# Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Ben Kurtovic # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. """ Test cases for the Tag node. """ import pytest from mwparserfromhell.nodes import Tag, Template, Text from mwparserfromhell.nodes.extras import Attribute from .conftest import assert_wikicode_equal, wrap, wraptext agen = lambda name, value: Attribute(wraptext(name), wraptext(value)) agennv = lambda name: Attribute(wraptext(name)) agennq = lambda name, value: Attribute(wraptext(name), wraptext(value), None) agenp = lambda name, v, a, b, c: Attribute(wraptext(name), v, '"', a, b, c) agenpnv = lambda name, a, b, c: Attribute(wraptext(name), None, '"', a, b, c) def test_str(): """test Tag.__str__()""" node1 = Tag(wraptext("ref")) node2 = Tag(wraptext("span"), wraptext("foo"), [agen("style", "color: red;")]) node3 = Tag(wraptext("ref"), attrs=[agennq("name", "foo"), agenpnv("some_attr", " ", "", "")], self_closing=True) node4 = Tag(wraptext("br"), self_closing=True, padding=" ") node5 = Tag(wraptext("br"), self_closing=True, implicit=True) node6 = Tag(wraptext("br"), self_closing=True, invalid=True, implicit=True) node7 = Tag(wraptext("br"), self_closing=True, invalid=True, padding=" ") node8 = Tag(wraptext("hr"), wiki_markup="----", self_closing=True) node9 = Tag(wraptext("i"), wraptext("italics!"), wiki_markup="''") assert "" == str(node1) assert 'foo' == str(node2) assert "" == str(node3) assert "
" == str(node4) assert "
" == str(node5) assert "
" == str(node6) assert "
" == str(node7) assert "----" == str(node8) assert "''italics!''" == str(node9) def test_children(): """test Tag.__children__()""" # foobar node1 = Tag(wraptext("ref"), wraptext("foobar")) # '''bold text''' node2 = Tag(wraptext("b"), wraptext("bold text"), wiki_markup="'''") # node3 = Tag(wraptext("img"), attrs=[agen("id", "foo"), agen("class", "bar"), agennv("selected")], self_closing=True, padding=" ") gen1 = node1.__children__() gen2 = node2.__children__() gen3 = node3.__children__() assert node1.tag == next(gen1) assert node3.tag == next(gen3) assert node3.attributes[0].name == next(gen3) assert node3.attributes[0].value == next(gen3) assert node3.attributes[1].name == next(gen3) assert node3.attributes[1].value == next(gen3) assert node3.attributes[2].name == next(gen3) assert node1.contents == next(gen1) assert node2.contents == next(gen2) assert node1.closing_tag == next(gen1) with pytest.raises(StopIteration): next(gen1) with pytest.raises(StopIteration): next(gen2) with pytest.raises(StopIteration): next(gen3) def test_strip(): """test Tag.__strip__()""" node1 = Tag(wraptext("i"), wraptext("foobar")) node2 = Tag(wraptext("math"), wraptext("foobar")) node3 = Tag(wraptext("br"), self_closing=True) assert "foobar" == node1.__strip__() assert node2.__strip__() is None assert node3.__strip__() is None def test_showtree(): """test Tag.__showtree__()""" output = [] getter, marker = object(), object() get = lambda code: output.append((getter, code)) mark = lambda: output.append(marker) node1 = Tag(wraptext("ref"), wraptext("text"), [agen("name", "foo"), agennv("selected")]) node2 = Tag(wraptext("br"), self_closing=True, padding=" ") node3 = Tag(wraptext("br"), self_closing=True, invalid=True, implicit=True, padding=" ") node1.__showtree__(output.append, get, mark) node2.__showtree__(output.append, get, mark) node3.