Changelog ========= v0.4 ---- Unreleased (`changes `__): - The parser is now distributed with Windows binaries, fixing an issue that prevented Windows users from using the C tokenizer. - Added support for parsing wikicode tables. - Added a script to test for memory leaks in :file:`scripts/`. - Added a script to do releases in :file:`scripts/`. - *skip_style_tags* can now be passed to :func:`mwparserfromhell.parse() <.parse_anything>` (previously, only :meth:`.Parser.parse` allowed it). - The *recursive* argument to :class:`Wikicode's <.Wikicode>` :meth:`.filter` methods now accepts a third option, ``RECURSE_OTHERS``, which recurses over all children except instances of *forcetype* (for example, ``code.filter_templates(code.RECURSE_OTHERS)`` returns all un-nested templates). - The parser now understands HTML tag attributes quoted with single quotes. When setting a tag attribute's value, quotes will be added if necessary. As part of this, :class:`.Attribute`\ 's :attr:`~.Attribute.quoted` attribute has been changed to :attr:`~.Attribute.quotes`, and is now either a string or ``None``. - Calling :meth:`.Template.remove` with a :class:`.Parameter` object that is not part of the template now raises :exc:`ValueError` instead of doing nothing. - :class:`.Parameter`\ s with non-integer keys can no longer be created with *showkey=False*, nor have the value of this attribute be set to *False* later. - :meth:`._ListProxy.destroy` has been changed to :meth:`._ListProxy.detach`, and now works in a more useful way. - If something goes wrong while parsing, :exc:`.ParserError` will now be raised. Previously, the parser would produce an unclear :exc:`.BadRoute` exception or allow an incorrect node tree to be build. - Fixed a parser bug involving nested tags, and another involving comments in template names. - Test coverage has been improved, and some minor related bugs have been fixed. - Updated and fixed some documentation. v0.3.3 ------ `Released April 22, 2014 `_ (`changes `__): - Added support for Python 2.6 and 3.4. - :meth:`.Template.has` is now passed *ignore_empty=False* by default instead of *True*. This fixes a bug when adding parameters to templates with empty fields, **and is a breaking change if you rely on the default behavior.** - The *matches* argument of :class:`Wikicode's <.Wikicode>` :meth:`.filter` methods now accepts a function (taking one argument, a :class:`.Node`, and returning a bool) in addition to a regex. - Re-added *flat* argument to :meth:`.Wikicode.get_sections`, fixed the order in which it returns sections, and made it faster. - :meth:`.Wikicode.matches` now accepts a tuple or list of strings/:class:`.Wikicode` objects instead of just a single string or :class:`.Wikicode`. - Given the frequency of issues with the (admittedly insufficient) tag parser, there's a temporary *skip_style_tags* argument to :meth:`~.Parser.parse` that ignores ``''`` and ``'''`` until these issues are corrected. - Fixed a parser bug involving nested wikilinks and external links. - C code cleanup and speed improvements. v0.3.2 ------ `Released September 1, 2013 `_ (`changes `__): - Added support for Python 3.2 (along with current support for 3.3 and 2.7). - Renamed :meth:`.Template.remove`\ 's first argument from *name* to *param*, which now accepts :class:`.Parameter` objects in addition to parameter name strings. v0.3.1 ------ `Released August 29, 2013 `_ (`changes `__): - Fixed a parser bug involving URLs nested inside other markup. - Fixed some typos. v0.3 ---- `Released August 24, 2013 `_ (`changes `__): - Added complete support for HTML :class:`Tags <.Tag>`, including forms like ``foo``, ````, and wiki-markup tags like bold (``'''``), italics (``''``), and lists (``*``, ``#``, ``;`` and ``:``). - Added support for :class:`.ExternalLink`\ s (```` and ``[ Example]``). - :class:`Wikicode's <.Wikicode>` :meth:`.filter` methods are now passed *recursive=True* by default instead of *False*. **This is a breaking change if you rely on any filter() methods being non-recursive by default.** - Added a :meth:`.matches` method to :class:`.Wikicode` for page/template name comparisons. - The *obj* param of :meth:`.Wikicode.insert_before`, :meth:`.insert_after`, :meth:`~.Wikicode.replace`, and :meth:`~.Wikicode.remove` now accepts :class:`.Wikicode` objects and strings representing parts of wikitext, instead of just nodes. These methods also make all possible substitutions instead of just one. - Renamed :meth:`.Template.has_param` to :meth:`~.Template.has` for consistency with :class:`.Template`\ 's other methods; :meth:`.has_param` is now an alias. - The C tokenizer extension now works on Python 3 in addition to Python 2.7. - Various bugfixes, internal changes, and cleanup. v0.2 ---- `Released June 20, 2013 `_ (`changes `__): - The parser now fully supports Python 3 in addition to Python 2.7. - Added a C tokenizer extension that is significantly faster than its Python equivalent. It is enabled by default (if available) and can be toggled by setting :attr:`mwparserfromhell.parser.use_c` to a boolean value. - Added a complete set of unit tests covering parsing and wikicode manipulation. - Renamed :meth:`.filter_links` to :meth:`.filter_wikilinks` (applies to :meth:`.ifilter` as well). - Added filter methods for :class:`Arguments <.Argument>`, :class:`Comments <.Comment>`, :class:`Headings <.Heading>`, and :class:`HTMLEntities <.HTMLEntity>`. - Added *before* param to :meth:`.Template.add`; renamed *force_nonconformity* to *preserve_spacing*. - Added *include_lead* param to :meth:`.Wikicode.get_sections`. - Removed *flat* param from :meth:`.get_sections`. - Removed *force_no_field* param from :meth:`.Template.remove`. - Added support for Travis CI. - Added note about Windows build issue in the README. - The tokenizer will limit itself to a realistic recursion depth to prevent errors and unreasonably long parse times. - Fixed how some nodes' attribute setters handle input. - Fixed multiple bugs in the tokenizer's handling of invalid markup. - Fixed bugs in the implementation of :class:`.SmartList` and :class:`.StringMixIn`. - Fixed some broken example code in the README; other copyedits. - Other bugfixes and code cleanup. v0.1.1 ------ `Released September 21, 2012 `_ (`changes `__): - Added support for :class:`Comments <.Comment>` (````) and :class:`Wikilinks <.Wikilink>` (``[[foo]]``). - Added corresponding :meth:`.ifilter_links` and :meth:`.filter_links` methods to :class:`.Wikicode`. - Fixed a bug when parsing incomplete templates. - Fixed :meth:`.strip_code` to affect the contents of headings. - Various copyedits in documentation and comments. v0.1 ---- `Released August 23, 2012 `_: - Initial release.