A Python parser for MediaWiki wikicode https://mwparserfromhell.readthedocs.io/
25'ten fazla konu seçemezsiniz Konular bir harf veya rakamla başlamalı, kısa çizgiler ('-') içerebilir ve en fazla 35 karakter uzunluğunda olabilir.

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  1. # Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Ben Kurtovic <ben.kurtovic@gmail.com>
  2. #
  3. # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  4. # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
  5. # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
  6. # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  7. # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  8. # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
  9. #
  10. # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
  11. # all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  12. #
  19. # SOFTWARE.
  20. from collections import defaultdict
  21. import re
  22. from ._base import Node
  23. from .html_entity import HTMLEntity
  24. from .text import Text
  25. from .extras import Parameter
  26. from ..utils import parse_anything
  27. __all__ = ["Template"]
  28. FLAGS = re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE
  29. # Used to allow None as a valid fallback value
  30. _UNSET = object()
  31. class Template(Node):
  32. """Represents a template in wikicode, like ``{{foo}}``."""
  33. def __init__(self, name, params=None):
  34. super().__init__()
  35. self.name = name
  36. if params:
  37. self._params = params
  38. else:
  39. self._params = []
  40. def __str__(self):
  41. if self.params:
  42. params = "|".join([str(param) for param in self.params])
  43. return "{{" + str(self.name) + "|" + params + "}}"
  44. return "{{" + str(self.name) + "}}"
  45. def __children__(self):
  46. yield self.name
  47. for param in self.params:
  48. if param.showkey:
  49. yield param.name
  50. yield param.value
  51. def __strip__(self, **kwargs):
  52. if kwargs.get("keep_template_params"):
  53. parts = [param.value.strip_code(**kwargs) for param in self.params]
  54. return " ".join(part for part in parts if part)
  55. return None
  56. def __showtree__(self, write, get, mark):
  57. write("{{")
  58. get(self.name)
  59. for param in self.params:
  60. write(" | ")
  61. mark()
  62. get(param.name)
  63. write(" = ")
  64. mark()
  65. get(param.value)
  66. write("}}")
  67. @staticmethod
  68. def _surface_escape(code, char):
  69. """Return *code* with *char* escaped as an HTML entity.
  70. The main use of this is to escape pipes (``|``) or equal signs (``=``)
  71. in parameter names or values so they are not mistaken for new
  72. parameters.
  73. """
  74. replacement = str(HTMLEntity(value=ord(char)))
  75. for node in code.filter_text(recursive=False):
  76. if char in node:
  77. code.replace(node, node.replace(char, replacement), False)
  78. @staticmethod
  79. def _select_theory(theories):
  80. """Return the most likely spacing convention given different options.
  81. Given a dictionary of convention options as keys and their occurrence
  82. as values, return the convention that occurs the most, or ``None`` if
  83. there is no clear preferred style.
  84. """
  85. if theories:
  86. values = tuple(theories.values())
  87. best = max(values)
  88. confidence = float(best) / sum(values)
  89. if confidence > 0.5:
  90. return tuple(theories.keys())[values.index(best)]
  91. return None
  92. @staticmethod
  93. def _blank_param_value(value):
  94. """Remove the content from *value* while keeping its whitespace.
  95. Replace *value*\\ 's nodes with two text nodes, the first containing
  96. whitespace from before its content and the second containing whitespace
  97. from after its content.
  98. """
  99. sval = str(value)
  100. if sval.isspace():
  101. before, after = "", sval
  102. else:
  103. match = re.search(r"^(\s*).*?(\s*)$", sval, FLAGS)
  104. before, after = match.group(1), match.group(2)
  105. value.nodes = [Text(before), Text(after)]
  106. def _get_spacing_conventions(self, use_names):
  107. """Try to determine the whitespace conventions for parameters.
  108. This will examine the existing parameters and use
  109. :meth:`_select_theory` to determine if there are any preferred styles
  110. for how much whitespace to put before or after the value.