__showtree__(output.append, get, mark) valid = [ "<", (getter, node1.tag), (getter, node1.attributes[0].name), " = ", marker, (getter, node1.attributes[0].value), (getter, node1.attributes[1].name), ">", (getter, node1.contents), "", "<", (getter, node2.tag), "/>", ""] assert valid == output def test_tag(): """test getter/setter for the tag attribute""" tag = wraptext("ref") node = Tag(tag, wraptext("text")) assert tag is node.tag assert tag is node.closing_tag node.tag = "span" assert_wikicode_equal(wraptext("span"), node.tag) assert_wikicode_equal(wraptext("span"), node.closing_tag) assert "text" == node def test_contents(): """test getter/setter for the contents attribute""" contents = wraptext("text") node = Tag(wraptext("ref"), contents) assert contents is node.contents node.contents = "text and a {{template}}" parsed = wrap([Text("text and a "), Template(wraptext("template"))]) assert_wikicode_equal(parsed, node.contents) assert "text and a {{template}}" == node def test_attributes(): """test getter for the attributes attribute""" attrs = [agen("name", "bar")] node1 = Tag(wraptext("ref"), wraptext("foo")) node2 = Tag(wraptext("ref"), wraptext("foo"), attrs) assert [] == node1.attributes assert attrs is node2.attributes def test_wiki_markup(): """test getter/setter for the wiki_markup attribute""" node = Tag(wraptext("i"), wraptext("italic text")) assert None is node.wiki_markup node.wiki_markup = "''" assert "''" == node.wiki_markup assert "''italic text''" == node node.wiki_markup = False assert node.wiki_markup is None assert "italic text" == node def test_self_closing(): """test getter/setter for the self_closing attribute""" node = Tag(wraptext("ref"), wraptext("foobar")) assert node.self_closing is False node.self_closing = True assert node.self_closing is True assert "" == node node.self_closing = 0 assert node.self_closing is False assert "foobar" == node def test_invalid(): """test getter/setter for the invalid attribute""" node = Tag(wraptext("br"), self_closing=True, implicit=True) assert node.invalid is False node.invalid = True assert node.invalid is True assert "
" == node node.invalid = 0 assert node.invalid is False assert "
" == node def test_implicit(): """test getter/setter for the implicit attribute""" node = Tag(wraptext("br"), self_closing=True) assert node.implicit is False node.implicit = True assert node.implicit is True assert "
" == node node.implicit = 0 assert node.implicit is False assert "
" == node def test_padding(): """test getter/setter for the padding attribute""" node = Tag(wraptext("ref"), wraptext("foobar")) assert "" == node.padding node.padding = " " assert " " == node.padding assert "foobar" == node node.padding = None assert "" == node.padding assert "foobar" == node with pytest.raises(ValueError): node.__setattr__("padding", True) def test_closing_tag(): """test getter/setter for the closing_tag attribute""" tag = wraptext("ref") node = Tag(tag, wraptext("foobar")) assert tag is node.closing_tag node.closing_tag = "ref {{ignore me}}" parsed = wrap([Text("ref "), Template(wraptext("ignore me"))]) assert_wikicode_equal(parsed, node.closing_tag) assert "foobar" == node def test_wiki_style_separator(): """test getter/setter for wiki_style_separator attribute""" node = Tag(wraptext("table"), wraptext("\n")) assert None is node.wiki_style_separator node.wiki_style_separator = "|" assert "|" == node.wiki_style_separator node.wiki_markup = "{" assert "{|\n{" == node node2 = Tag(wraptext("table"), wraptext("\n"), wiki_style_separator="|") assert "|" == node2.wiki_style_separator def test_closing_wiki_markup(): """test getter/setter for closing_wiki_markup attribute""" node = Tag(wraptext("table"), wraptext("\n")) assert None is node.closing_wiki_markup node.wiki_markup = "{|" assert "{|" == node.closing_wiki_markup node.closing_wiki_markup = "|}" assert "|}" == node.closing_wiki_markup assert "{|\n|}" == node node.wiki_markup = "!!" assert "|}" == node.closing_wiki_markup assert "!!\n|}" == node node.wiki_markup = False assert node.closing_wiki_markup is None assert "\n
