name: basic label: a basic tag with an open and close input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: basic_selfclosing label: a basic self-closing tag input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="")] --- name: content label: a tag with some content in the middle input: "this is a reference" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="this is a reference"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: padded_open label: a tag with some padding in the open tag input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseOpen(padding=" "), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: padded_close label: a tag with some padding in the close tag input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref "), TagCloseClose()] --- name: padded_selfclosing label: a self-closing tag with padding input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding=" ")] --- name: attribute label: a tag with a single attribute input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="name"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: attribute_value label: a tag with a single attribute with a value input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="name"), TagAttrEquals(), Text(text="foo"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: attribute_quoted label: a tag with a single quoted attribute input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="name"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), Text(text="foo bar"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: attribute_hyphen label: a tag with a single attribute, containing a hyphen input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="name"), TagAttrEquals(), Text(text="foo-bar"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: attribute_quoted_hyphen label: a tag with a single quoted attribute, containing a hyphen input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="name"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), Text(text="foo-bar"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: attribute_selfclosing label: a self-closing tag with a single attribute input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="name"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="")] --- name: attribute_selfclosing_value label: a self-closing tag with a single attribute with a value input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="name"), TagAttrEquals(), Text(text="foo"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="")] --- name: attribute_selfclosing_value_quoted label: a self-closing tag with a single quoted attribute input: "" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="name"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), Text(text="foo"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="")] --- name: nested_tag label: a tag nested within the attributes of another input: "foo>citation" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="name"), TagAttrEquals(), TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="span"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="style"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), Text(text="color: red;"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="foo"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="span"), TagCloseClose(), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="citation"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: nested_tag_quoted label: a tag nested within the attributes of another, quoted input: "foo">citation" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="name"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="span"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="style"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), Text(text="color: red;"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="foo"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="span"), TagCloseClose(), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="citation"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: nested_troll_tag label: a bogus tag that appears to be nested within the attributes of another input: ">citation" output: [Text(text=">citation")] --- name: nested_troll_tag_quoted label: a bogus tag that appears to be nested within the attributes of another, quoted input: "citation" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="name"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), Text(text=""), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="citation"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: invalid_space_begin_open label: invalid tag: a space at the beginning of the open tag input: "< ref>test" output: [Text(text="< ref>test")] --- name: invalid_space_begin_close label: invalid tag: a space at the beginning of the close tag input: "test" output: [Text(text="test")] --- name: valid_space_end label: valid tag: spaces at the ends of both the open and close tags input: "test" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseOpen(padding=" "), Text(text="test"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref "), TagCloseClose()] --- name: invalid_template_ends label: invalid tag: a template at the ends of both the open and close tags input: "test" output: [Text(text="test" output: [Text(text="test" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="foo"), TemplateClose(), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="test"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: valid_template_end_open_space_end_close label: valid tag: a template at the end of the open tag; whitespace at the end of the close tag input: "test" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="ref"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="foo"), TemplateClose(), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="test"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="ref\n"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: invalid_template_end_open_nospace label: invalid tag: a template at the end of the open tag, without spacing input: "test" output: [Text(text="test" output: [Text(text="test")] --- name: invalid_template_start_open label: invalid tag: a template at the beginning of the open tag input: "<{{foo}}ref>test" output: [Text(text="<"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="foo"), TemplateClose(), Text(text="ref>test")] --- name: unclosed_quote label: a quoted attribute that is never closed input: "stuff" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="span"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="style"), TagAttrEquals(), Text(text="\"foo\"bar"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="stuff"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="span"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: fake_quote_complex label: a fake quoted attribute, with spaces and templates and links input: "stuff" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="span"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="style"), TagAttrEquals(), Text(text="\"foo"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="\n", pad_after_eq=""), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="bar"), TemplateClose(), TagAttrStart(pad_first="", pad_before_eq=" ", pad_after_eq=""), WikilinkOpen(), Text(text="baz"), WikilinkClose(), Text(text="\"buzz"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="stuff"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="span"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: incomplete_lbracket label: incomplete tags: just a left bracket input: "<" output: [Text(text="<")] --- name: incomplete_lbracket_junk label: incomplete tags: just a left bracket, surrounded by stuff input: "foo" output: [Text(text="junk ")] --- name: incomplete_open_unnamed_attr label: incomplete tags: an open tag, unnamed attribute input: "junk " output: [Text(text="junk ")] --- name: incomplete_open_attr_equals label: incomplete tags: an open tag, attribute, equal sign input: "junk " output: [Text(text="junk ")] --- name: incomplete_open_attr label: incomplete tags: an open tag, attribute with a key/value input: "junk " output: [Text(text="junk ")] --- name: incomplete_open_attr_quoted label: incomplete tags: an open tag, attribute with a key/value, quoted input: "junk " output: [Text(text="junk ")] --- name: incomplete_open_text label: incomplete tags: an open tag, text input: "junk foo" output: [Text(text="junk foo")] --- name: incomplete_open_attr_text label: incomplete tags: an open tag, attribute with a key/value, text input: "junk bar" output: [Text(text="junk bar")] --- name: incomplete_open_text_lbracket label: incomplete tags: an open tag, text, left open bracket input: "junk bar<" output: [Text(text="junk bar<")] --- name: incomplete_open_text_lbracket_slash label: incomplete tags: an open tag, text, left bracket, slash input: "junk barbarbarbar" output: [Text(text="junk bar")] --- name: incomplete_close label: incomplete tags: a close tag input: "junk " output: [Text(text="junk ")] --- name: incomplete_no_tag_name_open label: incomplete tags: no tag name within brackets; just an open input: "junk <>" output: [Text(text="junk <>")] --- name: incomplete_no_tag_name_selfclosing label: incomplete tags: no tag name within brackets; self-closing input: "junk < />" output: [Text(text="junk < />")] --- name: incomplete_no_tag_name_open_close label: incomplete tags: