- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from datetime import datetime, timedelta
- from gzip import GzipFile
- from json import loads
- from os.path import expanduser
- from StringIO import StringIO
- from urllib import quote
- from urllib2 import URLError
- from earwigbot.bot import Bot
- from oursql import connect
- __all__ = ["calculate_tif"]
- SITE_DB = "enwiki_p"
- def _get_db(bot):
- args = bot.config.wiki["_tifSQL"]
- args["read_default_file"] = expanduser("~/.my.cnf")
- args["autoping"] = True
- args["autoreconnect"] = True
- return connect(**args)
- def _count_transclusions(cursor, title, ns):
- query = """SELECT COUNT(*)
- FROM {0}.templatelinks
- WHERE tl_title = ? AND tl_namespace = ? AND tl_from_namespace = 0"""
- cursor.execute(query.format(SITE_DB), (title, ns))
- return cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
- def _count_views(cursor, title, ns):
- query = """SELECT SUM(cache_views), MIN(cache_time)
- FROM {0}.templatelinks
- INNER JOIN cache ON tl_from = cache_id
- WHERE tl_title = ? AND tl_namespace = ? AND tl_from_namespace = 0"""
- cursor.execute(query.format(SITE_DB), (title, ns))
- return cursor.fetchall()[0]
- def _get_avg_views(site, article):
- url = ("https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/metrics/pageviews/per-article/"
- "{0}.{1}/all-access/user/{2}/daily/{3}/{4}")
- days = 30
- slug = quote(article, safe="")
- start = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=days)).strftime("%Y%m%d")
- end = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d")
- query = url.format(site.lang, site.project, slug, start, end)
- try:
- response = site._opener.open(query) # We're terrible
- except URLError:
- return None
- result = response.read()
- if response.headers.get("Content-Encoding") == "gzip":
- stream = StringIO(result)
- gzipper = GzipFile(fileobj=stream)
- result = gzipper.read()
- try:
- res = loads(result)
- except ValueError:
- return None
- if "items" not in res:
- return None
- total_views = sum(item["views"] for item in res["items"])
- return total_views / (float(days) * 24 * 60)
- def _update_views(cursor, site, title, ns):
- cache_life = "7 DAY"
- query1 = """DELETE FROM cache
- WHERE cache_time < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {0})"""
- query2 = """SELECT tl_from, page_title
- FROM {0}.templatelinks
- LEFT JOIN {0}.page ON tl_from = page_id
- LEFT JOIN cache ON tl_from = cache_id
- WHERE tl_title = ? AND tl_namespace = ? AND tl_from_namespace = 0
- AND cache_id IS NULL"""
- query3 = """INSERT INTO cache (cache_id, cache_views, cache_time)
- UPDATE cache_views = ?, cache_time = NOW()"""
- cursor.execute(query1.format(cache_life))
- cursor.execute(query2.format(SITE_DB), (title, ns))
- while True:
- titles = cursor.fetchmany(1024)
- if not titles:
- break
- viewcounts = [(pageid, _get_avg_views(site, name))
- for (pageid, name) in titles]
- parambatch = [(i, v, v) for (i, v) in viewcounts if v is not None]
- cursor.executemany(query3, parambatch)
- def _compute_stats(db, page):
- title = page.title.split(":", 1)[-1].replace(" ", "_")
- title = title[0].upper() + title[1:]
- with db.cursor() as cursor:
- transclusions = _count_transclusions(cursor, title, page.namespace)
- _update_views(cursor, page.site, title, page.namespace)
- tif, cache_time = _count_views(cursor, title, page.namespace)
- return tif, transclusions, cache_time
- def _format_time(cache_time):
- formatter = lambda n, w: "{0} {1}{2}".format(n, w, "" if n == 1 else "s")
- diff = datetime.utcnow() - cache_time
- total_seconds = diff.days * 86400 + diff.seconds
- if total_seconds > 86400:
- return formatter(total_seconds / 86400, "day")
- if total_seconds > 3600:
- return formatter(total_seconds / 3600, "hour")
- if total_seconds > 60:
- return formatter(total_seconds / 60, "minute")
- return formatter(total_seconds, "second")
- def _get_protection(page):
- edit = [prot for prot in page.protection if prot["type"] == "edit"]
- return edit[0] if edit else None
- def calculate_tif(title):
- bot = Bot(".earwigbot")
- db = _get_db(bot)
- site = bot.wiki.get_site()
- page = site.get_page(title)
- result = {"title": title, "page": page}
- if page.exists != page.PAGE_EXISTS:
- result["error"] = "no page"
- return result
- tif, transclusions, cache_time = _compute_stats(db, page)
- result["tif"] = tif
- result["transclusions"] = transclusions
- result["protection"] = _get_protection(page)
- if cache_time:
- result["cache_time"] = cache_time.strftime("%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S UTC")
- result["cache_age"] = _format_time(cache_time)
- return result