A Python parser for MediaWiki wikicode https://mwparserfromhell.readthedocs.io/
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  1. MWParserFromHell v0.1 Documentation
  2. ===================================
  3. :py:mod:`mwparserfromhell` (the *MediaWiki Parser from Hell*) is a Python
  4. package that provides an easy-to-use and outrageously powerful parser for
  5. MediaWiki_ wikicode. It supports Python 2 and Python 3.
  6. Developed by Earwig_ with help from `Σ`_.
  7. .. _MediaWiki: http://mediawiki.org
  8. .. _Earwig: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:The_Earwig
  9. .. _Σ: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Σ
  10. Installation
  11. ------------
  12. The easiest way to install the parser is through the `Python Package Index`_,
  13. so you can install the latest release with ``pip install mwparserfromhell``
  14. (`get pip`_). Alternatively, get the latest development version::
  15. git clone git://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell.git
  16. cd mwparserfromhell
  17. python setup.py install
  18. You can run the comprehensive unit testing suite with ``python setup.py test``.
  19. .. _Python Package Index: http://pypi.python.org
  20. .. _get pip: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip
  21. Contents
  22. --------
  23. .. toctree::
  24. :maxdepth: 2
  25. usage
  26. integration
  27. API Reference <api/modules>
  28. Indices and tables
  29. ------------------
  30. * :ref:`genindex`
  31. * :ref:`modindex`
  32. * :ref:`search`