  111. """
  112. before_theories = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
  113. after_theories = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
  114. for param in self.params:
  115. if not param.showkey:
  116. continue
  117. if use_names:
  118. component = str(param.name)
  119. else:
  120. component = str(param.value)
  121. match = re.search(r"^(\s*).*?(\s*)$", component, FLAGS)
  122. before, after = match.group(1), match.group(2)
  123. if not use_names and component.isspace() and "\n" in before:
  124. # If the value is empty, we expect newlines in the whitespace
  125. # to be after the content, not before it:
  126. before, after = before.split("\n", 1)
  127. after = "\n" + after
  128. before_theories[before] += 1
  129. after_theories[after] += 1
  130. before = self._select_theory(before_theories)
  131. after = self._select_theory(after_theories)
  132. return before, after
  133. def _fix_dependendent_params(self, i):
  134. """Unhide keys if necessary after removing the param at index *i*."""
  135. if not self.params[i].showkey:
  136. for param in self.params[i + 1 :]:
  137. if not param.showkey:
  138. param.showkey = True
  139. def _remove_exact(self, needle, keep_field):
  140. """Remove a specific parameter, *needle*, from the template."""
  141. for i, param in enumerate(self.params):
  142. if param is needle:
  143. if keep_field:
  144. self._blank_param_value(param.value)
  145. else:
  146. self._fix_dependendent_params(i)
  147. self.params.pop(i)
  148. return
  149. raise ValueError(needle)
  150. def _should_remove(self, i, name):
  151. """Look ahead for a parameter with the same name, but hidden.
  152. If one exists, we should remove the given one rather than blanking it.
  153. """
  154. if self.params[i].showkey:
  155. following = self.params[i + 1 :]
  156. better_matches = [
  157. after.name.strip() == name and not after.showkey for after in following
  158. ]
  159. return any(better_matches)
  160. return False
  161. @property
  162. def name(self):
  163. """The name of the template, as a :class:`.Wikicode` object."""
  164. return self._name
  165. @property
  166. def params(self):
  167. """The list of parameters contained within the template."""
  168. return self._params
  169. @name.setter
  170. def name(self, value):
  171. self._name = parse_anything(value)
  172. def has(self, name, ignore_empty=False):
  173. """Return ``True`` if any parameter in the template is named *name*.
  174. With *ignore_empty*, ``False`` will be returned even if the template
  175. contains a parameter with the name *name*, if the parameter's value
  176. is empty. Note that a template may have multiple parameters with the
  177. same name, but only the last one is read by the MediaWiki parser.
  178. """
  179. name = str(name).strip()
  180. for param in self.params:
  181. if param.name.strip() == name:
  182. if ignore_empty and not param.value.strip():
  183. continue
  184. return True
  185. return False
  186. def has_param(self, name, ignore_empty=False):
  187. """Alias for :meth:`has`."""
  188. return self.has(name, ignore_empty)
  189. def get(self, name, default=_UNSET):
  190. """Get the parameter whose name is *name*.
  191. The returned object is a :class:`.Parameter` instance. Raises
  192. :exc:`ValueError` if no parameter has this name. If *default* is set,
  193. returns that instead. Since multiple parameters can have the same name,
  194. we'll return the last match, since the last parameter is the only one
  195. read by the MediaWiki parser.
  196. """
  197. name = str(name).strip()
  198. for param in reversed(self.params):
  199. if param.name.strip() == name:
  200. return param
  201. if default is _UNSET:
  202. raise ValueError(name)
  203. return default
  204. def __getitem__(self, name):
  205. return self.get(name)
  206. def add(
  207. self, name, value, showkey=None, before=None, after=None, preserve_spacing=True
  208. ):
  209. """Add a parameter to the template with a given *name* and *value*.
  210. *name* and *value* can be anything parsable by
  211. :func:`.utils.parse_anything`; pipes and equal signs are automatically
  212. escaped from *value* when appropriate.
  213. If *name* is already a parameter in the template, we'll replace its
  214. value.
  215. If *showkey* is given, this will determine whether or not to show the
  216. parameter's name (e.g., ``{{foo|bar}}``'s parameter has a name of
  217. ``"1"`` but it is hidden); otherwise, we'll make a safe and intelligent
  218. guess.
  219. If *before* is given (either a :class:`.Parameter` object or a name),
  220. then we will place the parameter immediately before this one.
  221. Otherwise, it will be added at the end. If *before* is a name and
  222. exists multiple times in the template, we will place it before the last
  223. occurrence. If *before* is not in the template, :exc:`ValueError` is
  224. raised. The argument is ignored if *name* is an existing parameter.