no tag name within brackets; open and close input: "junk <>" output: [Text(text="junk <>")] --- name: backslash_premature_before label: a backslash before a quote before a space input: "blah" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="foo"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="attribute"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), Text(text="this is\\\" quoted"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="blah"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="foo"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: backslash_premature_after label: a backslash before a quote after a space input: "blah" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="foo"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="attribute"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), Text(text="this is \\\"quoted"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="blah"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="foo"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: backslash_premature_middle label: a backslash before a quote in the middle of a word input: "blah" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="foo"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="attribute"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), Text(text="this i\\\"s quoted"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="blah"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="foo"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: backslash_adjacent label: escaped quotes next to unescaped quotes input: "blah" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="foo"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="attribute"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), Text(text="\\\"this is quoted\\\""), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="blah"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="foo"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: backslash_endquote label: backslashes before the end quote, causing the attribute to become unquoted input: "blah" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="foo"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="attribute"), TagAttrEquals(), Text(text="\"this_is"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="quoted\\\""), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="blah"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="foo"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: backslash_double label: two adjacent backslashes, which do *not* affect the quote input: "blah" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="foo"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="attribute"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), Text(text="this is\\\\"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="quoted\""), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="blah"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="foo"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: backslash_triple label: three adjacent backslashes, which do *not* affect the quote input: "blah" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="foo"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="attribute"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), Text(text="this is\\\\\\"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="quoted\""), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="blah"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="foo"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: backslash_unaffecting label: backslashes near quotes, but not immediately adjacent, thus having no effect input: "blah" output: [TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="foo"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="attribute"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), Text(text="\\quote\\d"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="also"), TagAttrEquals(), Text(text="\"quote\\d\\\""), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="blah"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="foo"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: unparsable label: a tag that should not be put through the normal parser input: "{{t1}}{{t2}}{{t3}}" output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="t1"), TemplateClose(), TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="nowiki"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="{{t2}}"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="nowiki"), TagCloseClose(), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="t3"), TemplateClose()] --- name: unparsable_complex label: a tag that should not be put through the normal parser; lots of stuff inside input: "{{t1}}
{{t2}}\n==Heading==\nThis is some text with a [[page|link]].
{{t3}}" output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="t1"), TemplateClose(), TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="pre"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="{{t2}}\n==Heading==\nThis is some text with a [[page|link]]."), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="pre"), TagCloseClose(), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="t3"), TemplateClose()] --- name: unparsable_attributed label: a tag that should not be put through the normal parser; parsed attributes input: "{{t1}}{{t2}}{{t3}}" output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text=u't1'), TemplateClose(), TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="nowiki"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="attr"), TagAttrEquals(), Text(text="val"), TagAttrStart(pad_first=" ", pad_before_eq="", pad_after_eq=""), Text(text="attr2"), TagAttrEquals(), TagAttrQuote(), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="val2"), TemplateClose(), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="{{t2}}"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="nowiki"), TagCloseClose(), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="t3"), TemplateClose()] --- name: unparsable_incomplete label: a tag that should not be put through the normal parser; incomplete input: "{{t1}}{{t2}}{{t3}}" output: [TemplateOpen(), Text(text="t1"), TemplateClose(), Text(text=""), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="t2"), TemplateClose(), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="t3"), TemplateClose()] --- name: single_open_close label: a tag that supports being single; both an open and a close tag input: "foo
  • bar{{baz}}
  • " output: [Text(text="foo"), TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="li"), TagCloseOpen(padding=""), Text(text="bar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose(), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="li"), TagCloseClose()] --- name: single_open label: a tag that supports being single; just an open tag input: "foo
  • bar{{baz}}" output: [Text(text="foo"), TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="li"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="", implicit=True), Text(text="bar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose()] --- name: single_selfclose label: a tag that supports being single; a self-closing tag input: "foo
  • bar{{baz}}" output: [Text(text="foo"), TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="li"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding=""), Text(text="bar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose()] --- name: single_close label: a tag that supports being single; just a close tag input: "foo
  • bar{{baz}}" output: [Text(text="foobar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose()] --- name: single_only_open_close label: a tag that can only be single; both an open and a close tag input: "foo
    " output: [Text(text="foo"), TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="br"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="", implicit=True), Text(text="bar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose(), TagOpenOpen(invalid=True), Text(text="br"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="", implicit=True)] --- name: single_only_open label: a tag that can only be single; just an open tag input: "foo
    bar{{baz}}" output: [Text(text="foo"), TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="br"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="", implicit=True), Text(text="bar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose()] --- name: single_only_selfclose label: a tag that can only be single; a self-closing tag input: "foo
    bar{{baz}}" output: [Text(text="foo"), TagOpenOpen(), Text(text="br"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding=""), Text(text="bar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose()] --- name: single_only_close label: a tag that can only be single; just a close tag input: "foo
    bar{{baz}}" output: [Text(text="foo"), TagOpenOpen(invalid=True), Text(text="br"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding="", implicit=True), Text(text="bar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose()] --- name: single_only_double label: a tag that can only be single; a tag with backslashes at the beginning and end input: "foo
    bar{{baz}}" output: [Text(text="foo"), TagOpenOpen(invalid=True), Text(text="br"), TagCloseSelfclose(padding=""), Text(text="bar"), TemplateOpen(), Text(text="baz"), TemplateClose()]