<%include file="/support/header.mako" args="title='TIF Calculator'"/>
% if "title" in result: % else: % endif
% if "error" in result:
% if result["error"] == "no page":

Can't find the given page: ${result["page"].title | h}.

% else: An unknown error occurred. % endif
% endif % if "tif" in result:
${result["page"].title | h}
% if result["protection"]: % else: % endif
TIF ${"{0:.2f}".format(result["tif"])} views/min
Transclusions ${result["transclusions"]}
Protection${result["protection"]["level"]} until ${result["protection"]["expiry"]}None
% if "cache_time" in result:
Pageview data is cached from up to ${result["cache_age"]} ago.
% endif
% endif <%include file="/support/footer.mako"/>