" == node node2 = Tag(wraptext("table"), wraptext("\n"), attrs=[agen("id", "foo")], wiki_markup="{|", closing_wiki_markup="|}") assert "|}" == node2.closing_wiki_markup assert '{| id="foo"\n|}' == node2 def test_has(): """test Tag.has()""" node = Tag(wraptext("ref"), wraptext("cite"), [agen("name", "foo")]) assert node.has("name") is True assert node.has(" name ") is True assert node.has(wraptext("name")) is True assert node.has("Name") is False assert node.has("foo") is False attrs = [agen("id", "foo"), agenp("class", "bar", " ", "\n", "\n"), agen("foo", "bar"), agenpnv("foo", " ", " \n ", " \t")] node2 = Tag(wraptext("div"), attrs=attrs, self_closing=True) assert node2.has("id") is True assert node2.has("class") is True assert node2.has(attrs[1].pad_first + str(attrs[1].name) + attrs[1].pad_before_eq) is True assert node2.has(attrs[3]) is True assert node2.has(str(attrs[3])) is True assert node2.has("idclass") is False assert node2.has("id class") is False assert node2.has("id=foo") is False def test_get(): """test Tag.get()""" attrs = [agen("name", "foo")] node = Tag(wraptext("ref"), wraptext("cite"), attrs) assert attrs[0] is node.get("name") assert attrs[0] is node.get(" name ") assert attrs[0] is node.get(wraptext("name")) with pytest.raises(ValueError): node.get("Name") with pytest.raises(ValueError): node.get("foo") attrs = [agen("id", "foo"), agenp("class", "bar", " ", "\n", "\n"), agen("foo", "bar"), agenpnv("foo", " ", " \n ", " \t")] node2 = Tag(wraptext("div"), attrs=attrs, self_closing=True) assert attrs[0] is node2.get("id") assert attrs[1] is node2.get("class") assert attrs[1] is node2.get( attrs[1].pad_first + str(attrs[1].name) + attrs[1].pad_before_eq) assert attrs[3] is node2.get(attrs[3]) assert attrs[3] is node2.get(str(attrs[3])) assert attrs[3] is node2.get(" foo") with pytest.raises(ValueError): node2.get("idclass") with pytest.raises(ValueError): node2.get("id class") with pytest.raises(ValueError): node2.get("id=foo") def test_add(): """test Tag.add()""" node = Tag(wraptext("ref"), wraptext("cite")) node.add("name", "value") node.add("name", "value", quotes=None) node.add("name", "value", quotes="'") node.add("name") node.add(1, False) node.add("style", "{{foobar}}") node.add("name", "value", '"', "\n", " ", " ") attr1 = ' name="value"' attr2 = " name=value" attr3 = " name='value'" attr4 = " name" attr5 = ' 1="False"' attr6 = ' style="{{foobar}}"' attr7 = '\nname = "value"' assert attr1 == node.attributes[0] assert attr2 == node.attributes[1] assert attr3 == node.attributes[2] assert attr4 == node.attributes[3] assert attr5 == node.attributes[4] assert attr6 == node.attributes[5] assert attr7 == node.attributes[6] assert attr7 == node.get("name") assert_wikicode_equal(wrap([Template(wraptext("foobar"))]), node.attributes[5].value) assert "".join(("cite
")) == node with pytest.raises(ValueError): node.add("name", "foo", quotes="bar") with pytest.raises(ValueError): node.add("name", "a bc d", quotes=None) def test_remove(): """test Tag.remove()""" attrs = [agen("id", "foo"), agenp("class", "bar", " ", "\n", "\n"), agen("foo", "bar"), agenpnv("foo", " ", " \n ", " \t")] node = Tag(wraptext("div"), attrs=attrs, self_closing=True) node.remove("class") assert '
' == node node.remove("foo") assert '
' == node with pytest.raises(ValueError): node.remove("foo") node.remove("id") assert '
' == node