  225. If *after* is given (either a :class:`.Parameter` object or a name),
  226. then we will place the parameter immediately after this one. If *after*
  227. is a name and exists multiple times in the template, we will place it
  228. after the last occurrence. If *after* is not in the template,
  229. :exc:`ValueError` is raised. The argument is ignored if *name* is an
  230. existing parameter or if a value is passed to *before*.
  231. If *preserve_spacing* is ``True``, we will try to preserve whitespace
  232. conventions around the parameter, whether it is new or we are updating
  233. an existing value. It is disabled for parameters with hidden keys,
  234. since MediaWiki doesn't strip whitespace in this case.
  235. """
  236. name, value = parse_anything(name), parse_anything(value)
  237. self._surface_escape(value, "|")
  238. if self.has(name):
  239. self.remove(name, keep_field=True)
  240. existing = self.get(name)
  241. if showkey is not None:
  242. existing.showkey = showkey
  243. if not existing.showkey:
  244. self._surface_escape(value, "=")
  245. nodes = existing.value.nodes
  246. if preserve_spacing and existing.showkey:
  247. for i in range(2): # Ignore empty text nodes
  248. if not nodes[i]:
  249. nodes[i] = None
  250. existing.value = parse_anything([nodes[0], value, nodes[1]])
  251. else:
  252. existing.value = value
  253. return existing
  254. if showkey is None:
  255. if Parameter.can_hide_key(name):
  256. int_name = int(str(name))
  257. int_keys = set()
  258. for param in self.params:
  259. if not param.showkey:
  260. int_keys.add(int(str(param.name)))
  261. expected = min(set(range(1, len(int_keys) + 2)) - int_keys)
  262. if expected == int_name:
  263. showkey = False
  264. else:
  265. showkey = True
  266. else:
  267. showkey = True
  268. if not showkey:
  269. self._surface_escape(value, "=")
  270. if preserve_spacing and showkey:
  271. before_n, after_n = self._get_spacing_conventions(use_names=True)
  272. before_v, after_v = self._get_spacing_conventions(use_names=False)
  273. name = parse_anything([before_n, name, after_n])
  274. value = parse_anything([before_v, value, after_v])
  275. param = Parameter(name, value, showkey)
  276. if before:
  277. assert after is None, "Cannot set a value for both 'before' and 'after'"
  278. if not isinstance(before, Parameter):
  279. before = self.get(before)
  280. self.params.insert(self.params.index(before), param)
  281. elif after:
  282. if not isinstance(after, Parameter):
  283. after = self.get(after)
  284. self.params.insert(self.params.index(after) + 1, param)
  285. else:
  286. self.params.append(param)
  287. return param
  288. def __setitem__(self, name, value):
  289. return self.add(name, value)
  290. def remove(self, param, keep_field=False):
  291. """Remove a parameter from the template, identified by *param*.
  292. If *param* is a :class:`.Parameter` object, it will be matched exactly,
  293. otherwise it will be treated like the *name* argument to :meth:`has`
  294. and :meth:`get`.
  295. If *keep_field* is ``True``, we will keep the parameter's name, but
  296. blank its value. Otherwise, we will remove the parameter completely.
  297. When removing a parameter with a hidden name, subsequent parameters
  298. with hidden names will be made visible. For example, removing ``bar``
  299. from ``{{foo|bar|baz}}`` produces ``{{foo|2=baz}}`` because
  300. ``{{foo|baz}}`` is incorrect.
  301. If the parameter shows up multiple times in the template and *param* is
  302. not a :class:`.Parameter` object, we will remove all instances of it
  303. (and keep only one if *keep_field* is ``True`` - either the one with a
  304. hidden name, if it exists, or the first instance).
  305. """
  306. if isinstance(param, Parameter):
  307. self._remove_exact(param, keep_field)
  308. return
  309. name = str(param).strip()
  310. removed = False
  311. to_remove = []
  312. for i, par in enumerate(self.params):
  313. if par.name.strip() == name:
  314. if keep_field:
  315. if self._should_remove(i, name):
  316. to_remove.append(i)
  317. else:
  318. self._blank_param_value(par.value)
  319. keep_field = False
  320. else:
  321. self._fix_dependendent_params(i)
  322. to_remove.append(i)
  323. if not removed:
  324. removed = True
  325. if not removed:
  326. raise ValueError(name)
  327. for i in reversed(to_remove):
  328. self.params.pop(i)
  329. def __delitem__(self, param):
  330. return self.remove(param)