._pop() self._emit_text(text) if stack: self._emit_all(stack) self._head -= 1 def _read(self, delta=0, wrap=False, strict=False): """Read the value at a relative point in the wikicode. The value is read from :attr:`self._head <_head>` plus the value of *delta* (which can be negative). If *wrap* is ``False``, we will not allow attempts to read from the end of the string if ``self._head + delta`` is negative. If *strict* is ``True``, the route will be failed (with :meth:`_fail_route`) if we try to read from past the end of the string; otherwise, :attr:`self.END ` is returned. If we try to read from before the start of the string, :attr:`self.START ` is returned. """ index = self._head + delta if index < 0 and (not wrap or abs(index) > len(self._text)): return self.START try: return self._text[index] except IndexError: if strict: self._fail_route() return self.END def _parse_template(self, has_content): """Parse a template at the head of the wikicode string.""" reset = self._head context = contexts.TEMPLATE_NAME if has_content: context |= contexts.HAS_TEMPLATE try: template = self._parse(context) except BadRoute: self._head = reset raise self._emit_first(tokens.TemplateOpen()) self._emit_all(template) self._emit(tokens.TemplateClose()) def _parse_argument(self): """Parse an argument at the head of the wikicode string.""" reset = self._head try: argument = self._parse(contexts.ARGUMENT_NAME) except BadRoute: self._head = reset raise self._emit_first(tokens.ArgumentOpen()) self._emit_all(argument) self._emit(tokens.ArgumentClose()) def _parse_template_or_argument(self): """Parse a template or argument at the head of the wikicode string.""" self._head += 2 braces = 2 while self._read() == "{": self._head += 1 braces += 1 has_content = False self._push() while braces: if braces == 1: return self._emit_text_then_stack("{") if braces == 2: try: self._parse_template(has_content) except BadRoute: return self._emit_text_then_stack("{{") break try: self._parse_argument() braces -= 3 except BadRoute: try: self._parse_template(has_content) braces -= 2 except BadRoute: return self._emit_text_then_stack("{" * braces) if braces: has_content = True self._head += 1 self._emit_all(self._pop()) if self._context & contexts.FAIL_NEXT: self._context ^= contexts.FAIL_NEXT def _handle_template_param(self): """Handle a template parameter at the head of the string.""" if self._context & contexts.TEMPLATE_NAME: if not self._context & (contexts.HAS_TEXT | contexts.HAS_TEMPLATE): self._fail_route() self._context ^= contexts.TEMPLATE_NAME elif self._context & contexts.TEMPLATE_PARAM_VALUE: self._context ^= contexts.TEMPLATE_PARAM_VALUE else: self._emit_all(self._pop()) self._context |= contexts.TEMPLATE_PARAM_KEY self._emit(tokens.TemplateParamSeparator()) self._push(self._context) def _handle_template_param_value(self): """Handle a template parameter's value at the head of the string.""" self._emit_all(self._pop()) self._context ^= contexts.TEMPLATE_PARAM_KEY self._context |= contexts.TEMPLATE_PARAM_VALUE self._emit(tokens.TemplateParamEquals()) def _handle_template_end(self): """Handle the end of a template at the head of the string.""" if self._context & contexts.TEMPLATE_NAME: if not self._context & (contexts.HAS_TEXT | contexts.HAS_TEMPLATE): self._fail_route() elif self._context & contexts.TEMPLATE_PARAM_KEY: self._emit_all(self._pop()) self._head += 1 return self._pop() def _handle_argument_separator(self): """Handle the separator between an argument's name and default.""" self._context ^= contexts.ARGUMENT_NAME self._context |= contexts.ARGUMENT_DEFAULT self._emit(tokens.ArgumentSeparator()) def _handle_argument_end(self): """Handle the end of an argument at the head of the string.""" self._head += 2 return self._pop() def _parse_wikilink(self): """Parse an internal wikilink at the head of the wikicode string.""" reset = self._head + 1 self._head += 2 try: # If the wikilink looks like an external link, parse it as such: link, extra, delta = self._really_parse_external_link(True) except BadRoute: self._head = reset + 1 try: # Otherwise, actually parse it as a wikilink: wikilink = self._parse(contexts.WIKILINK_TITLE) except BadRoute: self._head = reset self._emit_text("[[") else: self._emit(tokens.WikilinkOpen()) self._emit_all(wikilink) self._emit(tokens.WikilinkClose()) else: if self._context & contexts.EXT_LINK_TITLE: # In this exceptional case, an external link that looks like a # wikilink inside of an external link is parsed as text: self._head = reset self._emit_text("[[") return self._emit_text("[") self._emit(tokens.ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=True)) self._emit_all(link) self._emit(tokens.ExternalLinkClose()) def _handle_wikilink_separator(self): """Handle the separator between a wikilink's title and its text.""" self._context ^= contexts.WIKILINK_TITLE self._context |= contexts.WIKILINK_TEXT self._emit(tokens.WikilinkSeparator()) def _handle_wikilink_end(self): """Handle the end of a wikilink at the head of the string.""" self._head += 1 return self._pop() def _parse_bracketed_uri_scheme(self): """Parse the URI scheme of a bracket-enclosed external link.""" self._push(contexts.EXT_LINK_URI) if self._read() == self._read(1) == "/": self._emit_text("//") self._head += 2 else: valid = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+.-" all_valid = lambda: all(char in valid for char in self._read()) scheme = "" while self._read() is not self.END and all_valid(): scheme += self._read() self._emit_text(self._read()) self._head += 1 if self._read() != ":": self._fail_route() self._emit_text(":") self._head += 1 slashes = self._read() == self._read(1) == "/" if slashes: self._emit_text("//") self._head += 2 if not is_scheme(scheme, slashes): self._fail_route() def _parse_free_uri_scheme(self): """Parse the URI scheme of a free (no brackets) external link.""" valid = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+.-" scheme = [] try: # We have to backtrack through the textbuffer looking for our # scheme since it was just parsed as text: for chunk in reversed(self._textbuffer): for char in reversed(chunk): if char.isspace() or char in self.MARKERS: raise StopIteration() if char not in valid: raise BadRoute() scheme.append(char) except StopIteration: pass scheme = "".join(reversed(scheme)) slashes = self._read() == self._read(1) == "/" if not is_scheme(scheme, slashes): raise BadRoute() self._push(self._context | contexts.EXT_LINK_URI) self._emit_text(scheme) self._emit_text(":") if slashes: self._emit_text("//") self._head += 2 def _handle_free_link_text(self, punct, tail, this): """Handle text in a free ext link, including trailing punctuation.""" if "(" in this and ")" in punct: punct = punct[:-1] # ')' is not longer valid punctuation if this.endswith(punct): for i in range(len(this) - 1, 0, -1): if this[i - 1] not in punct: break else: i = 0 stripped = this[:i] if stripped and tail: self._emit_text(tail) tail = "" tail += this[i:] this = stripped elif tail: self._emit_text(tail) tail = "" self._emit_text(this) return punct, tail def _is_free_link_end(self, this, next): """Return whether the current head is the end of a free link.""" # Built from _parse()'s end sentinels: after, ctx = self._read(2), self._context equal_sign_contexts = contexts.TEMPLATE_PARAM_KEY | contexts.HEADING return (this in (self.END, "\n", "[", "]", "<", ">") or this == next == "'" or (this == "|" and ctx & contexts.TEMPLATE) or (this == "=" and ctx & equal_sign_contexts) or (this == next == "}" and ctx & contexts.TEMPLATE) or (this == next == after == "}" and ctx & contexts.ARGUMENT)) def _really_parse_external_link(self, brackets): """Really parse an external link.""" if brackets: self._parse_bracketed_uri_scheme() invalid = ("\n", " ", "]") else: self._parse_free_uri_scheme() invalid = ("\n", " ", "[", "]") punct = tuple(",;\\.:!?)") if self._read() is self.END or self._read()[0] in invalid: self._fail_route() tail = "" while True: this, next = self._read(), self._read(1) if this == "&": if tail: self._emit_text(tail) tail = "" self._parse_entity() elif (this == "<" and next == "!" and self._read(2) == self._read(3) == "-"): if tail: self._emit_text(tail) tail = "" self._parse_comment() elif not brackets and self._is_free_link_end(this, next): return self._pop(), tail, -1 elif this is self.END or this == "\n": self._fail_route() elif this == next == "{" and self._can_recurse(): if tail: self._emit_text(tail) tail = "" self._parse_template_or_argument() elif this == "]": return self._pop(), tail, 0 elif " " in this: before, after = this.split(" ", 1) if brackets: self._emit_text(before) self._emit(tokens.ExternalLinkSeparator()) if after: self._emit_text(after) self._context ^= contexts.EXT_LINK_URI self._context |= contexts.EXT_LINK_TITLE self._head += 1 return self._parse(push=False), None, 0 punct, tail = self._handle_free_link_text(punct, tail, before) return self._pop(), tail + " " + after, 0 elif not brackets: punct, tail = self._handle_free_link_text(punct, tail, this) else: self._emit_text(this) self._head += 1 def _remove_uri_scheme_from_textbuffer(self, scheme): """Remove the URI scheme of a new external link from the textbuffer.""" length = len(scheme) while length: if length < len(self._textbuffer[-1]): self._textbuffer[-1] = self._textbuffer[-1][:-length] break length -= len(self._textbuffer[-1]) self._textbuffer.pop() def _parse_external_link(self, brackets): """Parse an external link at the head of the wikicode string.""" if self._context & contexts.NO_EXT_LINKS or not self._can_recurse(): if not brackets and self._context & contexts.DL_TERM: self._handle_dl_term() else: self._emit_text(self._read()) return reset = self._head self._head += 1 try: link, extra, delta = self._really_parse_external_link(brackets) except BadRoute: self._head = reset if not brackets and self._context & contexts.DL_TERM: self._handle_dl_term() else: self._emit_text(self._read()) else: if not brackets: scheme = link[0].text.split(":", 1)[0] self._remove_uri_scheme_from_textbuffer(scheme) self._emit(tokens.ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=brackets)) self._emit_all(link) self._emit(tokens.ExternalLinkClose()) self._head += delta if extra: self._emit_text(extra) def _parse_heading(self): """Parse a section heading at the head of the wikicode string.""" self._global |= contexts.GL_HEADING reset = self._head self._head += 1 best = 1 while self._read() == "=": best += 1 self._head += 1 context = contexts.HEADING_LEVEL_1 << min(best - 1, 5) try: title, level = self._parse(context) except BadRoute: self._head = reset + best - 1 self._emit_text("=" * best) else: self._emit(tokens.HeadingStart(level=level)) if level < best: self._emit_text("=" * (best - level)) self._emit_all(title) self._emit(tokens.HeadingEnd()) finally: self._global ^= contexts.GL_HEADING def _handle_heading_end(self): """Handle the end of a section heading at the head of the string.""" reset = self._head self._head += 1 best = 1 while self._read() == "=": best += 1 self._head += 1 current = int(log(self._context / contexts.HEADING_LEVEL_1, 2)) + 1 level = min(current, min(best, 6)) try: # Try to check for a heading closure after this one after, after_level = self._parse(self._context) except BadRoute: if level < best: self._emit_text("=" * (best - level)) self._head = reset + best - 1 return self._pop(), level else: # Found another closure self._emit_text("=" * best) self._emit_all(after) return self._pop(), after_level def _really_parse_entity(self): """Actually parse an HTML entity and ensure that it is valid.""" self._emit(tokens.HTMLEntityStart()) self._head += 1 this = self._read(strict=True) if this == "#": numeric = True self._emit(tokens.HTMLEntityNumeric()) self._head += 1 this = self._read(strict=True) if this[0].lower() == "x": hexadecimal = True self._emit(tokens.HTMLEntityHex(char=this[0])) this = this[1:] if not this: self._fail_route() else: hexadecimal = False else: numeric = hexadecimal = False valid = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF" if hexadecimal else "0123456789" if not numeric and not hexadecimal: valid += "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" if not all([char in valid for char in this]): self._fail_route() self._head += 1 if self._read() != ";": self._fail_route() if numeric: test = int(this, 16) if hexadecimal else int(this) if test < 1 or test > 0x10FFFF: self._fail_route() else: if this not in htmlentities.entitydefs: self._fail_route() self._emit(tokens.Text(text=this)) self._emit(tokens.HTMLEntityEnd()) def _parse_entity(self): """Parse an HTML entity at the head of the wikicode string.""" reset = self._head try: self._push(contexts.HTML_ENTITY) self._really_parse_entity() except BadRoute: self._head = reset self._emit_text(self._read()) else: self._emit_all(self._pop()) def _parse_comment(self): """Parse an HTML comment at the head of the wikicode string.""" self._head += 4 reset = self._head - 1 self._push() while True: this = self._read() if this == self.END: self._pop() self._head = reset self._emit_text("